Personally I don’t care how complex your class is as long as you can stay alive. Wether you are pressing 4 buttons or 8 buttons doesn’t matter.
Here is an idea play the easier class no one is forcing you to play the class you are playing.
In a perfect world everyone should be at the same dps level then skill divides the amazing from the mediocre this should have nothing to do with how many buttons you are pressing.
Also you should change it to say that how many different buttons you press because that’s the real argument you are making.
APM…… bro I can sit there and spam tiger punch and my apm will be hella high but my dps will be super low…
I made this character in remix because i wanted to try out the spec in a stress free envrionment.
Good lord half of Arcane tree is abilities. My bars are full of abilities i dont really know how to use together, Cast ball to make the dots fill up and then use a 4dot arcane blast, repeat. spam arcane missles between and just slap at anything not on cooldown.
I need a video tutorial on this spec.
I wish more people would subscribe to this way of thinking.
“I keep dying as a shaman”
“Then run away and heal yourself”
“Dude you have wolf form, hex, frost shock, capacitor totem…”
Those arenʻt on my bars because they DONʻT DO DAMAGE!"
Absolutely yes. TWW is another great step forward in game design from what I’ve seen thus far. We’re actually getting back to a point where many of the specs are fun to play again.
I’ve done it all before. I’ve played this game for 20 years. It’s all just some variation of proc whack a mole, cooldown tracker addons, and getting out of the fire.
nope nope and double-nope. Pls take this Overwatch mentality back to Overwatch. You dont get to decide which classes are “low skill.” And litearlly not reading the rest of this b/c your’e coming at it with a tude.