Class design is strange. Low skill classes should deal less damage

8 is literally the highest you ever have to do to get relevant gearing rewards out of M+ in the current season.

If things don’t feel right at +8, then it’s not really acceptable to say “well it’s fine at +16”, because that’s just bragging rights content at that point.

This isn’t really a comment about spec complexity (I don’t know anything about Spriest or Ret) so much as it is about the mindset of “low keys” being irrelevant but somehow people consider “low keys” to be “the entire range of keys with relevant rewards”.

Isn’t it weird how evoker and hunter, two of the most braindead easy to play 2-3 button spec classes, are just the strongest pvp classes by a factor of 10?

People literally do not play mage and it has such low play rates in all high ratings because you literally cannot exist if a hunter is around pressing 2 buttons.

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When’s the last time you raided mythic?

Bm is 6 buttons actually. Should stop talking about classes you don’t have a clue about combatant.

Lol. No class that requires 3 buttons should out damage a class that requires 6-10 buttons and or multiple conditions to their rotation/damage profile.

This whole equal outcome nonsense is how we got participation trophies and sensitive t**** running around. Of course bad players would say easier specs should do the same damage. The same players that said rewards should be given at a lower threshold for M +, pvp, and raids - because they wouldnt be able to “compete” otherwise.

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I don’t even think it’s an issue. I think the issues come when a spec gives a low amount of excitement for the work they put into the spec. Like if the spec is more complex and doesn’t feel satisfying to hit the majority of the buttons then it probably should be looked at again. Could be the same for a spec with few buttons and no actual feeling of fun or reward really.

A good example of that I think would be assassination rogue back when WoD came out. I could hit mutilate to get my charges, use the charge spending ability, and it literally could do the same amount of damage as my mutilate.

:sob: like a wet noodle really.

But was insanely easy to play.

Must be getting close to the weekend. here come the stupid flexes.

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Did someone say achievement points?! :wink:

Easily one of the most false statements someone can make lol.

Even classes like bm, it’s wild watching someone do half my damage with more gear.
‘It’s so easy a blindfolded caveman can do it!’ - Oh really? Tell me more!

Don’t engage the Elitist. Just throw a T-81 Calculator over his shoulder and he’ll chase after it. Or hypnotize him with a rising line graph.

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Eh they do have a point. It’s annoying when people that don’t really engage in the content make these kinds of posts.

It’s like what DO you actually know about class gameplay when you don’t have a m+ rating period (in any expac or season) or aotc (ever) to show you’ve done some kind of content?
But you know something about classes, skill, and what does what damage?

Oooooooooooooooooh shiny :drooling_face:

Is it really far off to say Evokers have it easier than Arcane Mages? Really? We need to post our entire WoW history just to point something out?

Aug vs Arcane or what?

Because if it’s aug vs Arcane then I think it’s a difficult question to answer directly and there’s a lot to unpack for both M+ and Raid situations.

Dev I’d say is signfiicantly easier than Arcane tho.

Well yea stuff like that is obvious.
But it’s also obvious evoker would be broken. Hero classes are ALWAYS busted on release. Heck dh are STILL busted now lol.

But the comments immediately went to bm. But like I said in my comment, it’s all subjective. Like some people find spriest impossible. I find it pretty smooth and easy.
I can’t play fire mage to save my life, a friend does insane parses on his.

They are probably talking about dev. It’s immensely easier and PUMPS. But a good arcane mage can also completely carry, it’s just harder to nail their very specific rotation down.

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Arcane mage becomes difficult when the fight starts getting in your way, you have to create space for your setups and given they’re extremely short and kinda all or nothing on execution fights like smolderon can be pretty demanding on timings and mechanical execution. Having your burn come up mid way through second intermission and having to shimmer onto fire orbs whilst evocating in order to fit it into the 5 stack buff.

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I used to only play arcane. It started becoming convoluted in SL and just got worse this xpac.
It makes it difficult to work mechanics into your rotation and keep track of your specific button order.
Like demo used to be the same, if not still but I haven’t played it in an xpac. But that one was press buttons in a specific order then hit your tyrant. Filler was whatever.

Tbh that’s how it feels all the time now. Do you risk hitting your cds and not getting full use? Do you sit on them and risk suffering a lot of potential damage?

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The answer to this question is you hit your burns to get as many as possible and if that means dancing through a firestorm with shimmers whilst nailing your TotM window then that’s what you’ve gotta do. That’s what makes it hard.

At least you don’t need to try to centralise onto your rune of power whilst doing it anymore.

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It doesn’t sound fun. I just play frost now if I want to mage.
Definitely miss the older way of arcane lol.

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All specs can be made simple.

More focus on gameplay and less on rotation.

Or pick a bunch of active talent and have fun with your “high skill” class.

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I think it has its place, I was hoping one of the hero talents would focus on burn windows while the other would offer something focused on more long term mana management / conventional damage patterns.

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Now you are speaking my language.
I definitely enjoy mana management over cd management.

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