Class Representation and Balance - World of Paladins

Yeah…that needed to be nerfed.

But I’m not gonna lie; I was playing when that happened, and it was f***ing hilarious :joy:

it was hilarious, got the Wrecking Ball achieve almost instantly lol, charging into groups of horde and farming them in AB!

The presence of one tank over another has been true for every raid tier in the game.

In Classic, Warriors were dominant completely, with a sprinkle of druids.

In TBC, Warriors were the best to start, then it became Paladins for most of t5/t6, Druids replaced Warriors in BT, then Warriors came back strong in Sunwell.

Gear, abilities and boss mechanics are what define which tank is superior. In a dungeon where the only danger are magic debuffs and slow but hard hitting mobs, Paladin is superior.

T9 has the need for mobility, interupts, silences, stuns, defensives and suddenly Paladin flounders. You’ll see lots of Warriors and Druids taking main positions then.

DK’s never are the best tank but for some fights, so wheres the love for them?

Truth be told, they are just better designed. Their damage scales well and the gear suits their playstyle.

I don’t and never had a problem with not being the top of the pack, but lets not kid ourselves that we weren’t square on the bottom in any real competitive setting.

In a perfect world every dps would do the exact same dps in all situations, but that won’t happen.

you’re once again agreeing with my stance.

classic and TBC blizzard agreed to no changes. and NO ONE had a problem with it.

in WOTLK, they are making class balance changes and MUCH needs to be done. they can’t adjust one class and ignore the blatant balance problems throughout the game

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Divine Protection was not in the game until 3.3. it has made paladins as a whole WAAAAYYY better than they were 3.0-3.2.

why? Was that the original game? All 3 paladin specs in the original were strongish! the real issue here is the numbers are all over the place and not representative of the original game! Locks were NEVER EVER 30% in front of other classes in damage! Nor rogues or unholy DKs! That’s the problem! On top of the fact casters are outperforming plate melee generally. Ele shaman back in a day did not see the light of day, they were garbage! Yet now…the classes are all over the shop, this game does not remotely represent the original WotLK! But it’s meant too!

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You’re entitled because you want to DPS as a hybrid class that offers that option when your only DPS option is undertuned because of the patch Blizzard chose to have classic WOTLK on for the entire expansion.

Kekl the amount of mental gymnastics one most perform to think like you.


Blizzard choosing to change things mid patch is a good thing. Just because in the past they didn’t do something doesn’t make it the status quo.

In the entirety of WoW’s history Blizzard has never once done things the same as always. Hell even the way GM’s handle issues isn’t consistent. They are very known to just do things off the cuff and change their minds all the time about literally everything.

You make it sound like the #nochanges chatter held true in TBC when that isn’t the case. The game was entirely different than it was originally and they made copious amounts of changes to class balance just to make sure the game was playable. If you want nothing to change, build a time machine.

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Seal of Blood was in the game until 3.2

Give that back to us and we’ll be good.


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you’re once again not thinking about principles. what thought process should Blizzard take when considering to make changes? this is very important because it impacts what actions they take vs. what they don’t take.

mate this is about replicating the original game play, it’s “classic” it’s the reason people wanted to play it.
To prove my point, sadly I cannot give a direct link, but in terms of dps, if you type this into google search “engadget icc analysis by spec”, an article from may 2010 on Engadget, comes up with average and top dps in ICC 25, it is a more accurate representation of what was happening back in a day. A few specific classes such as Lock, Rogue and unholy DKs were not 30% in front in dps! Ret was not “D” tier bordering “E” tier in dps, we were “A” tier! Always! And a good ret with impeccable timing and determination in top 5 guilds could top the overall damage by a mile and top the damage on a lot of single target boss fights! That was the state of the game, and that’s all we want, an accurate remake of the original state of play! What we have right now is just insanity! All over the shop!

They should look at whatever data they collect, and make a choice.

You might not agree with it but they did that in this case and saw that Ret paladins went from being brought in 2 or 3 per raid, to 1 or 0.

If you had to choose between a Ret pally or an Arcane mage, you’d take the arcane mage. Even an undergeared mage will outdps a decent Ret simply due to the class being that much stronger.

I guarantee this is the reason they made this choice whether you like to accept it doesn’t matter.


nerf lock damage by 30% I reckon, then that would bring things back to where they need to be! Along with rogues and unholy DKs, there was a max. 10% spread back in a day, a far cry from the numbers on WoW logs! Even if you did that, that wouldn’t solve what is going on, it’s all over the shop with some other casters also doing way more damage than they used too!

I dont want to see anything nerfed. That’s no fun.

Things will balance out in the end as casters get less and less from gear over time.

By no means are other tanks not viable, they are just not as good as Prot pally. No reason to make false statements to try to prove your point. We have a blood DK tank in our 25 mans who does just fine.

I believe you’re confusing needs for wants. I was going to play ret out this entire xpac even without buffs, but it is nice to get a buff based on the data that has been presented for months. Clearly Blizzard waited until a few weeks into Ulduar to confirm where we knew rets would be before deciding to make a change rather than jumping the gun.

You are arguing that the re-balance the whole game. in that case, they should look into prot paladins and holy paladins as the OP mentioned. you’re defending something that doesn’t need to be defended.

Couldn’t it be just as easily said that ret dps is by no means not viable, but just not as good as other dps? What makes the paladin case so special? Why does ret Need buff?

Yes. Rebalance the game. Absolutely. Make the game playable for all playstyles and class choices.

What is your fascination with Paladin? There are other tanks doing the raid just fine. Hell I tanked it the other day on my Warrior and it was as easy, if not more so because I had more personal cooldowns.

Also, want to talk overrepresented and OP healers? Why doesn’t anyone nerf Disc in that case? It’s busted and remains busted. Why is Holy spec so bad? It’s not good for PVP either.

Why do you all hate Paladins?

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What is your issue with having one dps spec be a tiny bit better than it was, but still nowhere as good as everyone else? Why do you find this so offensive?