how about damage tuning/classes shouldn’t be this linear in the first place?
There’s a few problems with this.
1: Button number is not a particularly good approximation of complexity or difficulty.
2: Talent trees aren’t designed to offer compelling active vs passive choices anymore. You already get most if not all the good passive options alongside the active talents anyway, so when you drop an active for a passive the passive you’re getting is usually quite bad or uninspired. It leads to the class feeling incomplete because you aren’t trading two different types of gameplay, you’re just losing a button.
Did you prefer the previous talent style choices? The rows.
I like the Remix chaos style. With Gems, but thats too Arcade for some.
I think there’s pros and cons to both, but one of the cons of moving away from them is the removal of curated choices and the “Left hand rule” of being able to build a compelling (But not necessarily optimal) build without adding buttons by just picking every left hand side option.
I think the current trees have space to incorporate some of this philosophy with better pathing design and choice nodes, as well as moving “Core active” spells off the talent trees and back into the spellbook / levelling process to make it more clear that the active abilities in the talent trees are actually supposed to be choices instead of it being a trap not to take them.
Technically you could pick all the talents randomly and still be functional.
Um…NO. I don’t think so.
Absolutely, because the game isn’t just going to shut down on you and for most people doing the majority of WoW’s content playing optimally is hardly relevant beyond personal aspirations.
But the game doing a better job of helping people explore the talent trees without second guessing their choices, as well as letting those choices be between compelling options that impact their playstyle more often can’t really be a bad thing.
yeah its insuferable
You need to know the source to understand this isn’t uncommon. lol
308 posts later…
It’s cause it’s correct.
Why would complex classes that require more effort to play optimally not deal more damage than 4 button specs?