So I have done some more digging into the favouritism shown by this change. Once again, not against the change, but against how it was delivered, and the context of it being delivered, and the fact that blizzard sees ret dps is a grievous balance issue when there aren’t others.
Doing some simple probability models number of (Ulduar logs of roll vs over logs of that roll with the amount of rolls available in each raid) I got some pretty telling results.
The chance of 1 of your 18 DPS spots being a paladin is 55%, true the lowest of all classes. followed by priest at 67% and warrior at 73%.
lets compare tanks! You are %77 likely to have at least 1 paladin tank in ulduar. Out of 2 spots, from 4 classes spots. That’s pretty damn high. The next highest tank is DK, at 40%. The chance you have a warrior is 35% and a feral druid is 12%.
Actually the chance you have Any tank that’s not a paladin tank only 72%.
Alright, lets check out proportionality -
Every 25man raids takes on average 0.77 DPS Paladins. They take, on average 3.02 Warlocks. So ret, its about 25.8% of the most represented dps. Warlocks in General make up
On the other hand tanks
Every raid takes 1.05 Prot Paladins and 0.12 Feral Tanks
Eeek! feral tanks have 11.41% representation compared to Prot Paladins.
Healing: 1.92 Holy Paladins. Compared to the lowest 0.84 Resto druids and 0.88 Resto Shamans
But hey, Ret representation being 1.6% lower than shadow priests and 2.9% lower than warriors. While Prot paladins make up 52.5% of tank and 38.5% of healers isn’t the slightest an issue.
On the top end of all three rolls, you have Warlock DPS, Paladin Tank, Paladin Healer.
In Tanks, MASSIVE Paladins have a bigger lead over other tanks WAYY more than warlocks have over other dps.
In Healing its the same, with the amount of paladins massively more than any other healing class.
On the bottom end you have DPS Paladin, Tank Druid and Healer Druid. and the difference between Tank druid and the second lowest tank is far greater than rets and the 2nd lowest dps. Even greater still is the difference between feral tanks and prot paladins and ret paladins and warlocks.
So YES. This targeting of this buff is pretty BS. By any metric healer and Tank scene is far more unbalanced, and by any meteoric the difference between dps and tanks is far greater.
How can blizzard say they need to buff ret paladins and say that Feral tanks don’t need one.