Class Representation and Balance - World of Paladins

While I’m happy for rets that they got a buff, it’s such a slap in the face to other classes.

Paladin currently boasts the best tank and healer in the game, and their 1 poor performing spec needs a buff over ever other glaring class balance issue in the game.

Lets look at Algalon 25man clears.
Prot pal: 555
DK: 80
Warrior: 71
Druid: 63

Thanks right, 2.6 prot pallies have tanked Algalon 25, for every other tank combined.

Paladin: 1027
Priest: 535
Shaman: 372
Druid: 180

More Paladin healers than other healer combined.

But the only balance glaring issue devs see is Paladin DPS can’t keep up other Classes? This issue is so bad it needs needs fixing? What about the issue that other healers and tanks can’t keep up with paladins?


I agree. Nerf prot and holy pallies.


Let’s be real. The actual reason Ret got a buff is to make sure the OTs aren’t subbed out for 1 tank fights.


Don’t think it was to keep up with other classes. I think it was added to make their only dps spec viable. It also just so happens that both their other specs are S tier. They can’t change their spec without changing their role too. If they want to DPS it’s either play ret with/without the buff, or play another class. The buff itself was marginal at best, and they’re still doing way belong S or even A tier DPS.


They can always go S tier holy for their off spec but no they are too self-entitled and want everything handle to them on a silver platter

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If a Warrior wants to … raid they have to reroll if they miss out on that one dps spot.

I approve of this thread.

If Blizzard are doing the class balance thing Warriors need a niche, be it Tanking or DPSing, but they need at least one thing they’re competitive in.


No, its:

because of that.

I mean, what happens if the DPS in the raid is low and you already have 5 healers? A 6th isn’t going to help you. And if you already are full on tanks, an extra tank isn’t going to contribute more DPS.

Oh wait, let me guess. Kick the Ret paladin. Right?


I’d be fine with Warriors receiving some attention. But to be clear, we always have warriors in our raids. Hell, one of our guild officers is a Warrior.


More than one per raid?

In our 10m, we had 2 warriors sign up. The officer I mentioned earlier is the offtank. The other is a new fury warrior, and the only reason he decided not to come was because we were doing hardmodes, and he just didn’t feel ready for that. Understandable.

In 25m? That fury warrior joins us. And since all the other plate classes have a 239ilvl weap or are dual wielding, he’s now gonna get a shot at new weapons. Good for him!

I’d still trade my Worldcarver for a Stormrune Edge though. That thing looks amazing.

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Its not just warriors.

Tank representation in 25man HM Ulduar is as bad as tanks in Vanilla. Paladin is More than double any other tank on every fight, some fights as high as 10x as many clears as any other tank.

Trust me, I agree that there might be an argument to buff warriors, but only because they’re pretty much bottom tier regardless of what they play. Buff for entirely different reason.


I wonder how this buff will affect the demographics by performance percentile. I bet the lower performing rets will benefit the most.

I’m sorry to hear it. I think it’s because of Vanilla honestly. Warriors were pretty much the only tanks in Vanilla. Seeing that problem, Blizzard decided to bump up Paladins/Druids, make DKS, and pretty much nerf Warriors. They went too far imo.

It’s kind of like what happened from Vanilla to TBC. Warlocks and Hunters struggled iirc, and then they became stupid powerful an expansion later. Too much, too late.


Why do they need a viable dps spec when they have the ONLY truely viable tank spec.

Take a look at any 25HM fight and see if that looks like a healthy class distribution

Miniron 25HM clears
Paladin: 1383
Warrior: 87
Deathknight: 83
Druid: 11


You’re pigeon holing them into having to play tank just because they make the best tanks. Maybe they don’t want to…


Managing an off GCD 8 second nuke along with the ret rotation might be more for sub-par ret paladins to handle.

I’d say it impacts performance on a bellcurve. The middle of the pack will see the most out of it, whereas the low performers will see less benefits, and the hardcore sweaters will already be pumping so hard it won’t be noticed.

I could be wrong though.

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I’m glad they are getting a buff!

But out of all the balance issues blizzard chose to address, why this one?


See he gets it. Why do I need to be shackled to a spec I might never play? That makes no sense to me.


Well I sort of exampled that above. It was to make it so they are able to dps if that’s what they wanna play. They don’t have another dps option like every other class. If Spriest was horrible and on the bottom of the meters, I’d expect Blizzard to buff Spriests too given shadow is their only real dps spec.