Class tree revamp but

Leave my self healing alone. Unlike paladins, I can’t bubble nor heal others.b

Warriors don’t drink the blood of their enemies. They get a rush of adrenaline, hence impending victory or victory rush. That gives us a burst of healing through sheer will. Think hulk.


Hulk don’t heal via adrenaline.

Also warriors don’t need that much self healing and if they can’t come up with a warrior stop damage skill, ya know, master of martial skills that should be able to predict where an attack is coming from by experience and reading body language, then the devs is creatively bank-rupt.

Warriors didn’t always had a self heal, and where still considered one of the strongest classes there was.

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Hulk does heal through rage and adrenaline

Also warriors has self heals in more expansions than not. So what is in the past is in the past. Their whole idea of the player character warrior is a chosen one with a god like body with super strength, fury and incredible endurance. Very Conan, Planet Hulk or Skarr coded.

But they can not bless, heal or raise others.

But I do agree they need to up the healing for paladin. Flash of light is a joke. WoG is rng in giving me good heals or not even half

We paladins have no desire to “nerf” your healing. We just want to heal as well as you (call it jealously if you like) since our lore is supposed to be a “healing” class.

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That I can agree with. Since I play both ret and arms. While my self healing is somewhat better on my arms warrior, my ret paladin has more defensive cooldowns, off healing, ability to raise others, bless them and just better oh snap buttons.

My warrior is a very selfish “healer”, as in all my heals is to myself.

But that is why I missed blessing of kings when it gave us a small shield and healing over time. Think it was like…2% healing per second? Don’t remember but man was it cool.

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He heals through the healing factor. His rage gives him strength, but don’t heal him.

Andrenalin has nothing to do with his healing factor.

Basically. It makes no sense that us light weilders, using powers that is known to focus more on healing then anything else, can’t heal ourselves well.

Ehhh… warriors has shouts and better and more defensives that cannot be easily removed (we only get one good one, that is bibble of course, and it can be removed by warriors even.)

I mean you guys have a version of BoS via intervene too.

Shhh. Don’t tell anyone…but so am I. My healing goes to me first (a man’s gotta live to fight dem dragons). I mean, I’ll rez ya if you die, but…

This is why me personally can’t wait to try out the auto-sac.

You do know the healing factor increases via his rage and adrenaline, right? That is the whole thing with “more angry, more power”.

Not even taking about BoS. Talking about I have better shield, 2 of them, maybe three and a lay on hands. I don’t have anything like that on arms. My healing is either running around until second wind kicks in, impending victory every 30 seconds or bitter immunity.

Sheild of vengeance is great, lay on hands is amazing.

Just via his rage. Not his andrenaline.

It’s eh at best in pvp. We got pvp mods up the wazu.

It is also weakened in pvp. Not as much as divine protection though.

You do know rage and adrenaline are intrinsically connected right? Nvm, this is a pointless convo about healing factor or how it is lore rage and adrenaline are connected.

Save my behind a lot during delves.,

That is an issue with tuning though.

I do agree ret does need more self healing though but overall, their kit is good. It all comes down to numbers.

I’m referring to leeching strikes and specifically bloodthirst from fury.

I get DH leech and DK, I don’t know why it’s like this for warrior.

I could get behind warrior having a constitution that makes them regenerate faster.

I don’t understand why is it tied to healing from doing damage though.

Fury don’t drink blood. Bloodthirst literally means they are filled with rage and are in a blood rage, so they want to kill. Not literally drinking blood.

Bloodthirst is just like impending victory in theme. You are getting hungry for the kill, the excitement increases your adrenaline and rage, (since bloodthirst generates rage) it increase your healing regen.

Leeching strikes is something almost every class has now. We all leech off attacks, just the excitement of the battle and hitting them. Fits the unkillable berserker type image.

The literal meaning is being thirsty for blood.

We know it’s a figure of speech, but it doesn’t makes sense that it would invigorate someone health.

Accelerate/intensifying his assault, sure, but why heal?

Enraged regeneration makes more sense in that regard, although I would make it this, a regen, not an enhance on bloothirst heal.

As far as impending victory goes, again a heal generated from an attack.
I get it’s suppose to convey the invigorating feeling of imminent victory and it has a big CD so that’s not the culprit of Warrior self-healing.

Bloodthirst is and leeching strike to a MUCH lesser extent.

If you heal from an attack, it goes back to the concept of vampirism.

Like I said I don’t mind Warrior self-healing, but its weird it would passively out heal what a paladin does.

Point in case, we shouldn’t.

It should be a DH/ Blood DK thing and maybe Affliction lock.

For the rest of classes it should be through gear alone.

It’s not a big deal anyway so lets not overblow this.
It’s just that it kind of erode class/spec identity, which is why people then ask why do X get to do Y while Z can’t.

The literally meaning is having a craving for violence. Not for literal blood.

Think of it as an adrenaline spike when you use it. Like when batman put the shot in him in the movie and he got right back up after getting shot in the chest and went into a blood rage mode.

