Class tree revamp but

4-5 talents and it still isn’t a decent gap closer


because it isnt supposed to be a gap closer. its very clear those extra nodes are pve oriented with a weird pvp niche by having freedom and steed o nthe same gcd


We have it here folks! Normal walking is supposed to be our gap closer!

As skeletor says;

BoSac clearing and preventing poisons and diseases would be very strong against rogues and DKs. Some of the people on these forums are so far down the rabbit hole that they can no longer see the positive in anything.

I realize you don’t play mythic plus, but that is where the majority of the population is. Autosac could be huge there because many times the person getting targeted is random and/or you never know who is going to make a mistake. Being able to automatically help them could be huge.

I had a run yesterday that missed time by 1.8 seconds and another that missed time by 12 seconds. Preventing a single death in either of them would likely have made the difference.

If you want a pure melee with strong gap closers there are several options to choose from. Ret trading some mobility for more range in its kit is a niche many people like.

Have you tried Warrior? I think you might like it. It seems like nearly every one of your posts is basically 'Paladin isn’t Warrior-please fix".


I tried warriors. Don’t like em. Also paladins is holy warriors, so some (not all) cross over is to be expected.

I am also not asking for intervene/charge/spell block or any other warrior unique skill for paladins, only the one that is displayed that our lore charecters have performed.

Although for a class that is not one that is supposed to self heal allot warriors do tend to out perform ret self healing allot… So I dunno, maybe they need to not do that and focus more on mitigation then step on our toes also.

Oh yeah. This has happened to me more than once during DF.

I think autosac could quite possibly be game-changing.


There is potential. As it stands right now a person could set up autosac on a one minute cooldown that also gives the targeted player a heal and a sprint.

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Absolutely. The ability to auto-save your comrades-in-battle while concentrating on your dps (and other things) and not divert your attention is a potentially awesome concept. I honestly think players are underrating this ability.

As we both have experienced (and I’m sure others have experienced as well) preventing even one death can be the difference in saving a key.

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Yeah this stinks since the removal of heal on CS.
It’s a bit weird that paladin gets passively out self-healed by the warrior seemingly “drinking the blood of its enemy”, last I checked they’re not vampires.

That theme is already occupied by Blood Dk.

That being said, I don’t mind if they have self-heal but it’s dumb that we don’t do better than that.


if it was a gap closer, it would be a charge or leap mechanic. this is just a movement increase like sprint for rogue but unironically better

nah its probably gonna get people killed more than anything

It was given to pallies with the intent that it will be used as a gap closer actually.

that was never its intention, it was always ment to be a quick movement tool. it was supposed to replace things like speed of light, pursuit of judgement, and long arm of the law as a more “fantasy oriented” speed boost.

That was the intention in legion since paladins was a melee damage dealer. It was a replacement for WoD pursuit of justice, which was also intended as a gap closer (dispite it being free form movement speed)

This part is correct, all of which was intended to be used as gap closers.

pursuit if justice was never ment to be a gap closer, non of the wod options were ment to be gap closers. they were all movement based abilities to get out of mechanics quickly or get from point a to point b in a timely matter. idk what world would pursuit be considered a gap closer cause you only get 10% speed per holy power and our only range was judgement, and exorcism at the time

gap closers are stuff like grapple, death grip, charge, wild charge, anything that makes you lose control of your character and gets you from point a to your target in less than a second.

divines steed was never intended to be a gapcloser and idk who or where you read that. falling sword however, aka the thing steed replaced. was a gap closer cause it fit the traits of what ive described

Uhhh… I am starting to think you did not play pally in WoD. They where indeed intended to be gap closers. One of which could not even be activated unless you where in combat. (And reasonably removed because pallies was moving faster then rogues in some cases)

There is more to gap closers then that when it comes to intention (when am i allowed to activate the movement ability, does it only activate in combat or when i use a damage skill on my opponent?" Sometimes snares is considered gap closers.

Also death grip don’t make you lose control of your charecter.

The difference in movement abilities is more of “freeform” or “instant movement” then anything else.

Developers during legion.

i did play wod, non of them were gap c losers because they didnt act like gap closers, they were movement increase abilities.

yes but it instantly covers ground between you and your target in a short window

look man i dont want to argue semantics or go on another 10838617861786 page reply session with you. but the fact is steed, pursuit, long arm, and speed of light arnt gap closers. their literally different flavors or druid travelform/sprint/ghostwolf/aspect of the cheeta.

post this blue post then? also if true it wouldnt be the first time wow developers were wrong about their own game. it straight up lied to cover their bums

Ellesmere has a vid up about these changes now.

Do you even know what the term is even used for? Any skill that let’s you close a gap between you and the target. Sprint is also a gap closer.

It defeats your discription on what you gave me of a gap closer.

So glad you don’t teach players pvp.

Cause your still wrong.

Ghost wolf is also considered a gap closer, and was used frequently as such in pvp by enhancement.

Any skill that get’s you to your target is a gap closer.

I mean, you can’t seem to understand that skills has multiple uses and can be used by multiple terms so I am rather weary about what you think is correct or not by devs.


okay we’re done here. everything is a gapcloser then

Not really. But yeah any movement speed increase towards your target, slows or stops your target so you can get closer or in DK’s case, forcably brings targets to them is considered a gap closer.

There is also discriptions of peel abilities, peel prevention. Etc, etc.

Problem is, paladins version of it isn’t a strong ability since it can be easily stopped. Which is why we need an instant gap closer along with steed which can also be used as an escape skill (i don’t holy needs an instant gap closer as much as the ret does, specially if blizz intends to remove range in the future from ret.)