Class design is strange. Low skill classes should deal less damage

Ah yes, lets go back to benching entire specs (and even classes) for underperforming.

Brilliant idea OP. Any other words of wisdom to share with the class? :roll_eyes:

I don’t excuse you nor do I not excuse you.

I claimed the OP was a troll and provided my reasons for making that claim. Your knowledge of the matter isn’t important to me :smiley:

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Nailed it.

Switched to an alt because too many people put his lock on ignore I guess lmao.

Switched to my new main for TWW.

I don’t care if people that are clueless put me on ignore :joy:

That wouldn’t make any sense.

If he swapped characters because too many people ignored him, then the right way to go about that would be to create a character with an entirely separate name who couldn’t be linked back to the warlock.

He has pretty much the same name and has commented several times that he swapped posting characters because he plans to main a hunter in TWW


No opinions are objective, by definition

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Your name is very fitting


I’d just start posting on my DK that’s one of the few toons that don’t have Snoz in it.

Btw DK will be my main alt in tww. Felt really good on beta.

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How about no, OP?

I play just about everything other than DK, Druid, and Evoker. It’s fun to play more challenging specs. It’s also fun to take it easy and ride BM through mythics.

Classes/specs should not be nerfed based on their difficulty or APM. If you aren’t finding one spec fun, engaging, and easy then try another one. Nobody is forcing you to play a class with a complex rotation.

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The man calling someone cringe for personal attacks resorted to a personal attack.

How the tables have tabled.


Nice ad hom, explain how an opinion can be objective.

If you haven’t noticed I return the energy given to me.

I made an observation their name was fitting.

Not really. I know your desperate for a W though.

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They asked you to explain how opinions are objective.

Is that a personal attack in your eyes?

If the shoe fits.

Do you understand what credibility means?

Nope. It was just a stupid question.

Hence the comment.

Okay, so you aren’t matching the energy then. You’re just being mean lol

Cool. So if we could just circle back to my original point-

Opinions are subjective.
Facts are objective.

It is a fact that tweaking classes to do less damage just because is bad design.

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I was asked a stupid question. I made an observation that the name they chose was fitting after their comment about me swapping Alts.

I was matching energy.

The one that’s still irrelevant?

This isn’t what that means lol

And opinions based on facts are….objective opinions!

Balancing isn’t bad class design

You mean the typo? Are you really that desperate?