Class tree revamp but

I suppose I was hoping for talents I want to use more than talents Im glad I can skip.

Was very hopeful for instant mobility. Instead of 20% Steed CDR + 40% reduced duration, they could of added in that same very avoidable spot. Blade of Pursuit: BoJ now brings you to your target, range unchanged. With a cool animation.

For pvp talents I was hoping for more changes than none, maybe some nerf removals, maybe the mobility could be added there instead like rogues had with Death from above. They could have added a 30%-40% MS in the PVP talents, like Executioners Will: targets struck by your WoA now are Marked for Execution; 40% healing taken reduction and a executionerā€™s icon is placed over the affected targets head for 15 seconds.

They could have augmented defensives in pvp talents. Divine Virtue: Shield of Vengeance absobtion value is doubled and lasts for 2 more seconds, full duration expiration empowers damage absorbed to be expelled at enemies within 4 yards distributed evenly for 150% of damage absorbed.

Rets primary concerns in the pvp space should be addressed.

Some defensives have been addressed in 11.5, probably will not be enough.

Mobility, not instant so not addressed adequately.

Offesive tools and throughput, not addressed.

Most defensives and our only pvp friendly CC, are all dispelled with no backlash, not addressed

All of our non-hero talent DoTs are dispellable without backlash.

i mean the hard truth is. pvp is never addressed directly. i dont think alot of these issues will be addressed due to pve things

I donā€™t want to be some kind of hunter that leaps backwards over a cliff in the middle of a raidā€¦ pulling every mob in Kara as you fall from the top of the tower to the bottom, while a helpful priest saves him from dying and the hunter feigns death to avoid those mobsā€¦ who then run to the top of the stairs and wipe the raid. That might seem specific.

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Yes and yes. The flexibility of the upcoming tree is something I am very much looking forward to. Actually being able to take situational talents because it would be useful in certain content instead of being locked in to a certain build because of the required throughput nodes sounds amazing.

Nothing is ever going to be perfect. We can still appreciate improvement.

Might be good in arena or world PVP. It isnā€™t all about BGs.

Balance exists in all things in life. The turbo kit on your car is balanced by the cost to buy and install, the reduced fuel economy, and the increased engine wear.

Agree here. I donā€™t take the increased steed duration talent currently because I just donā€™t need it. I use steed to get to something or away from something. I donā€™t need the increased duration to do that.

Thatā€™s not going to happen while ret has so much range in its kit. I donā€™t understand why people donā€™t get that. If you want a class that is pure melee with instant mobility there are several options. Please stop trying to turn ret into one of those.


I dunno. We basically swapped out dps output for single target healing output and more steed talents in my opinion.

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This. On Steroids.

Iā€™ve pointed this out sometime in the past. Whether justified or not, itā€™s more than obvious Blizz is not going to give it to us.

Perhaps. But also keep in mind that the greatest dps loss is being dead.

Is it the right call what Blizz is doing? Matter of perspective, I guess.

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Isnā€™t this a bit of an unfair summary?
DPS output that is not really lost because it would get lump up in tuning passes.

  • Reduced CD on Blinding Light and Repentance
  • Consecrated ground finally moving in the class tree which now gives us a true option to help tank kiting
  • Situational Turn Evil improvement
  • Forbearance improvements on Divine shield
  • BoS improvements
  • Passive group healing through heals we receive
  • Speed boost on blessings
  • LoH can become an external for tanks

Those are all genuinely good things to finally have the option to go for.

And thatā€™s on top of structure changes and talent being moved around at more centric position and things going baseline such as AW.

I get it, too many pony talent and I agree, those are the ones that should have been condensed.

But itā€™s a big improvement all around.


But when you force ret into its own niche then everyone notices that you stand out and call for mega nerfs, even when you arent even OP.

Every time ret becomes viable, not even good, just viable, the community freaks.

The forums explode with ā€œnerf ret nerf retā€ and it happens. Then ret becomes a dead spec.

Happened literally every single expansion in wows history.


Why is it consistently one of the most popular spec played if itā€™s dead each expac?

Iā€™d love to see FVā€™s range reigned in if it means we can get better/condensed movement options. Judgment/Hammer of Wrath/Blade of Justice being ranged is more than adequate.

Even just making steed baseline for a better choice in its place on the class tree would be great.

It is always one of the most played classes. And then as the expansions go on, the pop tanks for paladins.

Look at my horse~

My horse is outdated~

And the talents for it~

I really hate them~


Also this is a sentence

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It tanks for all classes.

Relatively speaking they stay at the same level of popularity.

It was the most popular DPS(all key levels )in m+ throughout DF except S1 where it was like 2nd.

It was stable all throughout SL at like 5-6%

Likewise for BFA.

As far as numbers of parse goes on wowlogs, it never really drop out of the top 10.

Iā€™m starting to think youā€™re pulling this trend out of your rear end.

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Those are not gamechanging. Sacrifice removing poison sounds like a niche m+ mechanic, heaking from autos on alljes is veryblow, ligghtforged blessing is againā€¦ a pve talent for divine stoem spamming, blessings, cleanse and judgement if light healing is very very low.

The only good new node is 20% stun reduction which is cut in half in pvp and divine shield ognoring forbearance but still om the gcd.

Autosac, steed of liberty are trap talents, turn evil being so niche yet is still in the tree. Blessing of dusk nerfed because seal of order is gone. Still need to put two points to make HoW deal mediocre damage.

I cant believe people are celebrating this much over purely pve (more like m+) oriented minimal changes that dont expand on the class supporting role.

Where are my cdrs on BoP and divine shield, where are my two charges on blessings, echoing blessings, where is shielding words, where is potent offhealing , or improved cc (hoj nerfed because fist of justice is now flat).


Nobody said they were, nor do they need to be.

Most people are playing PVE.

I donā€™t get that you still donā€™t understand the design of the whole game is always mostly oriented toward it.

As far as Iā€™m concerned they could remove this one to.

Throughput in the class tree is wasted possible utility.

Not when other classes trees are designed for all content. Go to the warrior class tree, or the shaman one. You can pick up literally everything and 90% if skills have uses for the entire gamr not just pve or m+. The warrior tree is a great example

Why are we stuck with these m+ aimed talents.


Warrior has at most 4 nodes that are clearly PVP oriented, the rest is all things you can get for PVE.

4 over 44, the rest is PVE oriented.

The thing they do, I guess, is more aligned with their role in PVP since they donā€™t have a healing spec that also has to be represented in the class tree.

Their whole tree is about allowing them to fulfill their role as either a tank or DPS.
The fact that it helps PVP without it being nerfed or touched is happenstance.

Thatā€™s not the reality of Ret.
They donā€™t really want them to heal in PVP but it still has to be something the class tree helps doing which makes it so those are pointless in PVP.

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Wouldnā€™t it help against rogues? Think they use a ms poison, so auto-clearing it would be useful.

It would help, but it wonā€™t beat them as long as we are weak against their strongest tool, cc.

If you canā€™t act, ya canā€™t heal.

(Not complaining about ret cc, i know which stuns to break with rogues)

I think stun reduction would be the stronger choice vs them personally.