Clasp of unity not available to alts although main already completed campaign?

Would you like to do it on my 25 60’s? I sure wouldn’t.

The introduction of double legendaries is basically just going to make the game worse for a lot of people because some specs are going to benefit way more than others and the people who don’t fall in that category are just worried about mitigating the extent to which they’re going to fall behind, in both PvE and PvP. To act like people should be grateful for the easy loot is ridiculous

oh puh-lease. It is not a burden for another class to get more benefit from something than you. This is coming from a NF warlock where it is marginal at best and most of our value is in tier.

This is a free item that increases your player power. To pretend thats a bad thing is just looking to be upset.

I just did it on my alt today - it isn’t that hard to do the campaign on a second character for a free legendary (although it was a pretty junky campaign - last week was the worst though).

Well, I do apologize that I didn’t realize you got a whole 50 rep from each raid boss once a week… :roll_eyes:

Because they’re world quests.

No one is being punished. Rep has always been something to gain for some sort of player power. This one happens to be the easiest.

Since when have you ever been given a way to immediately jump up in rep?

Go mass murder rares if you’re that far behind. But this has been known for months. The bare minimum would have had you at revered already.

This statement makes absolutely zero sense.

Don’t even know what this means.

So now we’re making up numbers? LOL

“Tolerance?” :rofl:

I’d like for you to point out where I’ve said that this content is somehow awesome and great. I’ve literally been on the forums talking about how much ZM is boring and stupid.

But keep making stuff up. :+1:

Then don’t. Use the Memory. Your 25 alts don’t need max level legendaries. Let’s use some common sense.


It very clearly is in PvP for obvious reasons, and also in PvE if you want to get invited to groups. Some of the specs that have really great double legendary combinations were already doing really well; some of the specs that don’t have good double legendaries are the ones that probably need buffs and don’t look like they’re going to get any.

Mistweavers do the lowest damage of all healers (which makes them undesirable for M+) and are the easiest to kill in PvP, and that’s been the case since the start of Shadowlands basically. Double legendaries could’ve been an opportunity to shake things up, but the one MW covenant legendary that was actually pretty interesting got hit with a giant nerf for being too good in raids, and all the other options just aren’t that good compared to what other healers are getting

Are you raiding Heroic or higher on all 25 or doing M+15 or higher on all 25 or doing rated pvp on all 25 ?

I highly doubt it so just worry about the 1 to 3 you are probably actually playing . Do the campaign and the rep and get a legendary memory you can use on all 1 to 3 of them .

If you say you are using all 25 for high end content then I know you are lying and you are doing this for fake outrage.


No you weren’t… It was changed on the PTR before 9.2 was even released. People just didn’t pay attention.

So skip it and buy a base piece for 2nd legendary, skipping chapters 4-7, yeah?

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There’s a lot of that today.

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They changed it so it didn’t need to be “farmed.” Doing 2-3 world quests each day, and thus earning patterns within patterns each week, gave you enough to be revered by now. I took a week off and I’m just a tad shy of it so I know.

It’s hilarious people don’t have time to do 10 minutes of quests a day, but have that much time to argue on the forums about how busy they are…

This. Approximately an hour for a guaranteed piece of gear is pretty good, considering a mythic plus takes half an hour plus set up time for a chance.

Also all of the people with 20 alts, you don’t need the 260 or 290 piece becaude you aren’t raiding or dojng M+ on them all. You’re doing what I do with alts, farming pls stuff and the dps difference between a 290 and a 190 leggo isn’t going to matter for that.

It absolutely was not clear, and everything I read leading up to 9.2 seemed to suggest both the belt and memory were account-wide unlocks, for those of us that do not have 200k gold/$20 per alt to spend.

" The ability to use a Unity Legendary in addition to another Legendary is unlocked by finishing Chapter 7 of the Zereth Mortis campaign. This is an account-wide unlock.

