You’re confusing not playing the top simming build like arcane in season one with most people playing gem over harmony because gem was easier and only 1% behind
Passive talents.
An arcane build not using spark surge or totm wouldn’t even be viable.
No because CoD is owned by activision. lmao. They do not have the same staff or philosophies.
Inb4 “They’re activision blizzard”, not the same entity working on both games.
Here’s the simple truth, it all comes down to one question:
“Am I having fun?”
Now, players find different levels of gameplay difficulty - even different types of gameplay - to be fun. Some like harder classes/specs, others like easier ones.
Should the players’ output be devalued just because they like the less complex playstyle? The answer, whether you like it or not, is no.
Because a player forced to play a spec they don’t find fun because it’s “better” is going to quit the game before too long. Blizz is fully aware of this conundrum.
… shame they haven’t figured out the same logic applies to endgame content. If people don’t find the content the game offers isn’t fun, they’re going to quit.
Not everyone enjoys WoW’s progression-oriented and loot-driven endgame content.
It’s hilarious you’re smart enough to understand this point, but not smart enough to understand the obvious extrapolation from it and how it applies to overwatch vs wow
The .01% don’t care about fun. They only play WoW and want their weak aura simulator to cover their screen with random and arbitrary spinning plates. These same kids are the type to uninstall Elden Ring before even beating Margit.
I’m so glad many of them are being ignored in the WW and Aff feedback thread.
What are you talking about?
It is common for the easier starting classes to be strong because those classes are engaged with by a larger population and are peoples first impressions.
Look at Overwatch 2, the easier classes like Bastion and Solider were also frequently strong.
Or LoL, Master Yi? Annie? Ashe?
Class complexity should simply be a self-rewarding thing. You enjoy playing X class at a high level.
Spending evocation so early what is this playstyle it’s super dumb because without evocation you wouldn’t have anyway to Regenerate your freaking mana.
-receive mark of the wild from another player
-benefit from chaos brand from another player
-receive power infusion from another player
-follow the directions of a weak aura written by another player
-top the skill meters