It is genuinely baffling that Blizzard didn’t capitalize on the biggest win that Legion had going for it; it’s complete focus on “Class fantasy”.
For many players, it is the only time in the game they actually wanted to play multiple classes. Not because “oh this class has a better rotation” or “this spec is S-tier this season”. No, it’s because every class truly felt like a totally different experience.
And that is something sorely lacking in WoW today.
When every class is doing the same quests, wearing the same gear, pursuing the same rewards, and mostly functioning the same in their given roles – really, what’s left for you to actually latch onto, as a player?
For a long time, people actually identified with their chosen class. Your favorite class very likely said something about you as a person, and Legion was the first time that promise of actually experiencing your class was finally fulfilled. If you played a Druid, you finally got to run around doing Druid things, engaging with aspects of the world or the story that you felt were most engaging.
One of the worst things that Blizzard seems to be taking from D&D is “your character is whatever you want it to be”. Because unlike an actual tabletop RPG with your own personal DM, no game could ever possibly hope to cater to every single person’s fantasies. So Classes exist to fill those various archetypes.
Without Class-fantasy, a DPS-spec Death Knight is really no different than any other class in the game. The game never references your class, it never asks you to do things related to it, your class’s themes are not present anywhere. Even the armor-designs these days are themed around drop-location, not Class, meaning that while we have a whole lot of dragon-themed armor (which, to be clear, are still cool sets), there’s nothing that says “I’m a shining Knight of the Silver Hand” or “I’m a fallen crusader of Lordaeron”. Armor is all agnostic because it has to be, because none of it is designed exclusively for any class.
So… I hope this feedback is heard, and more importantly, felt. I would LOVE to see Class Halls made relevant in some way again, perhaps as cosmetic-only Renown tracks. The game doesn’t need to revolve around your class, but it should at least be acknowledged. Give each class their own quest-line about what they’re doing in each expansion, why current events might concern them (or even planting seeds for future events, or having their own side-stories).
Also, it serves as a great way to introduce and maintain characters in the story. It’s always good to have a “representative” for your class, much the same as it is important for each race to have a Racial Leader; characters that exist to showcase just how freaking cool these classes and races are (how many people made an Orc Shaman because of how cool Thrall was?).