Can I ask why you think this will effect you getting CE? This won’t effect raid…
Next to the warrior buffs.
Thank for killing Destro. My by far favorite class. All the hard work I put into it with the very limited time I have to actually play is just a straight up kick in the nuts. For months we ate crap from Demo and Aff until we got a small buff. Now because other classes are not that great at AoE we have to pay. You literally do this all the time and have favorites when it comes to classes. No one said crap when Boomkins were literally murdering every class and spec for months on end. Fire mages the same. Now Survival Hunters are GODS…nothing. The sims already show a 2.5 k DPS drop off the rip. Even with your shiat increases to ST. Please. Once again you guys look like college freshman playing spin the bottle with classes Thanks for literally destroying a class that was for the first time ultra mega fun. I actually hate you for this and wont be playing it anymore when a Survival Hunter and just literally face roll his keyboard and the bombs do all the work. I was already considering leaving. Now I just see its time for the check and leave no tip for bad service. Not kidding when I say I hate you people.
Here is the Sim pre nerf.
[Stat Weights - Jackdaniiels - 15,038 DPS -
Here is the Sim after Nerf according to Raidbots.
[Top Gear - Jackdaniiels - 12,981 DPS -
Like seriously. You guys can go to hell for this.
Made quitting in August a lot easier, way too much, way too late for Destro, and too little too late for aff.
Do surv next and blood dk next.
Zero reason why these two specs should be doing 30% more dmg overall then the next best specs. Exhausting, every key is surv/destro doing 30k dps and next is maybe 17k. State of m+ is absolutely miserable.
You still can. I’ve gotten 3k on BM hunter, arcane mage, and frost dk. You dont have to do 30% more damage than everyone to get 3k.
i personally liked how arthas was handled. no rez or return. a final send off, gone forever. do you really want arthas to somehow “comeback” or get “redeemed”?
Ive actually mained feral for 13+years. I finally gave up and went elemental shaman. The amount of dps i pull at 246 ilevel is insane and awesome. I just giggle and smile when i play my shaman who is now my main.
Blood dks already got a tuning pass and don’t do 30% more than the next spec unless they get lucky on aoe with the jailer weapon aoe proc which is completly broken on any spec using it, mostly lucky other specs that use it aren’t much meta.
And in raids since the nerfs they aren’t even top dmg for tanks.
Yeah if you run with a group of friends, i pug all my keys and destro is pretty much bottom spec now in mythic plus and raiding so i doubt it and i don’t feel like sitting for hours in Q waiting.
i feel like something’s amiss here.
is this some form of trolling i’m not aware of
Your more than welcome to check the sims lost 2k single target and 11,000 dps in cleave soo yeah bottom spec
Welcome to the NOT meta club.
My friend lost about 1k dps, make sure you use the right legendary because I think that changed.
yeah you can use embers but its only slightly better by a 100 dps, tbh it doesn’t even matter I’m just going to wait for dragon flight or wean myself off the game. It sucks when you spend 3 months min maxing your gear for it to become irrelevant.
Atleast you’re in the lucky situation of having 2 other competitive specs you can switch to after they’ll buff affliction. Don’t really feel that sky is falling situation that a lot of people describe unless you were pushing for m+ title, but yea they could probably half the nerfs to make it more reasonable this late.
i mean yeah aff is looking pretty good but its only viable in single target and demo was nerfed a while back in single target so ironically aff went from weakest single target to strongest for warlocks. Demo is okay in mythic plus but its pretty lack luster compared to destro pre-hammer. I just wish they would of done this earlier in the patch instead of months later.
you reckon a 5% flat buff will make aff good?
early 9.0 fury had a couple 3-4% flat increases and it was barely noticeable - if at all.
took more than one round of it to have any real effect heh
Aff isn’t that far behind and isn’t gutted like warriors. And they already had a couple fights where they did well like Lords or Pantheon.