Class Tuning Coming June 28

this dude gets it


baddies gonna stay bad no matter what :scream:

kicked because bm, people will take mm bm is straight dog water and I have YET to see a single bm prove otherwise

Well actually that third would be a WW if you’re going by meta standards :slight_smile:

And exactly. That’s the unfortunate reality of a game where the specs are not even close in DPS. Bringing them to level now doesn’t really do much to give everyone an equal chance of pushing, does it? Maybe if they were buffing everyone else then yeah.

You’re better off hoping that Blizzard re-defines it’s approach to class balancing in more frequent tuning patches next season/expansion rather than thinking nerfing Destro now is going to do anything beyond just soft-lock the title.

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I wonder why. It could be that class balance is pretty off? Or no, thats it, every single BM hunter is bad.

Lol facts. Regardless, this just isn’t fun. I get people are pushing for cutoff but honestly its like 5% of the community if that.

I’ve seen BM hunters do pretty good ST damage, but yeah, their AOE is lacking this patch.

I don’t think nerfing Survival and Warlock is a good idea even you delay it to season 4. Instand of nerfing Survival and Warlock, it is better to buff the other DPS Specs such as Druid, Spriest,Rat Pal to make the choice more diverse. If you gays really learn from M+ log data, Warlock and Survival is lead but not too much compare with Mage and Windwalker. After you ruin the Survival and Warlock in season 4, the M+ will return to 9.1, and Mage,WW will domanit the M+. But others, such as Rat Pal,Spriest and Druid will never alow to join the higher lv keys.


Rewards should be respected though. If they were to go through with the nerfs they might as well just hand out titles too since, again, the plausibility of any off meta classes catch up is smaller than the 5% of players you think are pushing for it.

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They’re the one single spec I’ve seen perform as poorly as they have as consistently as they have, but as I stated up above, buff 'em this nerf mentality devs have that extends to about every game I’ve played is just sad and unfun for most

If you know how the meta works, then you know that PUG keys are almost exclusively filled with absolute morons.

If people would stop pugging, try and network a little bit and make some friends to run keys with, then we wouldn’t have all this complaining about how people can’t get invited into keys.

Y’all are going out of your way to make the game harder on yourself. I recommend don’t.


nerfing a spec when season offically ends in 3 weeks isnt special treatment. just be glad locks nad surv gets btfo season 4

Blizzard needs to come out and say how many weeks need to pass before the players know it’s immune to nerfs.

Let everyone know if it’s worth fotm chasing or not and all, don’t want to waste anyones time.

It was still within the safe nerfing time frame for guardian, but too late for blood and destro and survival apparently.

says the monk

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It also doesn’t look like he plays at a level where the meta is really important.

I mean, if this were true you would also buff the specs with wildly underperforming AoE (Balance, Feral, etc.). I know that sounds like a pretty gross thing to say, but there are obvious solutions to those problems are you just aren’t taking them for reasons nobody understands.

They can’t even announce a firm date for DF launch.

Most people that complain about this stuff don’t.

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Try being objective and looking at the game as a whole and all 36 specs and not biased.

WW should be dialed down too.

Can’t nerf classes early because it would force raids to change their comps, also can’t nerf classes late in the tier because it might force M+ player to change their comps.

Guess the game will always be wildly imbalanced now. Better hope you are one of the haves at the beginning of the tier instead one of the have nots. Warlocks whining that this disrupts them from pushing don’t realize that other specs/classes don’t even have that option on the table from how wildly disproportionate Surv/Desto is compared to every other spec or class.