Class Tuning Coming June 28

RIP survival. Back to garbage tier.

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they kick you because you are bad at your class, get gud instead!

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No I’m swapping to destro, so I can be bad and still pull 30k dps.

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well it is only $60 to boost a warlock

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Its free now that I bought my epic edition of Dragonlands.


blizzard can we please give the nerfs in season 4 the same treatment of sargeras sword???..what sword?

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Technically not but it’s the stereotypes that spread.

Is Feral on Destro Levels? Of course not.

Is Feral good enough for most players to achieve things like KSM? Certainly.

The problem is the first statement is all
People consider, so feral Druids will see less invites, and yes I know people can make their own keys.

Regardless of when the “meta” specs are more required, players will always take what they are told is good or looks good. That is SV and Destro. The only solution for this is for tier sets to or borrowed powers to not be so wildly different between specs.

You telling me or anyone else that doesn’t matter. If I know in a 10 SV is brain dead and impossible to mess up, why wouldn’t I always take that?

FOTM is an outdated way of thinking from back when leveling up a new toon in wow was a gigantic time investment. It certainly still takes time, but 50-60 takes like 6 hours or something which is trivial to how long you’ll be gearing at max level. Getting to level 50 (the level you could boost to at the start of the xpac) takes about 12-24 hours which still really isn’t a whole lot compared to how long leveling took historically.

Therefore, why wouldn’t you be considering changing your main every patch if the time investment is pretty much the same? There are definitely specs I don’t enjoy playing, but I’m definitely thinking about what specs I like and what is meta relevant each patch, particularly if you are raiding or doing M+ at a high level. While I like resto druid, I ended up playing a bit of balance druid in 9.1 because resto just wasn’t competitive and I had a mage, shaman, and this warlock on the backburner as well.

I mean it’s true that the community perception is the issue here. But again community perception only matters when you’re pugging. A point that I keep trying to hammer away on is: Stop Pugging.

It’s the most antisocial way you can play an inherently social aspect of the game.

I think the bigger issue is that keys can get depleted and so failing to time a key means you really need to do 2+ more keys to make up for it and even 15s have a significant chance of failure for PUGs. If you can get into other groups, this isn’t nearly as big of a deal because if you mess up your key, you can just finish out the week using other peoples’ keys and don’t need to worry about pushing up that key.

Pugging is how you meet people in WoW. I met my glad partners (smeld from Business Class) pugging, I met my current mythic raid / m+ buddies pugging.

Pugging and meeting new people, that is literally what socializing is all about. Now if you can’t get into groups because of your class, your opportunity of socializing decreases.

Want to know how I met smeld? he was a priest and me and my bro were queueing RMP. He doesn’t play wow anymore but i still queue dota with him. Him and my bro ended up going to a show/wake boarding together in colorado during one holiday. Pugs are friends mate. Had he had been a shaman, we might not have been friends =(

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How about you buff the other classes to where Destro and Survival are at? Clown Fiesta :clown_face:

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Please uncap outlaw, its not fun doing damage only to 5 targets.


If you compare the data from S3 and S2 on the top keys… the meta is so strongly slanted towards Survival Hunter+Destro Lock. They’re basically the two foundation pillars of any key push team.

Blood DKs are also God-tier overtuned as well just like how Guardian druids were in S2.

So it’s basically Blood DK+Survival Hunter+Destro Lock+H Priest or R Shaman+Floater 5th dps.

The meta changes so hard every patch. Certain DPS specs literally just completely fall off the radar when weeks before they’d be in every group.

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Kaivax would you kindly reply to the ele shaman community regarding your post from march 2022 with the bogus accessibility problem while playing storm ele that caused our speed and maelstrom generation to be cut in half when we talented storm ele? Why cant those changes be reverted and why is ele the only class with accessibility issues? Did anyone from blizzard development even read this thread? Isnt it your job to read and respond to the thread? How many more players need to complain in order for the blizz team to listen to the ele community?


Kaivax would you kindly reply to the ele shaman community regarding your post from march 2022 with the bogus accessibility problem while playing storm ele that caused our speed and maelstrom generation to be cut in half when we talented storm ele? Why cant those changes be reverted and why is ele the only class with accessibility issues? Did anyone from blizzard development even read this thread? Isnt it your job to read and respond to the thread? How many more players need to complain in order for the blizz team to listen to the ele community?

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So you want everyone to reroll to Warlock or SV Hunter to push keys? Who is in charge of these changes? You are literally alienating your playerbase.


Feral was looking promising on the 9.2.5 PTR, and then Blizzard nerfed their tier set by 65% solely off of a twitch clip of a streamer doing high numbers in the burst with buffs from other party members (i.e nf priest fae guardian, blessing of summer, etc). After this happened, it put ferals in a position to be barely viable.

But I guess its ok for a SV hunter or Destro lock to burst 300k+ in some twitch clips and not have anything done to them.

Just to top it all off to show how bad ferals really are in keys, a feral druid by the name of Psybear posted a YouTube video in which he did a DoS. The group was solely there to buff the feral to see how much feral could do in overall. I’m talking every buff in the book they could get; blessing of summer, PI, fae guardians, monk dmg buff, warrior AP. Anyways, the feral did 23k overall. 23k., and that was in a level 19. Imagine if that were a competitive key level like a 25 or higher, it would be way lower. Compare that to a fotm reroller who can easily do 30k+ in a key of that matter.

So yeah, I wouldn’t expect feral to get any special treatment. The last time feral was semi decent was in Legion.


I mean warriors have had it pretty good for most of the expansion. I don’t think I’ve seen a case where warriors were rejected for not being solid.

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only the bad warriors get rejected, thats why Kurock has being so salty…lol