Class design is strange. Low skill classes should deal less damage

raises hand. I suck and I can play arcane pretty decently

Don’t ask me to tank or heal or … Well anything else

Ok true true … And as certified sucky arcane mage player I can agree with this.

Says the guy that tried to imply people don’t have jobs.

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I’m a commercial service plumber and outside of that I generally don’t comment what my actual take home money is because as you said it’s largely irrelevant.

What does my take home pay that’s hourly and commission based matter?

I it doesn’t. They just don’t actually have an argument.

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If you press the ability the moment it’s cooldown open up it is basically just a soft cooldown.

These buttons aren’t fun or interactive… they’re just boring hey I’m up so press me.

It isn’t a troll thread, if the feature was so good it would be replicated but it isn’t by wow competitive.

Mythic+ is still a mistake

Hunters may be less complex than most classes for dealing damage, but they have the least survivability.

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It depends on the fight set up.

Moonkin and spriest can multi-dot and it only takes 1 or 2 buttons. Having many dots running at the same time = phat dps.

So once they are dipping into all that multi dot goodness, then they can also do their normal rotation and do even more dps.

Sometimes it’s not about the number of buttons a dps has but the type of encounter as well.

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no it isn’t, but nice false hypothesis anyhow.

a class could have a 1 button rotation and still be the top DPS…

Always funny to see BM hunters living rent free in everybody’s heads


Cobra Shot
Barbed Shot
Kill Command
Kill Shot
Death Chakram (Until it’s removed)
Counter Shot
Tranq. Shot
Bestial Wrath
Call of the Wild
Hunters Mark
Primal Rage/Fortitude

As a Goblin I also love to Rocket Jump

Those are all used pretty regularly, but yeah if you ignore the majority your argument has weight! Yes I realize they aren’t all actively rotational, but let’s be realistic here and I’ll do the same.


That would make the whales feel bad, and maybe not pay as much. We can’t do that.

Agree. I would think the reward for doing a more difficult class/spec, would be having the ability to excel at more difficult content. Not to mention pride at your achievements.


Low skill classes should deal less damage

feels like…bait.

And no…they shouldnt…because that just means half the classes in the game wont get played at all.

YOU can CHOOSE to play an easy class, now cant you?
So in essence you have no valid point to make at all.


The one you responded to likely doesnt even now that Beastmaster actually has more than 3 or 4 keys to press IF you actually keybind it all, lol.

Idont personally go nuts with BM, keepin it simple, but yeah, it has a lot more to it than some of the jokers in here want to admit.

I am not sure that punishing a class due to their devs being unable to come up with a creative playstyle is a great idea.

That’s likely the case and I agree with you. I would never sit here and argue that hunter is a difficult spec, but the “4 button rotation” rhetoric is silly.

The last time I felt skill expression was when I dropped Spirit Link totem in a key or back in BFA in Uldir when I played Unholy and my damage was complete trash but I was still brought because I knew how to grip people on that one boss.

Neither of those expressions have anything to do with damage. Sometimes you’re just in the right place at the right time, playing the right class, knowing exactly what you’re doing, you know, skill.

But you were able to do it. So are you saying that you’re in some way superior to the average WoW player?

I never said I mastered it.

I will say I play at a higher level than the average WoW player yes

You might be giving yourself too much credit. It’s not actually that difficult to look up a guide and download an add-on.

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