Class tree revamp but

We are still having 4-5 talent nodes for steed.

Just why? Why are we the only class that does this?!?!?


Pure spite.


Ill mention it on PTR, along with everything else I can remember to test/check out.

The totality of Steed related talents…is about 1/14th of available talents. That is to say, its a whole lot


In reality only two of those talents are actual real picks. Divine Spurs isn’t enough of a movement gain to take and you’ll never use steed of liberty over Freedom.

A little displeased that two new talents are DoA but w/e


I’m not a fan of many steed talents needed to make it as good as 2 DK ones, or DKs getting Steed W/ snare/root removal and suppression but we would need to lose the separate BoF cast and freedom to move time to get it. But there are is a long list of other changes I am thrilled about. Just gotta air our grievances on PTR and hope for some adjustments like talent consolidation for Steed. What I was hoping for instead of a Steed+BoF combo(with extra talent points spent just to lose casted BoF) was something like Rogues Shadowstrike. If Paladin had a rotational ability, made that way from a talent that brought us to our target with a medium range, like Blade of Justice, some of the snares and roots would be negated fairly passively, without mages stealing that mobility. The defensives buffs with new talents may aid us in trudging along to where a MM is raining down hate and discontent, maybe. Maybe we still die out of the range needed to hit the hunter. Time will tell.


This is situational. Steed of liberty essentially free’s a GCD when you need to move.

(1 point)

Spurs is also situational, but powerful with templar hero tree

(1 point)

We still have to spend a talent to access steed.

(1 point)

Another to give it 2 charges.

(1 point)

And then there is lead the charge which also benefits from spurs cd reduction.

(1 point)

3 points to make unlock and make it a decent skill, 2 situational baised if you pvp or selected templar hero talents.

Edit: to add here, steed of liberty also benefits from spurs as well, as you’d be casting freedom more often, and with the change to unbound freedom, benfits a party member more often (casting on self makes it give another freedom buff to a random party member)


The reason why Steed of Liberty is contentious is that you don’t always need to free yourself from roots/slows AND also use your major movement CD.

Steed is already off of the GCD so you’re trading choice/utility for a nerfed freedom effect.

You may be right on spurs, I just don’t like it that much. Especially if it also reduces the duration granted by Templar.

I’m not aware of a change to unbound freedom so it also benefits Steed of Liberty, but I’m assuming it randomly targets an ally that may not need freedom.

I’d much rather have it where steed suppresses slows and roots rather than removes both and still have access to Blessing of Freedom.

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Because we can’t have nice things without compromise I guess.

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The funny thing about how we are ending up here?

Blizzard just won’t give us a leap. So they have to throw all these endless talents into Steed to make it function as a pseudo gap closer.


This class tree rework seems just, weird. Out of place in many nodes even.

Some talents looks more pvp centric than anything else which is also strange by their own, then they are taking away a couple of good talents without proper replacements, and then we have the whole divine steed support which is again, weird and uncalled for (a bad attempt to make our mobility better).


I still fail to see any use to steed of liberty. Even in pve. Steed is off the gcd ans freedom would be the only gcd yous use.

For pvp its a trap talent for the fotm paladins. The ret haters are all crying over steed of li erty in the arena foruma which shows none of them actually main paladin

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Only thing I can think of would be for open world questing stuff and someone who doesn’t want the extra button :dracthyr_shrug:

I truly believe somehow some people see ret as their “pick and forget” spec which is just baffling. See youtubers playing wow as ret and they dont even have sac or freesom in their bars. I think lots of wow playera have psyopped themselves into picking ret because “few buttons, stronk”. And it makes the spec look bad

The other day there was a thread here were some even said “yea ret is simple Im 50yolds so I play easy specs”

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Why would you not use sac when recompense exist in any group content?

They bad.

Soooo, in other words, same ol’ same ol’.

