Class Representation and Balance - World of Paladins

I know nothing of the sort, and I’ve conceded nothing. My stance has been consistent: that while I believe Fury is viable, I would not be opposed to it receiving buffs.

As for what we raid with? I’d normally say, but your attitude so far doesn’t really motivate me to answer. I find you’re rather rude. Abrasive. Maybe relax a little and I might answer your questions.

You DON’T want to play that game with me. Have you played a Ret paladin in Vanilla classic? Have you had people spit at you, whisper you vile crap, have casters roll on Hand of Justice so they can pass it to one of their friends because how dare the Paladin roll on a DPS trinket?

I don’t doubt being a warrior can be tough in Wrath classic, but I haven’t actively made it hard for them, and I really don’t deserve any of this you’ve thrown at me. Remember, I actively raid with warriors in our guild.

So please, why don’t you go get a Snickers or something, and chill the **** out. Get out of my face with that nonsense.

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Welcome to being ret pre-buff.

Heh atleast you got 2 other specs to fall back on

Us warriors get shafted both ways

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Not only does my guild have all the healers and tanks (some already having been forced to reroll dps), the real option for ret paladins was quit or reroll.

Show me those parses.

The real options for warrior tanks is to reroll or unsub.

Warrior tanks in particular aren’t actually bad, it’s wholly a player perception problem.

That said, I’m all for spreading the ardent defender love around to the other tanks cause I still believe that spell on a tank is utterly stupid. Either all should have it or none.

Depends on your perspective. If prot paladins did not exist, your statement would be true…

Paladins are the standard which makes warriors very much not fine.

And I acknowledge this, feel free to ask Blizzard to share the ardent defender love (the absolute main difference between tanks right now).

Wahhhhhhh, pretty much all I hear

Don’t raids bring 2 holy palas for beacon and that changes once players get geared. That doesn’t actually make them the best healer. You don’t need x2 disc priests. If you bring x2 druids most of those hots will go to over healing. With a druid present, do you need more than one resto shaman?

no they bring 2x holy paladins because they are the highest output healers with the best utility with the best mana regen with the best raid defensives, you don’t bring 2 disc priests because they cannibalize each other, their strongest spell is shield by a large margin and you can’t shield the same people

A very good chunk of that hpala throughput goes into overhealing. Their mana regen restores more factoring the cd but comes at a 50% healing cost. The other healer specs come with solid and competitive mp recovery that doesn’t reduce their healing. By best defensives you mean divine sac and aura mastery and I agree are very good. However, I remember when warriors were 50%, minimum, of any raid or the frost mage galore period, or the x5 resto sham times. Once a raid is on farm you don’t even need those defensives. At some point guilds will be dropping that fifth and eventually fourth healer and going with more dps.

It’s not like the ret changes are extensive or even make them mid tier dps.

Reduce the CD of Shield wall to 4 minutes(down from 5), and change the Shield wall CD reduction talent to something similar to will of the necropolis/ardent defender and warriors will be up there with the palies

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it’s a bit interesting that the classic team often misses their mark by a mile.

the slight nerf to unholy DK damage actually knocked them down the charts significantly and the slight buff to rets has launched them to mid-tier dps

Should probably give pallies a 5% crit aura to just go ahead and put druids out of the game

give warlocks imp a stronger HP buff and both ferals and warriors out.

Good idea, the double whammy of knocking fury warriors down a peg too would be absolutely chefs kiss

bump - this thread shouldn’t die.

the Blizzard intern that reviews forums once every 2 weeks needs to see.

bump as this is an interesting discussion. the lack of balance in tanks and healers is quite apparent and something that should be at the very least looked at.