Class Representation and Balance - World of Paladins

its the only way to get into raid!

Nah, had an Arms warrior raid with us today who is not an officer. He brought the debuff so our rogues could all stay Assassination, so that worked out. I’m rooting for him to get another 2 hander so he can go Fury (only if he wants to, of course).

super cool

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Incorrect, never did this. Keep telling lies and falsehoods all you want, they’re verifiably wrong.

It’s not a lie or a falsehood when it’s true :joy:

Then provide proof of my crying for buffs, otherwise your claim is a lie.

You’re the one trying to prove your innocence. I couldn’t care less. The 10k pally threads you all made daily whinging about how your enjoyment of ret is directly tied to it’s position on a graph are all there for anyone to look at.

I hace zero to prove since I didn’t whine, you made a claim, burden of proof is on you that’s how it works. Otherwise, you continue to look foolish in your complaining.

I’m not Ret but go off more if you want.

Props for correct phrasing.

This isn’t a court of law pal, it’s a forum dedicated to a video game :joy:

If it was a court of law pallies would never of gotten a buff because whinging and complaining doesn’t win cases.

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You’ve decided to continue to look foolish then.

And you’ve decided to continue to complain, except now you’re complaining that someone has said you complained. You must live for whinging :joy:

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Any guild ran anything other then rshamies for BT and SWP? We had only single hpal for buffs on a bottom of meters and 3x rshamy and priest. I don’t remember anyone crying about it. And yeah… 3x hpriests for duration of classic xD

Because if you only need 1 tank you probably need more healers.

Uh huh. That’s it. Yup.

Where is this mythical “viable” warrior DPS spec you keep referencing?

The logs show Fury and Ret are virtually equal, and warriors alternative DPS spec is the absolute worst PvE spec in the game.

How do you rets not get this through your head?


Roll an Arms Warrior main and see how many raids you get invited to. Raids ain’t even gonna respond to you.

So you think that Fury being equal to Ret means the spec is no longer viable?

We do have an Arms warrior in our guild. He provides the damage debuff if we don’t have combat rogues in the raid.

Ret brings utility. Fury does not.

And what exactly is a guild’s reasoning for bringing an arms warr over just bringing another rogue? Bring the other rogue and you don’t have the 4K DPS loss that comes with bringing the warrior.

You KNOW you are wrong.

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You’re absolutely right, aren’t you? I should yell at the man and tell him he’s a waste of virtual space, and that he should re-roll a rogue immediately or gquit and never come back.

I should mention I was subject to such behavior in Vanilla Classic as a Ret paladin. It did not work. In fact, I did my best to push my limits and succeed despite the opposition.

And there’s no possibility, of course, that maybe the raid is already stacked with leather DPS, and we don’t actually have a lot of plate DPS (shocker I know), right?

Maybe we have a lack of warriors in the raid and just having someone for Sunders is nice.

Or maybe the raider himself has consistently shown up, and done his best throughout the expansion.

Now I don’t know if you know this, but I’m not necessarily opposed to Warrior buffs. If that’s what you’re arguing for, you really should have done your homework first before messaging me.

Seems like you’re just conceding the point now.

and your raid is stacked with leather DPS eh?? What are you running 5 feral druids that are competing with the Rogues?

You should play a warrior and experience the cold hard reality yourself. You are last on queue for raid spots and if your schedule doesn’t line up with the guilds one week and you have to PuG, best of luck getting accepted as a warrior.

Not what I’m arguing.

You’re trying to call fury viable, it’s not. It provides no exclusive utility and other classes do what they do except way better.

The comparison to Paladins are laughable, they’re one of the most utility heavy classes in the game.

I’ll say it again, you KNOW I’m right.