Class Representation and Balance - World of Paladins

What about druids, dks and warriors that want tank?


Druids and DKs are in decent shape for tanking.

Warriors would have the best claim for having a review about their class. I wouldn’t necessarily mind a buff to their tanking/dps, but it would have to have caveats:

1.) No buff to PVP
2.) Apparently Fury does scale really well at higher item levels. If they become overtuned with any new buffs in ICC or earlier, there should be an option to revert it.

^I would say the same for Ret btw.

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I am guessing they saw some really ugly numbers in better data than WCL logs and parses floating about. and are fixing that before a major issue blows up.

Elune knows in retail feral druids have said please fix us for a few expacs. and then…they make balance or guardian even better.

No blizzard we said kitty druid. Not make bear druid make kitty druid look even worse. This…they dialed in kind of right. odd really.

But by any representation in HM clears Warriors as strong as well as a DKs. Which is trash compared to prot paladin.

And below warriors are bears tanks, actually which is in the worst state atm.

This is why I think Titans grip is a good candidate. No-one PvPS as Fury.

Make it part of the Ulduar set bonus to account for said scaling.

Only thing I can say to that are Hardmodes are tuned poorly. Not surprising, considering this is the expansion where Hardmodes are first introduced.

I’ve seen geared warrior tanks get chunked by Sarth 3D, and a similar geared DK tank will shrug off an infused Deep Breath with no assistance from a healer/paladin cooldown.

Yeah, removing the Titan’s Grip nerf might be the best candidate. Can slap it back on if Warriors start returning to their Vanilla OP days as top dog DPS :smiley:


If you dismiss hardmodes balance then why care about ret damage at all. I’ve cleared multi-normal 25 mans with 2-3 rets in the raid.

It’s pretty clear that blizzard has favoured paladins for what ever reason.

My money is still on guilds considering subbing out Prot/holy players on fights that don’t need 2 tanks/5 heals. Ie, Hodir, Mimiron, and Yogg.

BUMP cause this guy is spitting straight facts.

I’m not dismissing hardmodes out of hand. I will say that hardmodes have a way of magnifying the inherent weaknesses of all the classes.

For instance, Algalon is a stress test for tanks.

I’m not certain what a good hardmode would be to demonstrate Rets weakness. Probably a fight with lots of target switching and running, but little cleaving.

I agree with you baseline that the “numbers” being wrong in the first place, and Blizzard being sort of forced into a corner and make a knee jerk use of a tank taunt and glyph, which will add what? say 500 dps sustained to our bottom line, and not put us where we were anyway in Ulduar vs other classes still scaling ridiculously (ie Warlocks and quite a few other casters and rogues and DKs etc) sort of sucks overall where other classes are also suffering! But certainly Rogue is not one of those classes. I don’t agree with this Paladin has prot and holy! You’re argument is a moot point, because the original Wrath, Ret was strong! “A” tier dps!
If you type into google “engadget icc analysis by spec”, a May 2010 set of data from ICC 25 will come up from Engadget. It’s very interesting and paints the problem. Ret was never “D” or “E” tier, it was ALWAYS “A” Tier dps! and sheer godlike prepatch, we were 2 shotting stuff with full Holy damage Divine Storm! That was quite rightfully nerfed, from “S+” tier down to “B±A” tier and there we remained ALL expansion! So for people to make posts that it’s unfair Ret is buffed, I can understand that when ALL the numbers are all over the shop compared to the original, this is no longer an accurate representation of WotLK sadly. If anything we should receive a damage buff to our direct abilities OR Warlocks and some casters and rogues need a nerf, either way is acceptable, we certainly as Ret, with this “knee jerk” stop gap measure buff, are nowhere near where we were in the original game! It’s actually STILL unacceptable! When locks and rogues and unholy DKS are 30% in front! + other casters such as ele shaman/balance druids also doing WAAAAYYY more dps than they did back in a day. I still have screenshots of Ulduar, ToC and ICC, no locks or casters there i’m afraid!


Blizzard needs guiding principles.

Classic and TBC Classic were fine because they stuck to their guns - no changes. they are now in uncharted territory. they shouldn’t have nerfed DKs, mages, and warriors repeatedly based on their discretion. The game was imbalanced but people knew what they were going to get. Now they have no direction - they are making random changes based on half-baked feedback.


Warriors aren’t even bad though lol

They are doing just fine and will get better as they get access to better gear. Literally any buff just makes them scale that much faster and ya’ll will just complain when they get nerfed again lol

Literally the only buff I think should come through is that arms isn’t the only spec that does the 4% physical debuff. Fury should have it too, and reverse true for the 5% crit.

warriors shouldn’t need to get the BiS gear and legendaries and suffer 6+ months now to be competitive.

Paladins were changed on day 1 having seal of blood/martyr for both factions.

Did you just choose to forget that?

Paladins shouldn’t need legendaries and 2pc t10 to be competitive in content that will come out in 6+ months from now.


But look at the logs. Every HM fight has more paladin tanks than any other class. And I’m most cases more than double any other class.

read my argument above - they shouldn’t have made ANY changes. now they’ve gone too far. sure, ret needs to be buffed but if they are making changes - prot needs nerfs, holy needs nerfs and warriors need to be re-hauled over

Ok and how many rets compared to every other DPS class???

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you’re right I feel, there is a greater problem to solve, why are Unholy DKs, Warlocks and Rogues 30% in front? That is the real question, when in reality, the classes were max 10% apart back in a day! And locks were certainly not up the top by any stretch, so there is something going on, whether that be the advent of the following:

  • Weak auras and better tracking of debuffs
  • Player skill/knowledge increase
  • internal numbers wrong

Or all of the above!

It needs to be sorted, there are pure classes doing way too much damage, it’s not an accurate representation of the original game