Class design is strange. Low skill classes should deal less damage

Oh, I get it. You’re a Blizzard PR employee trying to convince players that having to ditch their mains and reroll every patch and then re-learn and re-optimize the handful of now favored specs is the “solution” to the wrong people having the wrong kind of fun. Your goal is apparently to pare the playerbase down to a tiny number of players who live for min maxing, have premium subscriptions to multiple min maxing websites, and are inspired by the opportunity to start over every few months.

Seems right, I don’t see 15s of cds as that complex of a class myself but it would be a bit to marco that :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean it’s just a hilariously, obviously bad take.

You can’t balance a spec’s performance around someone who dies halfway through an encounter. You can’t balance a spec’s performance around someone who doesn’t even understand their own spec or how to talent it lol

I don’t play League of Legends, but Overwatch is filled to the brim with braindead heroes that could easily outmatch a Widow. Junkrat is one of the easiest Widow counters to play and requires me to lob my grenades in a singular direction without any aim.

This is a nonsensical comparison.

The issue is any stopping to cast is a significant dps loss

Not barraging into the end of totm is a big dps loss.

I know its devastating and utterly destroys your performance but at the end of the day that window is the only " difficult " aspect of the spec. Its 3 buttons outside of it.


It’s just funny because in LFR he parses blue but green for ilvl which means he’s making rotational mistakes.

From Blizzard’s own words, granted is about OW2, still will mostly share the same design decisions in WoW.

“When evaluating hero performance, we look at all competitive ranks and skill levels together and separately to get the clearest picture of how various portions of the playerbase are reacting to the current state of the game. Players that occupy the highest ranks push the game to its limits and often discover the strongest abilities and strategies much faster than the rest of the playerbase. Lower ranked players may, however, struggle more to deal with certain heroes and playstyles, so we find it important to keep all players in mind when making decisions about game balance. Rank-specific analyses are a vital part of our data diet, but this blog features data pulled from all skill levels in the beta.”

Overwatch and wow are not comparable. You’re grasping at straws and it’s obvious.

Also - sure, blizzard can design encounters around the playerbase that will be doing them. It’s why we have four raid difficulties.

That has nothing to do with balancing specs in the context of this discussion.

Not sure if you are suffering from some kind of episode, but in both Shadow of the Erdree and vanilla Elden Ring, the easiest builds are by far the best and most OP.

And I know you aren’t going to say any of the recent WoW expacs are anywhere near as good as those games. In fact even mentioning any recent Blizz game in the same sentence as a Fromsoft game makes me want to smack myself.


That’s 8 buttons not even including utility/defensives

You do know that the design teams aren’t that dissimilar right? If you need me to do your homework, I will.

Comparing a shooting game to an mmo lol

This doesn’t mean what you think it means.

It means they balance around the top but monitor how it affects low end.

That doesn’t even come close to stating they balance around the average.

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Homie, I can’t quite believe I’m having a disagreement with someone who actually believes blizzard fine tunes spec performance around the average player.

You seem hilariously committed to this viewpoint, and I don’t care enough to change your mind. I’m not interested in pulling people out of their lunacy. I just tell them they’re wrong, have a chuckle, and carry one with my life :smiley:

Blizzard will adjust encounter difficulty to accommodate the intended audience.

They will not buff arcane shot by 10% because a 40% parser forgets to press it.

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Blizzard teams borrow each other’s homework all the time. That’s not a new concept and the design theory being pointed out is not something that can’t be applied to anything else than a competitive game.


This is what terminally Wow only gamers will never get. Fun and play style is most important. If someone doesn’t want to play a convoluted and unfun spec to to do the most dmg they should not have to. If someone really hates video games and wants a Weak Aurus space ship UI with pointless spells they should have that OPTION too and it should also do good DMG.

I’m glad Blizz is disagreeing with people like the OP and making specs like Aff, Arcane, and WW a bit smoother to play. More buttons for the sake of more buttons makes no sense.

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Devil’s advocate they sorta do…?

If you build around the easier versions of specs and take passive damage most classes are in the ballpark of each other give or take.

No they aren’t.

And no they don’t.

Sorta kinda

Ive never heard of enough wow players playing off meta to prove it though. Something like 90% of the players use the same build barring maybe 3 talents.

lol. Homie, I think it’s just becoming increasingly obvious that you’re just one of those people who can’t really debate, and after you get handed so many L’s, you just end up piggy-backing off of other peoples’ bad arguments and you’ll chime in here and there.

Overwatch and WoW are two fundamentally different games.

Do WoW design teams take advice from CoD? It’s all blizzard, right?

Absolute insanity.