Class Tuning and PvP Adjustments Coming in 9.2.5

While I can understand the tuning, and I do agree with the 4 piece nerf. The 2 piece nerf just feels anti-fun. 30 seconds feels incredibly strict, and an over correction.

While in theory this might not really interrupt the free Chaos bolts and RoF’s, in practice this just adds something for the player to worry about. Worrying isn’t fun.


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they dont care about druid players then I dont care at all.

F all the developers


Well, this doesn’t seem to map in any way to these results.

Guessing WW is going back up to 1st. Meanwhile nothing for some specs with nearly half the output of the top performers.


You play DK, that class is like 5 times easier than BM hunter.

Calm down.


These class tuning proves just how trash these guys are at their jobs and they should be given their walking paper months ago.


I’m just curious whats with the 4% buff to BM? why 4%, why not 5% or better yet why not 10%? BM is still like 34% behind Destro so now we’d only be 30% behind? Destro max dps 26.56k, BM max dps 17.61k as per wowmeta.
even with this buff BM still wont be invited to 20+ keys cause it doesnt close the gap enough.
Also you just plain ignore the entirely useless 4pc tier. Add something to it, anything. Its so bland and pretty much garbage.
If you dont want to change the tier due to coding issues, how about you just change the Rylastakler’s leggo and just increase pet dmg by 35% not just crit dmg.


Can’t wait to just get crapped on again by Melee cleaves as a Warlock, this post ruined my day.


It’s a great start, but I suspect it doesn’t address Arcane’s weakness in m+

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Mr bean demands justice!

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This made me laugh more than it should’ve


Buff WW monk again. Sounds about right, lol.


I feel like this expansion they’ve completely missed the mark with Mistweavers. Every form of endgame it’s been just a huge miss and the spec gets no love or proper attention.

And then they want to add another healing class to the game when they can’t even bother to do the bare minimum for Mistweavers. Hire more people please because it’s obvious that corners are being cut.


The idea that these fools are buffing only classes they or their friends play isnt sounding so crazy now. Those numbers they buffed WW by, no excuse or logical reasoning for doing while not touching Affliction at all? Nah, something is wrong wrong.


Where are the Havoc buffs my guy? We need 100% more dam on eye beam and triple buff the 4 set to make it viable, if it consistently makes meta 2m it’s actually not terrible.


Then it should probably be top on single target, and it isn’t.

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They only know about the number 4 is why. It’s the THIRD time their damage has been buffed by 4%. Maybe tune something else, percentage buffs aren’t working.

  • Discipline, Shadow
    • Power Word: Shield absorb amount increased by 10% in PvP.
    • Fixed a bug that reduced the value of Power Word: Shield critical strikes in PvP.

I appreciate the buffs to the shield.

I could understand why you nerfed the borrowed power for shadow priest in the PTR as early as possible because in raids it was a bit high at the time in a raid context.

That nerf have left behind the shadow priest in M+ context at the point SP is like low/mediocre … not competitive.

As a shadow priest I would like a buff to help us to improve our damage profile in M+. I mean at least to be a little bit more competitive and be like “the shadowpriest is ok! not the best but ok!”

My only idea is rollback the nerft to 4pcs…not all 14% in one shot … but can be done in small steps. Because is one of the borrowed powers that help us in AOE.

I tried to re-roll but i didnt find any other engaging class FOR ME!

I’m not here to be the top DPS i just try to enjoy the game but it becomes hard when my favorite spec probably is not that bad but still have bad reputation because is not good enough to be competitive.
For casuals is hard to pug keys as shadows/Disci .


You nerf Destro and suddenly Rygelon’s DPS check becomes harder than it was pre-nerf.

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Would be nice to get some insight as to what the process and goals are when it comes to balance. Because this looks like they’re operating in different reality.