You know nothing about balancing a game properly without hurting players, stop pretending like you’re the authority on it when several game design documents go against what you’re saying.
Matching energy means to posit the same energy that someone gives to you, I.E. someone insults you, you insult them back.
The person you responded to asked you a question, and you responded in retaliation. You’re not matching their energy. You’re just being mean.
That’s what I was referring to.
I don’t think it’s possible to balance a game without “hurting” someone.
Balancing implies “bringing everything reasonably in line” at that given point in time. Presumably, there will always be some specs that are over performing. Consequently, they need to be nerfed, which could be considered “hurting players”. But the players that were historically underperforming were already “hurting”.
There’s never going to be an absence of “hurt” in a game that will perpetually require balancing.
Don’t think anyone’s pretending to be the authority on it. That said, it certainly wouldn’t be a stretch of the imagination to make a claim that people who actually engage in content probably have a better understanding of the balancing around that content than people who don’t participate in it at all.
Simple classes like BM should overall do more damage then classes with a lot of situational dps cds that can gain far more output during burst phases.
I would argue parity already benefits more complex classes.
You just lack any knowledge of the complexity in this game then.
Some specs have entirely different AoE or ST rotations while other specs just have 1 rotation and 4 buttons.
Yes arcane mage should do more damage than Havoc Demon Hunter.
Sure but that’s not what you’re arguing, you’re simply arguing that a less complex rotation should do less damage. Not because they’re doing more, but because you don’t like they can match you. This is the disconnect you’re not understanding.
Explain how toning down BM 1-2% would hurt players?
Most of them can’t even manage barb shot uptime so they wouldn’t even notice a difference.
You’re getting all triggered acting like I’m advocating for classes to be unplayable.
Never said I was an authority. Just I have better game understanding than most people on this forum.
They are roughly the same complexity wise to maximize dps. Havoc gets a bad wrap only because getting 80% of its potential dps is a cake walk. Its one of the hardest classes to maximize output.
So I’ve been playing havoc demon hunter in mop remix, and from what little I’ve experienced, this spec is no longer eligible for “it’s super simple” meme’ing.
While I’m not as familiar with a havoc demon hunter as an spriest, in my experience so far, havoc dh’s actually have a more difficult rotation than spriests.
I have literally never made this argument lmfao.
To the contrary, I’ve actually made fun of the OP for suggesting it.
They literally aren’t.
Havoc has one rotation that it uses for every situation.
The people saying Arcane mage or Sub Rogue isn’t complex are just outing themselves about how little game knowledge they have.
BM isn’t the sustain spec it used to be, it has a lot of burst damage and the near 100% uptime it can maintain during periods of high movement is a mark against it being capable of such numbers, not the reverse.
A spec that would make sense to do more damage is something like storm elemental shaman, given its high value stationary casted filler spell and lack of major cooldown.
Well if you truly want to keep arguing this point, if they are indeed struggling to keep barb uptime, that automatically means their DPS is already lowered by their own abilities to play the game, not because the class is easy.
By lowering by 1-2%, you will just have them do even less damage from the get go with no chance of getting it back by improving their play.
What a bad argument.
You think arcane doesn’t…?
Havoc has different specs for aoe and st granted but keep momentum up properly without missing hits is harder then arcane.
Yeah, Havoc DH being the contrast to an arcane mage was a massive L lmfao
I’d say havoc optimal ST and arcane optimal ST are relatively comparable, but arcane loses more for messing up and is more likely to have situational aspects such as fight mechanics cause problems and have them have to adapt on the fly to fix its cooldown timings.
All deviations from perfection are not valued equally.
Fair, I am working with slightly out of date information. Most classes I wouldn’t factor in movement to much since its mostly been handled via utility. To my knowledge shamans are still the odd man out there.
Cause the momentum windows is such a negligent point to make the class not feel like you’re eating glue it’s still incredibly easy in comparison to other specs
Agreed but a lot of people here are obsessing over the averages rather then the peak. People talking about the simplicity of havoc baffle me. Its hands down the hardest melee besides arguably rogue to maximize
You’re trolling.
Havoc is a far more involved rotation in Dragonflight than it ever was in BFA or SL.
I’m not kidding when I say I find it more challenging than a shadow priest. Of course, I have a lot more experience with shadow priest.