Both the Unity waists and Memory of Unity for each Class are sold by Vilo, the Enlightened Quartermaster."

That absolutely suggests both are account-wide, and straight up says the belt is purchasable from the Enlightened Quartermaster (it’s not, go look.) All you “it was clear from the beginning you’re just stupid” people… Notice how your comments say “The memory is account-wide. The belt is not” right off that bat? Now that is clear.

But of course, the $20/per alt option is account-wide the instant you complete the campaign.

I am revered, I have the memory of Unity, I don’t have the money. So, I thought it would be good that I can at least get the supersavers ilvl 265 one on my alts day one. The bad one.

I love this game. I’ve had a blast in Shadowlands, but the lego system needs to go. They should not feel so compulsory. Every mechanic around them seems to beg you to spend money. Even the runecarver function where you can get your soul cinders back—you get the resources that take a couple hours to farm, sure, but you destroy the base item and need another 200k gold…

I would rather legendaries be legendary again. Low drop rate, in the world, from content. Not everyone gets one, but everyone gets the same chance. Instead, they feel compulsory and are designed with the WoW Token in mind.

Not really shocked after the whole covenant campaign skip got binned in 9.1 that they are going to make you do this campaign over and over again.

This Dev team comes close to hitting the mark then blunders it.

So I have actually been in contact with 2 GM’s over this. The first one thought I was trying to find out about the memory, but still linked me the WoWhead article guide for unlocking double legendaries in Shadowlands patch 9.2 as their source of info. I corrected him in a following ticket submission stating that the article actually mentions you can purchase the belt from Vilo, and I was just trying to figure out if that was true or how it worked now, since no one seems to know. This morning I received another response from a different GM.

“Here’s some more information from the guide we linked you” (linked me the same guide as the first GM).

““You can purchase a Legendary Belt which is locked at item level 265.”” - purchasing the belt doesn’t require rep, purchasing the memory does."

““Players will unlock this feature after completing Chapter 7 which becomes available on March 22nd.”” - please make sure to complete Chapter 7 of the Enlightened campaign to be able to purchase the belt from Vilo."

“Hopefully this takes care of things for you and I wish you good luck in your future gaming adventures! :)”

I received an updated response maybe 30 minutes later.

“Hello again!”

“Apologies, you don’t buy the belt, it’s a quest reward.”

When the Blizzard GM’s rely on second hand info from outside sources, it means that Blizzard did not communicate clearly on how something was to be done or obtained. They very clearly intended on the belt being purchasable, but when changing that, failed to update the community accordingly. Even their GM’s didn’t know, because they rely on the guides and updates from sites like WoWhead to help us figure out things, which is fine, WoWhead is a huge source of information for in-game related issues, but as Blizzard employee’s, they should have access to the most up to date information, which in this case, they didn’t.

I agree with you, but I think we might both be suffering a bit of Stockholm’s syndrome after the legendary cloak debacle. Three hour quest line you have to do on every toon and if you don’t not only do you lose a MASSIVE amount of power but the last boss literally mind controls you.

How do you know what they need? They all have a 262 legendary (I hate Torghast), and at some point I will upgrade them all to 291. The 265 belt would be nice so I don’t have to go farm Torghast even more (I mentioned I hate Torghast right?)


This says it all.

In S2 I did at least 1 +15 on each one of them weekly for vault, and am now doing at least a +10 on each one of them so far in S3. I am not actively raiding anymore, so M+ is my end game, and I don’t focus on any single toon any more than the other. It’s not that hard to do this, just takes a few hours a night.

And for the record, I unlocked the belt and the memory last night on one of my toons. The rest all did the skip and I just farm the world boss weekly (I get about 21% each week towards the Patterns Within Patterns quest, so I’ll complete this every 5 weeks on them, this is the same way I did Korthia). The toons I did the skip on aren’t even Friendly yet as it was prior to them awarding the missing reputation.

And before you question, here are the 24 on my main account -