Clasp of unity not available to alts although main already completed campaign?

I didn’t run around tagging rares.

I got revered 2 weeks ago.

the enlightened rep was designed so you didn’t have to tag rares.

literally just do the campaign and world quests.


You had to have if you got Revered 2 weeks ago, that doesn’t even make since lol

and you didn’t need revered 2 weeks go. what is your point? revered meant nothing until this week, and if you’ve been playing since patch launch and aren’t revered yet, no sympathy, because this is literally the easiest rep we’ve ever had to grind.

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“Both are sold” basic kindergarten reading comprehension required. Come on people this is a new low.

Grabbing the Darkmoon Faire rep buff before turning in the weekly and killing the world boss that week gave me more rep than an entire day’s worth of tagging rares.

No crap it is, didn’t say it wasn’t easy rep… Just saying it would be nice to get rep for other activities… But, I have seen you around plenty on the forums and know that you will just keep going on and on and never see anything from a different point of view, so I’m done with you.

we do get rep from other activities.

you get rep from each boss you kill in the raid, and from the named trash mobs.

I mean feel free to keep complaining about stuff when you clearly don’t understand how it works, if that’s what floats your boat.

what point of view am I supposed to see here? one that thinks rep only comes from ZM? sorry not interested in being wrong.

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The unity memory off vendor is however so you dont need that belt.

And yet…



Three world quests a day doesn’t take away from that.

ONLY if you want the belt. The Memory, like every single other Memory before it, is account wide.

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This is so wrong I don’t even know where to begin. Every article has specifically stated only the recipe is account wide.


So don’t do it today. Wait a day for everyone to get the World Boss kill out of the way.

It took 1:22 to skip to chapter three and catch up from there for a free leggo.

If you don’t want to spend that time, get one toon to revered and pay for the belt on every alt.

Pretty simple.

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I apologize for misrepresenting this particular PTR item in my comment. In this particular instance, the PTR patch notes (as linked by Ronalio above) announced this change on January 21, which was 2 months ago.

Why are there only three? Why can’t those three simply be repeated infinitely? This is basically just punishing people for not making questing in Zereth Mortis part of their daily or weekly routine; otherwise there would be a way for people who have fallen behind on the rep grind to get caught up immediately

I like how you trivialize hours of your time utterly wasted solely to benefit a cash shop metric

You really are amazing at normalizing incredibly low standards for your paid entertainment and then projecting it on others with a version of righteous indignation

You are part of what’s left after the vast majority quit slands (85%)

Bliz cherishes your tolerance for padding their metrics without delivering a higher standard of content


Its a SLAP IN THE FACE you only get handed a heroic ilvl legendary item for doing a handful of quests! The absolutely NERVE

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What part of, they are sold on the vendor, do you not understand by this quote?

The belt is tied to the campaign. The unity power is tied to a quest and rep. In the time youve complained about this you could have taken the 30 mins and just done the campaign.

its not supposed to be upgradeable. You need the revered item for that.

You mean WoWHead lied to you.