Class Tuning Coming June 28

Hello Rita,

Have you heard of survival hunter and their greenish cousins windwalkers?

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No, I just can’t really argue with someone who’s arguing in idiotic extremes. It’s pointless to try, not like you’re listening to a word I say anyways.

I listened, just not good points. Have a great day.

Unfortunately, survival is not rdps anymore. WW is very strong, they actually buffed its ST when it was doing 30s! Lol

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No, you grossly oversimplified the entire topic to make a rather foolish point.

I won’t have a great day, but that’s mostly because of a migraine. Hope you have a great day, though.

Ah i missed the R part of dps. I dunno I think the lock nerfs would probably put lock on par with mage. Destro would still pump alongside demo from what the lock discord was saying.

Only reason mage is seeing some higher keys is their utility / survivability. Not their dps. I’ve yet to see a fire mage come within 10k on a high key. Decurse, seed, block, caut, high vers stat though really clutching though.

So, when is season 4?

Remember when Blizz tried to nerf ele shaman early this patch? Haha, yeah the whole shaman community came together, even had a 800+ post about how we don’t like the change and want it reversed before it went live

Shaman’s got 0 response from Blizzard, and the changes went live anyway.

I’m actually saddened by this
 not haha-hehe sad if funny internet meme sad
 but proper sad :frowning: just not cool


Months. Bow to your M+ overlords.

The moment Holy Priests became decent. You go super nerf mode

Some of us do hate Discipline and just like the simplicity of Holy

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Ah yes, neglect the other 23 dps specs so 2 specs get to stroke each other while it lasts for their 0.1% MDI push almost no one watches.


If you scroll through the comps of high keys the 3rd dps doesn’t really matter as long as destro and survival are your other 2. There are monks, mages, rogues, shamans, demon hunters, etc. all revolving in the 3rd spot but suspiciously there aren’t any high keys were those revolving 3rd dps specs make up all 3 dps spots. The lock and Hunter always have to be present.

And I’d be fine with adjusting monks and any other spec. People like to harp on posting characters instead of trying to objectively look at all 36 specs.


Correct, post-launch nerfs are more thought out and balanced.

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Yeah, typically 3rd dps is for the utility tbh. Decurse needed like halls, take mage. More aoe / poison, monk.

but its all surv / lock at the end of the day.


The best triple lock dps is a timed 29 :smiley: kind of funky imo. But one is demo (also a good spec)!

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At the end of the day it’s easier to get into keys by not pugging at all, by making friends and playing literally whatever you want.

Again, this always comes back to people making the game harder on themselves.

Mage was far too meta defining for the past 4 seasons. I’m actually happy that we’re not as dominant in the space as we have been. It’s good that other classes and specs are seeing a rise in play.

But I don’t let the fact that my class isn’t meta keep from doing content I want to.


any reasonable person would 100% agree with this, even me being a warlock i agree

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But I think mage in M+ is such good for longer time. They dominant 9.0 and 9.1, and after warlock and Survival nerfing, mage will becomes the leader again. I am not sure why mage player can complain about this. Think about Spriest,dk and other specs.

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I literally don’t care if warlock and surv are still the best. The issue is by how much. There is no reason that these specs should be at 30k at the end of the dungeon and the other specs in the game are at 17-18k.

I dont just play mage btw, I play blood/frost dk, spriest, and hunter as well.


You have to remember that most of the people that play wow are total hacks. If their class isn’t the absolute best in the game, they have to go on a tear. If their class is clearly too strong, they stay dead silent.

It’s never an interest in balancing the game, it’s an interest in “I want to be OP”

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