Clasp of unity not available to alts although main already completed campaign?

No you don’t.

LOL. A person who was not quite so ready to give blizzard the benefit of the doubt every time an unannounced change became an unpleasant surprise might observe that such changes seem to be designed to mislead players into thinking they’re going to be getting something that blizzard has no intention of giving players. It’s a strategy to get players to sub if it looks like they’re getting what they want. It’s called “bait and switch”.

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Even if you didn’t go for the rep memory , you were still going to have to quest for the lego belt .

If you are not willing to even put that little of an effort in , then you never really wanted double legendaries and are only here with fake outrage.

This is the real kicker here. I don’t see any reason why this is necessary. You still have to buy the 291 belt to be able to upgrade this. It doesn’t benefit anyone in particular. Saves you a bit of torghast spam at best?
“Please remake a legendary from scratch, because we hate you” - Blizz

That’s how legendaries have worked the entire expansion, why did you think this would be different?

So a free heroic iLvL piece of gear doesnt benefit anyone?

Yeah man! You forgot about the entitled people that should just get everything handed to them! Why play the game?! Just log in and you’ve got everything mailed to you! Now you can complain about no content!


And the whining and crying begins.

Waaah waaah…I have to quest through a campaign that’ll probably take me 2ish hours starting from scratch or so now that all chapters are unlocked and I can fly to get my alts their 2nd legendary…this is assuming, of course, I am lazy and haven’t been doing hardly anything in ZM for the last almost 2 months to get my rep to revered so I can buy the memory which is account wide unlocked and allows me to craft the superior 291 item and ignore the campaign completely.

Come on folks you all have access to the internet and know about sites like WoWhead and IcyVeins where it has been well known and communicated for months now. You check the sites to see what talents you should be picking, where to find quest items or objectives, what the spreadsheet nerds say is your best covenant, etc…you have no excuse to not have been aware that the belt was a quest reward and wasn’t even upgradeable at that.

Some of us never had a true/fair option to even use the belt in the first place since our one and only good memory came on a belt or helm and since helms are a tier piece and belts are not…we didn’t get any real choice.

Sigh, you mean alts need to do the campaign no matter what?

The belt is a quest reward, so yea your alts have to complete the quest.
If you don’t want to do that then make one with the memory that is account wide.

It’s a lego, not a green… if you want it then go get it.

The belt was free… it’s literally a hand out.
And yes it benefits the people that put time into crafting and the people that don’t feel they need to min max an alt bc it’s free… You could always craft yourself, but then you wouldn’t have anything to cry about.

No just for the free belt.

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Because you want more than one belt


It is intended, it is a campaign reward. If you don’t want to do it on alts, then wait until your main can buy the memory and it will be unlocked for all your alts.


On the PTR as well as in at least one WoWhead guide it was shown that we would be able to buy the belt from the Enlightened vendor for 2500 flux. If this change was made it was obviously unknown to everyone, because WoWhead does more digging into undocumented changes than anyone, and they didn’t catch the change. Blizzard needed to post this change before the patch launched, so that people could have known. It was a massive oversight by them, I myself am taking my time on hitting revered on my rogue because I figured I could finish the campaign and buy the belt on others and eventually make the 291 later, but now it will take me less time in hours played to just hit revered rather than do the campaign on 12 characters. Its an unnecessary time sink that shouldn’t have launched this way. It’s also easily fixable the same way they made the Archivist Codex account wide for alts in 9.1.5. When you also consider the gold cost of making yet another leggo, for some that play multiple characters, it is just horrible.

This is the way.

You can play the game a lot and still not be revered with the Enlightened because it’s not the right type of content

Since 9.2 arrived I’ve queued for Solo Shuffle at least five hundred times across three characters if the data from the unofficial Solo Shuffle leaderboard is accurate, so now I have more cosmic flux than I will probably ever be able to use but not enough Enlightened rep because I mostly stopped going to ZM because it seemed like a more sparsely populated, even less fun version of Korthia–in fact it actually made me miss pre-9.2 Korthia

You didn’t read everything. I was referring to not being able to upgrade the piece.

For a lot of classes a belt is overwriting the legendary they already have. Same with classes who already have a covenant legendary. Too many waffles on systems by devs.

Give out all the free loot you want.

Again. The point being made is It’s completely different from a crafted belt of the same skill level.
You cannot upgrade the campaign quest belt any higher… There’s no reason to restrict upgrading the quest belt…

That was the point.

You don’t get to use a free easy item to bypass the grind for a 291… The point of the belt is for alts you just bounce around on… they don’t need a 291.
The memory is for your chars that you want to do end game on.

If you were Revered.

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