Class sets mogs like Legion raids not working ? why?

class set tokens from legacy raids (Shadowlands and earlier) are now Warbound, allowing them to be transferred to alts in order to collect the transmog of your choice. For clarity, current expansion tier set tokens will remain unchanged from their previous status of bind on pickup, as they represent a large amount of power for the character who collects them.

if you read it is pretty black and white that they meant for all sets that are not current are to be war bound. Why would they let you trade Shadowland, BFA, Legion, Cata, Panda, Wrath,BC, but suddenly you hit Vanilla and that is soul bound… it says it right there they are only gating actual gear. Hell even AQ pieces are tokens.

Class set tokens from legacy raids (Shadowlands and earlier) are now Warbound and can be transferred to characters on the account.

Doesn’t say anything about anything other than tokens.

So right now in retail or ww beta if you go and do a Legion Raid (Tomb of Sargeras) you dont get tokens you get a class set item. You are a monk if a druid class set item drops it is soulbound to your monk and will not be added to your transmog data base … simply there is no way to get that mog unless you come again with a druid and hope that set item will drop again.
This is the issue I have not seen any updates on … seems silly to not add this to the new transmog system but then again … this is blizzard !..


I made a reply to this subject last night and it got instantly deleted by the staff. So let me try this again and see if my comment gets to be approved. I really really do NOT like this thing Blizzard refuses to budge on. They made the entire warband system to revolve around account wide systems to remove the tedium of grinding the same ol thing on every single alt you have. Transmog runs are not fun after you have done the same dungeon/raid on every difficulty for the thousandth time. I do not enjoy running ToS ten or eleven times trying to get a single mog to drop. I have other grindy grinds I want to do in my time in the game. This change with TWW was the most anticipated addition for me personally. I want to get on my main and blast through these legacy raids and hoover up whatever drops and go back to the current content I actually want to do. Forcing me to run legacy content on every single class I’m hoping to mog out only burns me out and then I just don’t do it. As I write this I have my DK sitting half way through ToS on my 3rd alt run today. I just had two paladin specific drops that I literally just ran through on my Pali to try to acquire. On my Pali I received DH drops instead. Now that I’m looking at these drops on my DK knowing when the reset happens my Pali is going to most likely not get these drops it makes me blood red mad.

Blizzard please just stop being difficult for the sake of difficulty in content that is ten years old and let us collect these class mogs. Please.


I’d like this changed too. I ran Highmaul and Blackrock Foundry and got some great transmog items, but I could have received more transmog unlocks if they would allow Class: Shaman items to be unlocked by my mages.


Yes I totally agree … this whole feature they made it is countered by itself by not adding the item sets.
All I can say, you guys keep reposting on this post until this change is acknowledged by them and the change will be made. I see no reason to settle for less.
Thank you for all the inputs and I hope it helps to resolve this !

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  • The Burning Crusade raids
  • Wrath of the Lich King raids
  • Cataclysm raids
  • Mists of Pandaria raids
  • Battle for Azeroth raids
  • Shadowlands raids
  • Dragonflight raids

Those all drop tokens (or non-class specific all the way through). Warlords of Draenor only drops a token from the final boss of Blackrock Foundry and Hellfire Citadel raids that gives a quest to get a tier token (the quest items are warbound). Legion raids all drop items (many of them class-specific), not tokens. None of the raid gear in BFA or Shadowlands is class-specific.


Great list, thank you. I did some TBC ones earlier and it was amazing. Really hope they can finish the feature properly.


Yes, very unfortunate decision! If I find some Mage gear on, let’s say, Paladin, and I have a Mag ein my warband, I should be able to learn that transmog! There is really no reason not to be able to do that!


Good list ! thank you :slight_smile:

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Well, the only reason that matters is that the devs haven’t implemented it.

I would say “implemented it yet”, but they have a history of making a lot of new feature promises in the run-up to a expansion and then quietly not delivering. Usually with no explanation.

Honestly, they barely delivered a minimal functional pre-patch. It would be madness to expect them to put out anything more than the barest base warband functionality if they can’t even get that right* on their rigid release schedule.

*Warband banks, achievement and reputation bugs, repeatable game crashes, class rework errors…


This is exactly what I like to see on these forums. Speaking for the people who have an opinion, worded correctly on top of that.

I 100% agree. I went through Tomb of Sargeras this week on each of my alts, one is a mage and I have just about every class with a few priests. Each one of them got gear for their class and I picked up a ton of class gear that each other one could have used. I picked up no pieces for mage, then I ran after the mage and picked up four items for mage, cannot use a single one.

I agree because these changes are stupid. if you’re going to make a change, make a change. Don’t make a change that makes no sense. Class-specific should not have stopped the collection process.

I also 100% agree on his second point, we are not going to stop playing because we get what we want out of transmog, if anything, we stop playing because of stupid choices like this. This type of choice makes me look at other games more favorably. If Blizzard actually made QOL decisions for the casual community, you’d have more subscribers.


The one consolation to all of this is that at the very least we can get nearly all of the weapons, that is some comfort. Like that cool saber from blackrock foundary I kept getting to drop on characters that dont use them. Stuff like that. Otherwise, I’m getting basically nothing, and that’s just not ideal.

It’s not that I simply think I “deserve” more, it’s that I feel that this change essentially effected very little, it would be staggeringly incredible if we could learn class sets, but as it currently is, it’s quite possibly the least significant change to transmog we’ve gotten in the prepatch.

Not only do Legion and WoD not even drop class tokens, but Shadowflight and BFA are unsoloable right now, meaning 8 years worth of expansion collections, which these particular 4 expansions besides DF still have the best looking armor sets in the game, are still borderline inaccessible to players.

Like… woohoo, I guess we can… farm MoP… oh wait, we already did that for remix! I guess we can get… Cata? Wrath gear? Uhhhh… right.

Like damn, at the very least let us get some gear that released since the time of the freaking WoD model update. Combine that with the inability to even spend marks of honor on pvp gear sets ever since Legion… Come on Blizzard, throw us a little treat here.


We should not settle for less … keep this post on top until they make the change ! :slight_smile:


The class restriction should be lifted. What is the point of locking old tier sets to classes?

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The lookalike pieces are fair game though right?

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I don’t know … I think there should be no exception ! Everything mog should be unrestricted. Isn’t that the purpose of war band and “Respecting a players time!” ?


I just can’t wrap my head around how tier tokens were made sharable amongst the warband, but no one thought there should be parity with non-token tier sets.


What happened to this blue post?

They said they were changing it?!?


They said this, than nothing!?!

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