Clasp of unity not available to alts although main already completed campaign?

On top of that, the BoA item that gives 50% more cyphers. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I would expect a male worgen to not understand how unity works despite people knowing for months.

Do the quest again, easy peasy. Its not that hard. Just disappointing since you cant upgrade it, nor would you want too since it has no socket.

Might as well grind out the rep and craft it on whatever toon you have anyways.

SO you got the memory unlocked . That means it can be used on any toon you have.
The belt is per toon only .

Now go grid the soul ash and what ever else you need to make your alts their covenant legendaries .

The amount of time it would take in Torghast on every one of them to get enough Soul Ash / Soul Cinders to make a second rank 6 or rank 7 legendary would be more than it would be to just finish the campaign and get the 265 belt (effectively same as a rank 6 legendary).

I absolutely hate Torghast, at least the new currency Cosmic Flux feels like it drops from trees, it’s the Soul Ash / Soul Cinders that kill me. And even if I farmed them on my fastest Torghast clearing toon, the 20% penalty to transfer hurts (it takes 6300 Soul Ash to turn it into 5250 and 2100 Soul Cinders to turn into 1750, which is a lot of runs of Torghast layer 9 or higher x 24)

I’d like to see a better way to farm Soul Ash / Soul Cinders. I’m not even sure why they added a penalty to transfer them while there is zero penalty to transfer Anima to our alts.

You are out of touch

Peeps pay to be entertained, not to be bored for hours and then receive a commodity level upgrade

A boring time is still boring even if it ends in a piece of gear

The rewards do not justify crappy design or gameplay or tedium or subpar entertainment delivery

You are swimming in koolaid

It be better if we could mod this skyrim/fallout 4 style.

Now its ugh…pelagos. Bastion has so many people…we get him. the maw starts to look good really.

But if it was thomas the engine pelagos or randy “macho man” savage deathclaw pelagos…now we are talking!

I am playing the game happily without crying on the forum about something I did as part of a questline I was doing anyway, while doing world quests in a zone I was in anyway.

Boring is subjective. The questline was fine. Its a WoW quest. If you dont like those, this probably isnt the game for you at this point. Its been the same quest formula for 16 years.

This is a heroic raid ilvl, legendary effect piece of armor for the tiniest bit of work. The only koolaid is that the game is going to change or bend to people too lazy to just play it.

They seem to find every way possible to stretch this content to the max I swear.

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intentional, the Memory is account wide, you’re not getting a 265 leggo for nothing, gonna have to put time into that.

Yup, and it’s NOT BoA, requires honored, and the cost to transfer Soul Ash / Soul Cinders still has a 20% penalty (it takes 6300 Soul Ash and 2100 Soul Cinders to transfer enough for an alt to have 5150 / 1650). So to transfer to 1 alt, you have to buy 2 bags.

Nice . Blizzard does listen to complaints.

Now please make unity belt available to everyone once main complete campaign!

Not all of us are willing to grind Reptuation

cant you wear a different belt then?

It is very odd that we can’t upgrade it. I was so happy thinking I would be able to get both legendaries to 291, spent the rest of my gold on the 291 belt item from AH, farmed Torghass for rest of materials, and then ran to Runecarver only to find out you can’t upgrade the one given by the quests. Why do we have to farm to revered rep to buy the recipe and have to completely recraft the legendary just to get a 26 item lvl upgrade?

The belt doesn’t require Rep. You just need to do all the parts of the campaign which can be done in a little over an hour now that we have flying.

And doing the campaign rewards a ton of Renown which is great for Alts.

Because the recipe does 2 things .

1: It can be placed on any item not just a belt .
2: It is account bound . So once you get it all alts have it too

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