Class Tuning Coming June 28

Granted they’re memes now and SP/Druid/Sham are probably going to be trash but War/Ret/DK are absolutely going to shoot up in stocks next season because they can get a free Gavel and Old Warriors Soul without even trying. Fury will be able to DW Gavel / Jaithys and in raid Arms / Fury / Ret can weapon swap after activating Gavel to Jaithys.

I mean, every tier list out there has had Feral has C tier or worse, literally the lowest rated spec almost every expansion.

it doesn’t really even kick in until like 28-29.

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Okay so a nerfed lock wouldn’t be being held back by their class either right?


This is so troll dude. From someone who min maxes for raid, you should know every little bit matters.

Yeah can players get better, sure. But not all the time. The difference in getting glad, a m+ title, skipping a dps check literally could be in their class choice. Choice matters even if you are not top 0.1% because not everyone can play on that level.

They would most likely play Demo.

At the end of the day, its easier to get into keys for +20 and up playing a good spec, and time higher keys, with meta specs in your group; if you don’t think so than you have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about. Furthermore it makes it far easier to push score playing something good.

Though coming from someone playing a spec that is coddled by blizzard as much as Mage is and seemingly immune to ever being bad, I can see why you’d be talking in this way.


Whoa lets not jump to conclusions here. There is a specific reason why destro and surv need to do 40% more AoE dps. Without that, only their class would hold them back.

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Using this logic they should buff BMs damage by 2000% and then anyone complaining can be told to shut up because it only matters at the very top level of play.


Holy crap this is the most baffling decision I have ever seen Blizzard make. So now you OFFICIALLY admit that you only care about the top 0.1% of eSports players and could not care one whit about the 99% of normal players.

Look at the LFG finder literally every single group has a Destro lock, Survival hunter, and then one other spot. The game is basically impossible to play right now if you don’t reroll to the FOTM specs. And now you aren’t even going to attempt to fix it, because it wouldn’t be fair if non-meta players actually got to play the game right now instead of waiting months for Season 4.

Blizzard constantly makes terrible decisions but I honestly can’t believe they would make a decision this bad. Why the hell do you not care about any specs other than Destro and Survival? This is insane


I hit 3k on BM before swapping to MM. I had some people decline me out the gate because I wasn’t SV, but I was never kicked once accepted.

Yeah I had one dude straight, “lol bm” then kick. Another few just ghost removed me. I would assume thats the reason but could be a friend joined.

There’s almost 300 BM players who’s single spec score is better than your combined spec scores. My BM score is right up there with your individual specs scores. Haven’t pushed on it in a while. If I decided to get sweaty on BM I could out pace your combined score. You just don’t know how to play/comp with BM.

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One can only hope for a day when the plate boys come out to zug. Until then its a caster meta + sneaky bois and were just living in it.

Sorry mages going to have to wait to S4 to be relevant once again. Don’t worry, you’ll stay relevant for another full expansion or 2.

Poor warlocks

It’s standard Blizzard at this point.

I mean they are still bent on keeping dungeon finder out of the expansion that created it and helped make doing leveling dungeons actually possible.

This is incredibly disappointing.

How incompetent are your developers that they wait this long to do any form of balancing then decide “nevermind. it’s fine that one spec is 2x as good as everyone else”?

This is not good for this game. I’m out. I will be canceling my sub.



Oh, and hey, Warlocks aren’t getting nerfed yet. :slight_smile:

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Actually, both frost and fire mages are pretty good in keys right now. Fire would have been the number 1 RDPS if these destro nerfs happened. Yes destro is doing 32s but fire is still doing 31s. Usually, they do them together though because let’s be real :rofl:

So, meta chasers! Time to level up those fire mages! Especially if the mechagon bracers are available.

Classic outro when you have no more arguments. Take care dk brother, may your DS’s be juicy.