Class sets mogs like Legion raids not working ? why?

Tbf it DOES say “tokens” specifically. But I agree, it’s very unclear and lacks explanation and reasoning. Seems arbitrarily punishing.


Which is typical. They don’t explain anything, ever. To the point that if somehow that’s a surprise, that’s just you being unaware.

My own theory on this matter was that changing tokens was a different process in the code base than changing actual gear, and easier, so it got done first and was the only thing they could finish before pre-patch dropped. So we got half a loaf instead of a whole one.


Exactly, no reason to make it not collect tier sets outside of tokens. I honestly think they are so miserable with their own existence that petty digs at players gets them off. If blue would like to offer us a better explanation like, “hey we got the tokens xmog done for prepatch, like account wide reps, its gonna take some time but hopefully by release or soon after we will have all gear fully implemented.”

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Yeah, just started doing some mog runs in Legion to try and finish a few elusive sets and the whole tier set thing not being able to be mogged by other classes is super dumb. Hopefully this is an oversight and it’ll be fixed shortly because it basically undermines the entire system.

The worst feeling is running through something on one toon and not getting the 1-2 drops you still need and then running it on another toon and those exact items drop but are soulbound and can’t be put into the warband bank or learned.


Hey Blizzard. Please update class sets for warbound on legacy content! I am gonna rage quit if I keep chasing this one item for my Pali and only get it on non Pali runs!

The devs did commit at one point to changing the class-specific gear deops to be learnable outside the required class, but were vague about when.

I wouldn’t expect it until the next content patch (11.0.5?), or perhaps the one after that if this next one is too full (because it’s the 20th anniversary celebration patch).

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