Class Tuning Coming June 28

Y’know, I’d care about these changes if I actually liked my lock in PvP. Affi is boring, demo is boring, and destro is a 2-3 button rotation. I miss playing my lock horribly, but just for once wish it was fun again.

Nah, they definitely need a nerf. Running the same class and spec twice in a comp because their damage is so big you don’t care that you’re getting redundant/duplicate utility means it is pretty obvious they’re way too strong. SV Hunter is also a spec that almost nobody plays traditionally and yet currently is the 2nd most popular DPS spec simply based on how much damage it is doing.

The problem was strictly the timing.

I mean, I don’t really disagree, but :man_shrugging:

Blizzrad basically tells us nothing. That said, we have a sort of collective understanding on these things. Nerfing something within the first month is typically fine, nerfing something within a month or two of the end of the season is obviously not fine. We have an upper bound and a lower bound and in all honesty there’s not really a concrete cut-off, its all going to be relative to the scale of the changes and so forth.

then start with that

There are pugs that push pretty damn high, even still. I bet higher than your current IO tbh. Even with friend groups, everyone is playing meta to push high keys.

I shouldn’t have to only run with friends to get invited to a 15 / 20 on an alt.

Also, I know who you are. I’ve raided with you. There a reason your mage is 3k? Are you also playing FOTM and thats why you are defending it so much xd.

So are feral druids actually going to receive some sort of attention so they dont continue to be dog**** tier every expansion in mythic plus or?

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I got 3k in week 4 for conduits for mythic prog. I played with my guildies and friends. I did it before 4 set, and double leggo. The meta wasn’t even defined.

It’s too late in the season to buff them, imagine if they got stronger than destro locks and players wouldn’t have enough time in the season to reroll?

Take Divine Steed, Shield of Vengeance and Eye for an Eye[Talent] off the GCD!


Instead of nerfing the leading specs I think buffing the other specs is a better choice. Aftee you nerf Warlock and Survival,mage and Ww will become the new leading but no one will care about the Specs never allow to join the higher key group, such as Spriest,Druid and Rat Pal.


So you don’t run keys anymore and are giving input on the state of m+ or you do run keys still? Cause if you were running keys and not playing ww/surv/destro, you’d probably be disappointed in mages performance relative to those classes.

What an absolute joke. No other class would have changes delayed for “competitive integrity”. The reality is they’re going to “readjust” the nerfs and it wont even end up being a real nerf at all when the spec needs to absolutely be kneecapped.


I run 20’s for my weekly’s and I do keys on my alts. I am more than confident that my class wouldn’t be holding me back from doing 28’s.

3 weeks is a stretch, more like 2 months, but yea.

People dont need to constantly re-roll, lol wtf. Even then, no ones asking for destro level buffs. They literally just need to buff the direct damage portion of primal strike by a large amount.

Mage probably not for slow/ST/decurse, but its still very disappointing doing 13k less than surv/destro.

However, spriest warrior druid ret sham dk are really bad. The only reason you could potentially do 28s is because mage is somewhat decent.

No one is inviting or would want to queue with some specs right now at that level or even in 20s / 15s. Again, there is just zero reason for these two specs to be this good for this long. Its weird people are defending this.

It took until run 1173 (a +28) to find the first timed run on without a Hunter or warlock.

Pretty much showing as long as you have 1 or both the 3rd dps is fairly interchangeable.

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As of right now, Balance Druid is actually considerably worse than Feral is. Although Feral is still what I would consider in the “mediocre” tier.

has to start soon, unless they want season 4 to be like 3 months

I cannot believe this needs to be said, but apparently a significant chunk of the community needs to hear it.


Class/spec selection matters at a level where 99.1% of the player base isn’t playing.

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this especially if your running 20’s, meta doesnt kick in until 25-26ish