"Class fantasy" is super important, and why people loved Legion

That’s honestly a good point. Hunters are another fairly generic class that doesn’t have a strong foundation, which I think shows in its class hall not really knowing what it wants to be. Warriors got kind of the opposite approach, going all-in on Norse mythology, which I thought was cool, but I know felt a little too forced for a lot of players. A Colosseum might have been a better fit.

I definitely wouldn’t be opposed to moving a couple of Class Halls around, or just giving some TLC to the ones that don’t. Rogues should find their home at Ravencroft Manor, and I’d like to see DKs’ Ebon Hold moved to a more permanent location and maybe given some semblance that Death Knights actually live there, not just two open floors.


I don’t go to Stormwind, Instead I port to dalaran and go to my order hall. lol

They’re probably bottom tier in this regard. At least Warriors can all take part in these Gladiator leagues, Hunters have almost zero that ties them together. The Trueshot Lodge is a bit of a joke.

Hunters need some sort of like… Monster Slayer’s Guild. Although I mention that and yet Warrior already beat them to that punch in SoD.

I don’t know the best solution for this truth be told.

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I honestly kind of dig that idea.

Like, give them a group of “hunter’s lodges”, maybe yurts and the like, campsites setup to represent hunters of various races and factions, gathering around campfires to swap stories about their most glorious kills (maybe occasionally being met with other NPC’s balking at said stories, insisting they’re exaggerating), where the culture is more of one of constant one-upping each other, trying to prove who is the greatest hunter.

I think that would really give the Hunter class a lot of flavor, plus be much more inviting to all the different races that can be Hunters. Maybe even use that as a means of outlining some of the cultural differences of races present, where races like Dwarves, Humans, Orcs, and Trolls are more about “the biggest, baddest trophy”, where races like Tauren and Night Elves lament at such stories, saying that life is too precious, they only hunt out of necessity.

Hell, that could even be a great little way to introduce subtle differences to core races from their allied race counterparts. Regular Tauren we know are quite peaceful, but perhaps the Highmountain Tauren are a little more boisterous, also taking pride in their hunts, or arguing over the most effective weapon for hunting beasts (“Your clumsy guns require no skill, and after a single shot, you’ve given away your position”, “They’re also not getting back up after a blast from my boom-stick, unlike those dainty little twigs you call arrows”, etc.).


Exactly my dude. Exactly. That’s the fantasy I think would be perfect for a Hunter order. Who can bag the most prestigious kill. When you say “Hunter”, the one thing they all have in common across all the various themes is hunting.

This is why we need the return of the Twilight Dragonflight by the way. It would fit the Void themed narrative, close an unfinished threat to Azeroth… and let Hunters excel at what they’re best at - tracking down and killing dangerous creatures. The glory of taking down the biggest baddest evil dragon would motivate all Hunters regardless of creed (the Twilight Dragons upset the balance of nature for peace loving hunters, whereas they simply make a satisfying tale for the Big Game Hunter types).

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Class Halls would be nice to see again, but I’d really like to see more class fantasy played out in quest mechanics out in the world, in dungeons, and in quests.

I know Blizzard would likely never design things this way, but say for example there’s a dungeon in which you can unlock a faster route through it by lockpicking a door, or there’s a trap that forces the party to take damage unless a rogue or a hunter disarms it.

There’s a lot Blizzard could do for the RPG mechanics of the game, but people do not want WoW to be an RPG by and large.


It’s a touchy subject because then the cries of “forced” to take that class/spec come out.

TD had a door that could be lock picked I think, it’s been a while.

CoS has the poison that needs a rogue or alch on the first boss.

Then of course all the covenant interactions in all dungeons in SL.

So it’s not unprecedented.

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I think the key is having multiple solutions to a problem.

Like in my trap example, making it so that only rogues can disarm a trap, you would never take the downside of that equation. If a dungeon had that, you’d always take a rogue to that dungeon.

But if hunters could also do it, or mechagnomes with their racial, or a maybe blacksmithing can make a kit for disposing of traps, then it wouldn’t feel as forced to bring the only solution.

This is also the problem with augvokers. People have problems with support, but the issue isn’t support, it’s that there’s only one support, so there’s no additional solution.

I think employing it mostly in quests where it just provides flavor to interactions and makes you feel immersed would also avoid instances of feeling like you need something. Maybe a quest that tasks you with finding a key to open a lock, but rogues can pick it and skip a step in the objective chain. That sort of thing.


Keep that stuff to open world, delves, or raids. Nobody wants that stuff in M+.

I wonder every day what an evokers classroom would be like

Where the legion class quests had great success, in my opinion, was actually making you feel like “The Champion” in ways that the more grandiose story lines in WoW have never accomplished. Finding those ancient artifacts of legend, or joining forces with famous lore characters to take down the legion in ways unique to your class had such an incredible vibe. It’s why the order hall campaign is still worth doing on every class.


They could be in heroics and mythic 0s and removed in mythic+.

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I’ve thought a bit about that as well, though haven’t come to any concrete conclusions. I’ve been pretty checked-out on this whole expansion, so others would definitely pitch better ideas that myself. I remember once hearing Wyrmrest Temple, but I always found the location to be super bland, myself.

I wouldn’t be opposed to it just being in Valdrakken somewhere. Aside from intense lag, I actually like the city’s design a lot, and I’ll probably miss it, so having a Class Hall there would keep it relevant. Maybe just accessing different chambers of the main tower, or accessing some kind of crystalline cavern below the city, maybe kind of a traditional “dragon’s cache” with piles of gold everywhere, representing the collective wealth that dragons have amassed over the years? Could be a fun spin (while also explaining why ONLY Dracthyr Evokers could be trusted with entry).

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No, it was because we had to in order to experience the entire storyline. Which sucked. SL sucked even more, because those four covenants were major story.

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that part of the gold pleased me.

There was a ton of class-specific lore that people didn’t want to miss out on. I would say it was a net negative for gameplay.

The player motivation to fight is not class-based; it makes no sense to do this.

They’re an easy class to represent underlings of bad guys. Your list has a lot of race spefific groups and not all of them are only rogues in totality which makes it incredibly easy to separate them/those groups from the class itself.

Playing through Paladin in legion was a slog because of this. Felt so incredibly out of place.

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It’s ok to have some zone themed sets, but not everything in the expansion needs to be based around the zone/dungeons/raids.

Also, the tier sets should be spec themed (and change automatically,) as a resto shaman I don’t want to always be wearing rocks or fire. We finally get a water themed set and it looks like a low rez Cata reject questing set. Even worse is when the class sets are heavily biased towards specific races (shaman - orcs, druids - night elves etc) this happens way too often.

I’m starting to think the well of creativity is running dry.

…PvP arenas? Maybe for Rogues where the watchers can bet gold on players as a way to earn gold ala Brawlers guild, and Monks to spar with complete with a /bow to start, but for every other class? No.

There needs to be some difference and some which doesn’t have or does have.

Maybe at best, a Far Cry 6 etse Chicken Fighting style minigame for, Death knight, Warlock and Hunter.
Chess or Hearthstone game for Mages.
RTS style Hexagon thing for Priests or Paladin.
Cozy game simulator for Druids ala Stardew Valley.
And for Shamans… umm… :thinking: Idk, Cookoff?

…Okay? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I mean, i’m more of a results person honestly.

For me, I leveled multiple toons if my second legendary wasn’t a throughput one. (3 total “mains” before I quit trying and ultimately quit progression, since I’d be benched without one.)

After that, I did enjoy my casual journey. And when Mage Tower dropped, it was a good time.