Class Tuning and PvP Adjustments Coming in 9.2.5

Does developer even read this to get feedback?

I don’t think they do based on the past records.

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Thats a load of BS. I could fix this spec in a week without breaking the class. I mean hell, what you are describing as broken is common place and acceptable for classes that already do top tier single target AND multi target to boot. But for some reason, if it happens to Affliction, well thats a bridge to far right?

Easy increases to the 3 main dots and then to drain soul’s boost and haunt and then you have single target without screwing up council fights since DS and Haunt only work on one target at a time. Thats not hard is it?


If I were a developer, I wouldn’t even bother with the forums on a near 20 year old game.

wiggles toes

Except BM are not the lowest DPS spec of any class or spec by far.


Don’t care we are post-nerf now, also my guild has no destruction FOTM rerollers so doesn’t affect us at all


So you can buff abilities in PVE (while not buffing in PVP) which is great, but that leads me to wonder, why haven’t you done this for Feral Frenzy, Lunar Inspiration, and other Feral abilities that are undertuned in PVE?

Swipe is a better single target filler than Shred now for Feral.

Rip is grossly undertuned.

May as well just not play Feral in M+ too, especially now WW is going to be god tier AOE and great single target now too.

I think its time for you guys to introduce aura tuning to M+. I can’t wait to kill Mythic Jailer soon and take a break from this game. Its no surprise so many others have done so, when M+ is supposed to fill PVE gaps between tiers, and you don’t tune it at all.

Or Feral talents/covenants/abilities in general.


Sad to see there are no havoc changes. I know that havoc isn’t exactly in a bad spot right now in terms of throughput, but the gameplay to get into that spot is not fun at all. Basically 95% of the time you’re pressing buttons that ensure you get enough cooldown reduction on eye beam to keep a dot up on your target…

I enjoyed last season Night Fae a lot, but double legendaries made venthyr a must and I hate that gameplay.


saaaweeeet, bm getting another 4% damage buff to all and pet. beast cleave buffed to 100% up from 90%.

at this rate bm should be viable and s tier by patch 47.25

i wish they would rework beast cleave. i know its too late in the xpac for a rework. but it would be nice to do as i suggested many times in the past.
add a bleed effect to beast cleave. you can even have it stack.


Havoc DH ignored again.

Outside of the fact we do slightly above average PURE SINGLE TARGET DAMAGE, we are dead in the water.

We have zero on demand burst.

Our entire damage profile relies on MAINTAING A DOT FROM A COVENANT at the moment in both keys and raid. To do this we spam one button continuously (annihilation/chaos strike).

In AoE we do tank damage outside of meta. Even in meta we do mediocre AoE due to the fact of THE DOT WE HAVE TO MAINTAIN NEEDING TIME TO TICK AND EVERY OTHER CLASS JUST BURSTING THROUGH IT.

FIX HAVOC - how the f have you ignored it for this long. Havocs damage profile is in the hole and you guys continue to ignore us despite the CONSISTENT feedback given to you.

EDIT: oh i forgot to mention our 4pc does NOTHING. 30 seconds off the most lackluster dps cooldown in the game which is on a 4 minute cooldown? give me a break blizzard. Absolutely atrocious design.


Ngl, as a hpriest main, I’m really shocked by this. I expect some hot updates before patch release… hopefully.

I really need an excuse to go back to the far more enjoyable disc.

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Please sir…may we have some more?

I’m happy to get the pvp buffs since pvp is my main content, but disc is really hurting in everything except a few niche raid fights, and feels like the least viable healer overall.

Super disappointed to not see these changes for pve too.

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Same thing happened to shadow priests didn’t it? I miss BFA shadow. Though affliction was just as good at the time too no?

no holy priest nerf , joke devs

RMP season here we go again for 20 years what a joke of developpers

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Gives Maizou the evil eye! lol

Yes, yes we should! like top level dps imo in open world

I miss the old combat days. The new outlaw stuff is like…idk. Makes me feel like they want me to be a pirate and not a rogue while I am in that spec.

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So no Balance or Feral buffs huh?


arcane buffs really got me flexin’ <3

While i get the sentiment here, there’s another outlier that was entirely forgotten in this instance. Unholy DK. Unholy’s tier set gives it little to no benefit in AoE at all.

Here we have a comparison between the two in a pure AoE scenario, tier and no tier.

you can see, both of them gain less than 4% in AoE from their tier set… Unholy gains even less than BM. so why was unholy ignored in this? Bit of a kick in the teeth honestly.

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