Class design is strange. Low skill classes should deal less damage

Harder or easier content.
Harder or easier class.
Choice is wonderful.

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Funny how this wasnt an issue in Legion when almost every spec was easy to play.

Now however, almost every single spec is significantly harder, and we have all these people being salty that the people who still play the 1 or 2 noob specs left in the game like BM outdps them.

Arcane isn’t really complex… you can macro its opener and the rest is maintenance… its punishing as all hell if something disruptive happens during your burst but that isnt complexity its just rigid.

I see you are ignoring the reality that you balance around the top players not the people that can’t.

Must grind your gears you can’t actually refute anything and are wrong.

That’s literally not how balancing works. You don’t balance around top performers as they are outliers from the average.

Lol what macro are you doing for it’s opener rofl.

I’d love to see this.

That’s part of what complexity is, also the opener for arcane is absolutely ridiculous.

High chance of mistake+mistake being punishing means the rotation is difficult.

I don’t understand people who try to say otherwise, arcane is without a doubt the most difficult mage spec to actually play.

Although it’s considerably easier on beta.

You’re wrong. Just trying to save you some face in the event you want to continue this conversation

Email blizzard about it. I dare you.

Actually you do. You don’t balance around the average players. You balance around the spec as it’s played correctly.

I’m starting to think you’re full of it about being a dev

Im not but unless im a rework behind arcane is a you cast Y then X during the burst then just maintain till the next burst less they really reworked it since df s1?

Ok, I’ll just “email blizzard”.

Buddy, do you genuinely think blizzard fine-tunes around players who panic in normal mode difficulty? Lol

I don’t care what you think.

I know what I’m saying.

I don’t really care what you think either. But I know you’re wrong.

One of us has to be wrong.

And I can assure you, it’s you :smiley:

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It’s crazy you’re calling it terrible design when it’s a common trend in gaming in general.

In Overwatch 2 skilled players are rewarded with the ability to play Widow.

In league of legends skilled players are rewarded with the ability to perform on high apm classes like Zeri or Azir.

This practice is practiced in other games because it’s good. It rewards player who spend the time to master the game while still allowing easy options for people to learn the game.

This is why Malphite is a good starting tank character but if you want to climb as a tank player you’ll eventually need to learn Ksante or Ornn

I’m not understanding your point. You want to punish players who are not in the top 1% by nerfing the heck out of most players. That’ll help the egos of a few players whose egos are already overly bloated while driving average players out of the playerbase.

Yes. Unless it changed from s2 to S3

The opener is now
Ab till cc proc
Ab x3
Missles if cc procs
If missles procs you missle then arcane blast x2 then missles if procs due to NP
You will also use Pom towards the end so you can barrage totm

MOBAS aren’t comparable to MMORPG’s.

The entire design philosophy around specs should be in mechanically capturing their identity.

Players in an MMORPG, from a conceptual standpoint, should not be picking a spec based on difficulty or its standing in the meta. That’s not what WoW is supposed to be.

That is what PvP games like LoL are supposed to be.

Isn’t league the game where the point and click hero kog maw was unstoppable for a few seasons…?

Just look him up on wcl. That’s why he wants it balanced around the average player.

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