"Class fantasy" is super important, and why people loved Legion

I didn’t enjoy how Legion put all of the different culture/race’s version of the class under one homogenized idea of what the class is. I know at the end of it WoW is a video game but Legion high lighted the videogameyness of the being a class.


I loved class order halls in Legion. Hated the Covenant system in SL. They should really make the class order halls an evergreen feature imo.

I was maining my Tauren Druid in Legion and totally felt this.

Being a Druid meant being a Night Elf.

Even the guy who was running the class hall: Archdruid Greathoof.


He was a Night Elf. :roll_eyes:


Wonder if the model was supposed to be a tauren and they just had a place holder model as night elf and forgot it

Or somebody just said the quiet part out loud and just said, “we can’t have any prominent Horde characters in the game.”

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The devs who did the Legion Enhancement Shaman reworks said removing the maelstrom bar from Enhancement Shaman is something he thinks is a mistake. The devs almost killed the spec outright because they removed lots of the things that made Enhancement unique and they basically reset all their progress.

I hated the Warriors class hall though. And the class campaign for Warriors.

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But they got to crap all over Thrall some more, which was their primary goal.

Agreed. I’d give Legion a 7.5/10 overall. (5/10 in the beginning, on par with Cata’s final patch. 9/10 at the end, on par with WOD’s early game.) – And yes, I think WOD’s early game was that good. In fact, that makes it all the more apparent just how poorly the WOD expansion evolved over time.

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I can’t wait for nightborne shamans and goblin paladins.

Yes. The only reason I made some classes was to do their Legion class hall content. Yes.


As much as people say this in Legion, they didn’t really do Class fantasy. In Legion, they did Spec fantasy.


Order Hall campaigns were literally class specific.

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A lot of the spells that returned to all specs in SL had the included dev note that they went too hard on spec identity at the expense of class identity.

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That’s part of the reason I created my thread of → New Paladin Races & their lore

To help emphasise & push class-fantasy narratives once again :muscle:
… Not to mention it helps bring forth new lore for more stories for us to use in content ahead.

Want more variety in themes, fantasy & aesthetics in content? :person_shrugging: Creating some would help.

So much this. MM was perfect in Legion. I hate steady shot and rapid shot so much. they are the reason I switched to Survival in Wrath. I hate being stuck with BM for the hunter playstyle I want.

Blizzard can barely ship content these days, there is no way they can tackle something like increased class quests and bring more class fantasy back to the game.

You will get your 8 new dungeons 4 new zones and 1 new raid and be happy!!!

sounds very culty to me lol

Yes there was great class fantasy in Legion. But, Legion was not as good an expansion as everyone’s rose tinted glasses make it out to be. There were a lot of issues with not being able to multi-spec, or play alts due to AP grinds.

But I digress. The class fantasy of Legion was great. It was thematic. It was interesting. It was fun. The reason that we will probably not see it again, is that it was expensive and labor intensive to make. They had to make questing and story content for every class in the game. They had to make quest chains for every Spec in the game. This content that was tied to class or spec or both, meant that a lot of resources had to go into making it. With the current state of game development and gaming as a whole, they are not going to pour resources into content only fractions of the players will experience. Instead, they can run less teams and just design the questing and content for all class/specs.

It isnt a good answer, but focusing on class/spec exclusive content isnt something current Blizzard will be doing. They are doing the hero talents and class/spec trees. I dont see them adding story quests behind them. And with the next 3 expansions in the works, I dont see class/spec content being at the forefront.

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I know your forum character is alliance, but surely you must only play horde? Have you seriously never heard of SI:7? Literally directly involved in numerous expansions BEFORE Legion.

  • Deathstalkers
  • The Shattered Hand
  • Gnomeregan Covert Ops
  • Shadowstalkers
  • The VanCleefs
  • The Ravenholdts
  • Maiev
  • The Uncrowned
  • Garona
  • The Bloodsail Buccaneers
  • Tess Greymane

Beyond Druids, Rogues quite possibly have more and the best lore in the entire game, from nearly the beginning. How on earth can you feel they don’t fit in with the rest of the story? The class fantasy is amazing.

This might be the worst of takes, sorry, no offense meant, it’s just a blind opinion.