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I dunno about arena, but in BG’s a free BoF with steed is pretty great. I think steed should just work like that baseline, but calling it a trap talent is kinda wild.


only thing I donlt like is Conse doesnt seem to heal anymore. So kinda sad for holy guess no more jugement proc conse talent for me


To be fair, if they are so hard bent on steed being our mobility ability, that’s what they should’ve done since the very beginning.

It came as a watered down copy of D3 crusader ability which had plenty of interesting option to modify it and they did nothing with it instead.

So better late than never I guess but I’m not gonna fault them for doing what they actually should’ve done from the start.

But some of those should be baseline and just expand the other nodes with choices on them so that the number of total nodes is less but still more options.

It’s the first iteration… that’s to be expected.
But all the nodes expand some theme.

It’s dumb and I wish this would have been a thing before but instant turn evil would have been valuable on the undead affix.

It’s a nice little tech, it’s not as good as paralysis but in some instances we may be able to use this as a stop on uninterruptible cast.

I think it’s fairly easy to imagine mechanics where it could be used.
It’s a pretty common trope to have a mechanic slow player whilst they have to get somewhere quick.

I’m not saying you see that every fight but to say it wouldn’t have any use ever is a bit dramatic.

It’s kind of the point that you can put in either Ligthforge blessing , Obduracy, Fist.

That’s pretty much the only flex we have atm.


I agree and I really think that has been the plan throughout the past few expansions.

I’ve heard people mention this before. Never actually played D3 and haven’t even looked this up. I should probably do that after this post just to understand lol.

Totally agree and I made a forum thread just to share some thanks for doing Steed of Liberty. My comment here wasn’t meant to sound as negative as it did. Really just meant this is what I think is going on for having so many talents into Divine Steed.

Just throwing my 2 cents here. But currently, on the new PTR, if Sanc Plates was reduced to a 1 point node, I would be sold on this tree and even with all the current steed talents. Just feel like I need one more flex point. But this update has been really great overall!

On the topic of mobility for fun, I even just played a Temple on Ret. Steed of Liberty very well could feel fun on its own and I’m sure it’s going to have a lot of success in PvP.

I just do find it interesting that we now have Unrelenting Charger for Templar and will have Steed of Liberty next patch. These type of perks and directions point to they want us to really be able to get somewhere fast when we need to. Especially with the other talent that reduces the duration of Divine Steed but decreases its cooldown.

Steed of Liberty with Unrelenting Charger and that other talent will function so close to Charge.

But ultimately, I think they won’t give us an actual gap closer just to keep Ret different from Warrior and to also keep Paladin as a whole, “weak” on mobility at large by design.

There’s nothing exactly wrong with this if all these talents go live. It’s just interesting. I can also understand their concern about keeping some core strengths/weaknesses inherit to classes.

But we are getting closer to the point of having an actual gap closer. And think about this too. We are also “losing” Blessing of Freedom as a tradeoff to pick it up.

So, if this is the route they go down with Paladin/Ret for The World Soul Saga, we’ll just be in the position of probably requiring a ton of Divine Steed talents to fit this niche and trade off on some other Paladin staples like BOF free cast.

Makes you wonder if not giving us the instant gap closer is worth that trade off overall.

But I agree, I’m not complaining at all. I always have argued for an instant gap closer because one I think it would be a blast to press! And two, Blizzard does show Paladins leaping all the time in their cinematics or in-game at times. Feels strange to not be able to do it ourselves as players.

But I have a feeling that Steed of Liberty is going to actually feel fun to press. It’s going to get the job done without directly giving us the gap closer. I think this will work for me for now and its way better than where we have been!

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cause alot of these extra nodes are optional so its fine

divine spurs is a meme and theres no world where we take it, steed of liberty is also a meme but a funny one that can take casually but still optional

unbound freedom is something we situationally take anyways

lead the charge is the only “solid pick” cause frankjly the spec is so flexabile theres no reason not to take it anyways.

so again, like always. we ret paladins only have to take 3 steed talents. cause you have to be a dent to take divine spurs and SOL in serious content

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