Because HP isn’t an actual representation of actual health. This you can RP however you like. You are just enduring more because you are in a berserker haze or you are healing because you are getting excited from all the violence and it is just increasing your healing because of it.

Yeah, because it fits with the bloodthirst idea as well. All of this revovles around excitement. Hence “I AM GOING TO WIN” in the impending victory so you get a boost in health.

I think it used to be until they changed it. Now it is just tied to an attack because peopel complained too much it made them too good in pvp.


Nope, it goes to the concept of crazed berserker getting “second winded” after every attack. It all revovles around conan and the hulk type thinking.

Because it fits the idea of their body being godly, not their magic. Hence they heal faster for themselves only while a paladin will need to call upon the light to heal. It is the difference between Hulk in Marvel and Elixir in marvel. Both heal, both are godly, but only one does it passively and only to himself. The other can heal themselves and others but it takes actual control.

Take that to blizzard. You can even just chalk it up to your armor or weapons doing this for you. Like in the novel Illidan when Illdian ambushed an adventure party and went for the warrior first because he was decked out in enchanted gear. He went for the next and cut it deep but the blood went right back into the warriors neck and healed instantly. Because of his armor.

Remember, magic still exists. Warrior player characters are kinda tied to Titan like imaginary. Super Strength, Titantic grips, heroic leaping, heroic throwing. It all ties back to being super human in body more than the rest.

It doesn’t to me. I always saw the warrior player character class as the Hulks, Skarr and Conan’s of the blizzard classes. Super Strength, healing factor, berserker rage and a blood thirst and spikes of constant flow of adrenaline that keeps them going.

But that is how I see it, not everyone feels the same.

Nothing vampiric at all. What I do think is that Death Knights should have had a passive health regen like Warriors though. Seems to fit their runic vampiric ways.

edit: reminds me of X-men Wolverine Origins video game. You get a berserk mode (or god of war) where in that mode, your health regen is increased, doesn’t stop when attacked and you do more damage.

Yes but nothing about warrior is magical. Everything they do is physical except for the recent addition of Mountain tane.
In fact, aren’t they the only class which are almost purely physical?

What is the mechanism behind a Warrior healing from attacks or from bleeds (Arms)?
They don’t use magic.

If you want to play the card of them being “constitution” beast that can regenerate like crazy, I’m down.
For real, go all in on hulking beast theme.

But from strikes? Idk sound like vampirism with extra steps.

See I don’t think we’re really saying something that different, I just think the way they go about it takes away from the theme they seem to be going for.

And again, not that it shouldn’t be at the threshold it has now but a Paladin shouldn’t end up having done less healing than a warrior and the end of a key regardless of their spec.

This I disagree, berserker weren’t immortals, they gained in aggressiveness and were getting excited from the kill and the fight, which made them charge in and at best not feel the pain, but the damage was still there.

It just didn’t “prevent” them from keeping on fighting.

I mean, it is heavily implied they are magical in some form.

They do, it is heavily implied that rage is connected to the inner spirit.

That literally is just gameplay designs though. Same way in X-men Wolverine origins you can add a mutation that leeches health with attacks. Doesn’t make it that wolverine is a literal vamprie. It’s just gameplay things. What leeching strikes should do is activate second wind when attacking but that would be too OP.

That has everything to do with paladin tuning though. WoG and Flash of light is pretty bad. Still better than drain life on warlocks, drain life is so broken it doesn’t do stuff.

[quote=“Benmarch-zuljin, post:116, topic:1946386”]
This I disagree, berserker weren’t immortals, they gained in aggressiveness and were getting exited from the kill and the fight, which made them charge and at best don’t feel the pain, but the damage was still there.
It just didn’t “prevent” them from keeping on fighting.

Talking about Berserkers like Wolverine or Kratos. Not actual viking Berserkers. Or 40k berserkers in the space wolves. The concept of them. Hulk is a berserker. Also the warrior class isn’t immortal, just tough. You can kill them.

He is but he doesn’t heal from his strikes.

He heals because his constitution is as such and because his rage amplifies his constitution.

But he doesn’t get enraged from striking, Hulk get angry from being hit.

In fact, Hulk never really start a fight unprovoked.

It increases his rage so it kinda does. The more he attacks, the more power he gets and it increases his healing.

I feel that you are taking leeching strikes as literally healing from their bloods. It is just a game representation of healing from being in combat.

oh, he 100% does gain rage when he hits as well.

He doesn’t but that doesn’t change anything I stated.

That’s the whole point of it.

He doesn’t get enrage from striking, the only way to get him angry is to provoke him, aka hitting him physically or figuratively.

Then he will strike until the thing upsetting him is either destroyed, incapacitated or leaves him alone.

Hitting is an outlet to your anger, not a perpetual spiral that increases it exponentially.
The longer he fight, the angrier he becomes because the thing he’s fighting is still there, hitting him back.

They made is so hitting in-game gives you rage so as to not rely on the fact that player would need to get it and we roll with it.
But fighting exhaust you, which leaves you unable to be angry because you just don’t have the energy for it.