Class Representation and Balance - World of Paladins

Bunch of Redditor WoW players are angry Ret got a buff, but anyone smart doesn’t respect anyone regularly on /r/wowclassic.

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You’re not really disagreeing with him there.

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That’s one fight… Great job pointing out 1 boss fight out of 2 patches worth of content.

Asking for DKs to have a healing reduction in A FLIPPING RET THREAD is not logical.

You think rets can kill healers?

how are paladin players really saying ret not being a good DPS spec is pigeonholing their class

Can I tank as a rogue or mage? Can I heal my teammates as a hunter? No

Blizzard is cornering me into being DPS as a class I chose that only does DPS!!! what the heck guys!!! I should be able to tank and heal on my rogue if paladins can tank heal and DPS!!

buff rogues and mages let them wear plate gear and give rogues mana so they can heal!! jfc this is the epitome of paladin players. “why should I have to go tank or healer if I want to be as good at DPS” MAYBE BECAUSE YOU CHOSE TO ROLL PALADIN

Were you ever sold as being able to?

What you’re failing to acknowledge is that WotLK sold hybrids as being able to dps. So you kinda have to be able to dps as ret cause it’s our only damage spec.

Absolutely not a soul has made a mage with the intent of tanking. Plenty of folks have made a paladin with the intent of damaging.

Walls of text over 395-580 dps to a spec that has been ridiculed as being worthless.

Truly a perplexing thing, and it almost feels as if social power structure is creeping into game-land.

You can be ahead of someone for years, but forbid we bring in any semblance of equity or equality into the picture. People just start losing their minds because the focus isn’t on them anymore.

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I mean druid healing is cucked in a few ways:

  1. WG is not smart healing
  2. Holy Pala tank healing makes it tough for HoTs to be useful and add to our healing
  3. Disc priest shields take priority on the raid when it comes to “healing done” so all the shields make the slower healing over time paradigm harder

I LOVE playing my druid and when in a position of being in a raid where it is running fewer healers we can pump out the healing in great ways, but Disc priest shields and Holy Pala healing and amazing utility make it harder to justify our spots.
It also leads to rdruid being first healer to go DPS when running lower number of healers since boomkin can still do decent and some gear is useful for both specs.


I agree add RDF

It’s a class design and specific boss encounters in specific raid. You cannot tune it up with buffs and nerfs. It’s a waste of time to complain for class design of expansion from 2009/2010.

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I disagree. Its because you boomy offspec is very strong while ret and shadow are still on a bottom. Least wanted heal of Wrath is rshamy. Ulduar encounters require constant move especially for hard modes and long cast time casters and heals are just lagging behind. I main’d rshamy for BT and SWP and now its an alt on hiatus. Raid will rather take enh as a shamy.

There are plenty more hardmodes ulduar fights with similar representation.

Even so, we’re talking a few fights out of … how many bosses total so far across 2 patches? Tbh I don’t even care enough to count. My whole point is, no tank is horrible. Just some tanks are better overall, and some tanks are better in certain fights, and certain tanks get better as the expansion moves forward.

This is a 15 year old game. We all knew what to expect going into Wrath. If you wanted to play a more viable tank, you should have picked a more viable tank. We were well aware already of what tanks were good and not as good.

You make valid points.

However, exactly the same points could have been made about ret paladins, yet they just got a buff.

No you can’t actually because OG Wrath ret paladin’s were doing much better in Ulduar back THEN than they are now. This is thanks to the ilvl scaling. More specs and classes are scaling better with the ilvl buff, which is pushing them further down the ladder. No one could have known how the scaling was going to effect ret dps until it went to PTR. At that point, your ret paladin main is already 80, and already has all the phase 1 gear. What do they do? Reroll?

I’m actually keen to see the parse numbers in a couple of weeks.

I think Ret will be in a good place with the buff. Bottom middle. You’ll go from being a little below Fury to a little above Fury I think - be interesting to see how it pans out.

I’m also very interested to see it. I think you’re right though, it seems that’s what’s happening at least according to damage meters. Went from slightly under fury to slightly over fury. I’m curious if parses will reflect this.

No they really weren’t.

Everyone was doing worse.

How strange of you to be so chill about your own spec being buffed after you cried and stomps your feet like a child that never got told no for months on end to get the buff in the first place :joy:

Untrue, but okay.