Class design is strange. Low skill classes should deal less damage

There isn’t a spec that has less than 4 to 5 buttons in a rotation.

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Overwatch and world of Warcraft are two completely different games. This has nothing to do with “muh competitive game”, whatever that even means.

Are you really asking me to explain this concept further? I believe it’s self-evident.

Yeah, a lot of people enjoy moving around in their career and enjoy working on different projects. I do the exact same thing. That doesn’t mean anything :joy:

In no way is any of this relevant to the reality that when blizzard needs to balance and fine tune classes, the basis they must use is some form of a simming program and/or player performance at the higher levels. No one can make a reasonable conclusion as to whether a spec is over or under performing if the player driving that spec dies halfway through the encounter or doesn’t have a mastery of their own rotation.

I would think this is common sense.

I’m not trolling my thread comes from a recent Riot August video of him talking about how complex characters are more powerful at higher levels of play then i thought about how difficult arcane mage is and it was a bottom dps for the majority of the expansion…so if people spent the effort to learn it they were rewarded with nothing.

That’s not trolling it’s an obvious observation that you’re just mad about.

BM Hunter, MM Hunter, Hpriest just to name 3 right off the tip.

Homie, please. Two minutes in your post history and anyone with a functioning brain would know better.

Posting in a Delfaux thread was y’alls first mistake. Thinking anyone will read the ridiculous back and forth wall of text is your next.

Some of you must be real bored. Besides, there’s another “complex mechanics vs DPS” thread. Go use that one.


Barbed shot
Cobra shot
Kill command
Death chakram
Kill shot
Multi shot

That’s 6

That’s not even including CDs or defensives or utility or hunters mark

Aimed shot
Arcane shot
Steady shot
Rapid fire
Death Chakram

Also 6

Also not including offensive defensive utility or hunters mark

Not going to comment on priest because I don’t heal

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In M+ you RARELY press cobra shot mate.
Basic rotation in M+ BM is MS, BS, KC. CDs do not count as part of a “usual” rotation.
They are other buttons you press every minute or 2.
And yes I’ve done high stuff as all 3 of the specs I listed. All 3 are equally as braindead.

No, I think talent and a hard worth ethic typically translate to a wide array of roles, and creative people don’t like to spend too much time in a single role.

Creative people understand that about other people.

At any rate, I think that’s enough time committed to trading words with someone who doesn’t play the game and clearly doesn’t understand it :slight_smile: later tater!

Then don’t play it?


Anything under 45 seconds is considered rotational.

Also the only reason you multi shot is to refresh beastcleave

Cobra > multi shot unless you’re refreshing beast cleave.

I didn’t say they were hard. I just said they have more than 4 buttons in the rotation.

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Why can’t you just accept that your statement was wrong?

Random log from a top BM M+ parse.

28 minute run. Cobra Shot cast 112 times. That’s 4 Cobras every minute. So once every 15 seconds. And that isn’t accounting for downtime between enemies.


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Agreed, every time I log on to my BM Hunter to try and gear it I do one dungeon and log back to my spriest because I’m falling asleep. Same with ret pally.

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Yeah, generally “talent” is developed by, ya know, working. Seems obvious but I’m further coming to understand the capacity out of the person with whom I’m dealing.

I’m a senior accountant and financial analyst for a billion dollar global staffing and recruitment firm that specializes in energy and oil and gas.

I make a great salary with a very promising career path in the heart of Houston. I’m quite proud of the work I do.

You’re absolutely cooked out of your mind.

If you think I’m lying, you must hold the work I do to be in quite high regard.

I’ll take the compliment and laugh at how wrong you are.

Should I also mention I’m actively working on my ACCA accreditations and hope to have a CPA by the time I’m 35?

Or would that just be lying?

Absolute degenerate lmfao.

Dude actually said you don’t have a job?

Not everyone is in their moms basement like he is apparently

Lol imagine getting handed so many Ls you resort to telling people they don’t have a job :joy:

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I never like to bring up IRL cause I don’t believe it’s relevant and I don’t have anything to prove.

But if someone actually wants to tell me I’m unemployed and have never worked a day in my life, I’m inclined to tell them they’re wrong.

Just so happens, this moron picked a very bad target.

Well, when you accuse someone of not having a job for zero reason, and then you accuse them of lying when they tell you their career, it gives very strong “I’m unemployed, I’m projecting, and I live in my mom’s basement” vibes.

Seek help, bud. Later tater pt 2 :smiley:

That’s wild cause i just looked through my post history and none of the threads looked troll.

Tag me in a single one since it’s so abundant

That’s a pretty good one