Class Representation and Balance - World of Paladins

Sooo were you too young to remember this from 2010 or what, this isnt new.

Willful ignorance is a decision made in bad faith to avoid becoming informed about something as to avoid having to make undesirable decisions that such information might prompt.

You feel better pretending it isn’t nonsense.

Sounds like projection to me. Accepting knowledge is a good thing. The one being willfully ignorant is you. You are rejecting well explained information based entirely on your dislike for the change. Your head is in the sand.

A key argument that swayed us however is that all of those classes have very viable alternatives for PvE DPS, whereas Paladins only have Retribution in this role.

What other tank specs to Druids and Warriors have?

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Do paladins have another tank spec?

Oh I have no sway in the decision process, blizzard has the data and should they decide to further make changes then sure why not look at warriors and Druid tanks.

Sounds like you have a case if you choose to pursue it and not just leverage other classes to try and “win” an online conversation.

They all have one?

Zero of them sniff paladins. All but paladins border on non viable for hardmodes based on the actual kills.

Where is the balancing?

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It’s covered in this section here:

  1. Not a Goal – Embark on an effort to provide ongoing balance to all classes phase over phase. We think its very important to WoW Classic that classes behave largely as you’d expect them to throughout the current expansion without constantly worrying about major design changes altering the feel of the class. This includes having them scale mostly as you’d expect them to. Warriors are a great example of this, and in almost every early expansion of WoW, Warriors start weak and scale exceptionally well with gear. This is especially true in Wrath where Armor Penetration becomes more prevalent and available around the midpoint of the expansion, and gear in the later tiers is more tightly optimized to allow Warriors to lean into their strengths and shine. This sort of ebb and flow feels right for classic and we do not want to change this paradigm, and feel that these adjustments will allow Retribution to stay more relevant now without creating a massive new imbalance or placing them well above where we’d expect them to be relative to other classes and specs during this or future phases.

They even cover your “what about warriors?” question though admittedly it is focused on DPS warriors not protection.

I’d happily let other tanks have ardent defender or have protadins not have it since it’s a bloody silly ability for a tank anyway.

Honestly tempted to try a build without it, really doesn’t do much but allow you to die “twice”.

Which is half the basis of protadin op-ness, it allows a lot of mistakes :stuck_out_tongue:

no tank is a terrible tank. There are tanks that are BETTER than others, but … that’s kinda the game. There’s also certain tanks that are better on certain bosses, AND some tanks get better the later the expansion goes.

There are terrible tanks. Vezax is the ONLY fight in the game where any where blood comes close to Paladin.

Warrior and Druids Tanks are as handicaped as ret DPS were.

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TRUE FACTS for sure

I can’t help but notice you seem to have omitted the DPS classes that have killed Algalon. Any chance you could post them?

I’m happy to have been buffed. I’m a casual player and don’t enjoy healing or tanking as much as DPS. It was rough trying to find a pug that will take a ret pally. I’m empathetic to those in the hard core guilds who have been overlooked because they only take the best raid comp and want to min/max as much as possible, but I feel this is a win for the casuals out there.

That’s the worst thing about this update though, ret paladins, as viable as non-paladin tanks, somehow need a buff, other tanks do not.

Who is whispering this into your ears cause it’s not being said anywhere hear?

Ardent defender is stupid, feel free to ask for other tanks to have it as well, I’ll be right there supporting you.

Buff other tanks, no issue from me.

IMO warriors are generally fine in content, raided OG with a warrior MT and a warrior OT all the way through ICC and had minimal if any notable progression issues. My guess is they will be fine at end game and currently I think they’re great tanks, sadly everyone just plays prot pally as it is easier and takes less than a warrior tank does to wield effectively.

Bear tanks were originally gods of dodge until blizz nerfed that, so I’d say they’re probably in a weird spot currently. That’s all I will comment on druids tho as I don’t know enough about them to make more than just guesses.

Read the first post. data says all that needs to be said

This might come as a shock to you, but players don’t always agree with Blizzard :stuck_out_tongue:

It seems like blizzard bases decisions on whimsy rather than anything meaningful. And is extremely inconsistent.