Clarification ticket

Legal action?

“Your honor their Blood Elf called my Orc a doody head”

Right click report, ignore, and move on.

Blizzard will take care of the rest.

Do NOT engage this person, because when a GM investigates this EVERYONE guilty of violating the CoC will be dealt with. “He started it” is not a valid defense


everything has taken place ingame.

Folks, can we tone down the aggression a bit? It is entirely unnecessary and contrary to the mission of this forum.

Sounds good, Coldpaws. A Game Master would just need a general time frame on when the chat took place so they could look into it. I’d recommend using Ongoing harassment in this case.


alrighty thanks! I taken screen shots of it

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Keep in mind that screenshots cannot be used as evidence, but we can use them as a reference to locate the chat in question.


Sorry. I didn’t feel I was being aggressive.

I’ll step out.

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There was a bit of mockery in some posts, not simply by you, and the repeated message of “just report”. It is a good message, truly, but when it’s coming from multiple people, especially when someone may be frustrated by a situation, it can be a bit much. I know your heart is in the right place. Just asking folks to take a step back. :slight_smile:


Probably really is best to ignore, report, move on. If you’re seriously considering legal action, you probably need a lawyer. You’d have to get the person’s real name/contact from Blizzard, which is almost certainly not happening without a court order. You’re heading into complicated legal territory there. I am a lawyer and I wouldn’t even try to represent myself on this one. Also not sure you’d have much of a case based solely on in-game conduct, but you can certainly ask a lawyer about it.

As for impersonating Blizzard employees, Vrak has addressed that, but also know that legit Blizzard employees in game are really obviously that (I forget exactly what it looks like but it’s unmistakable). You can’t fake it. If someone in chat looks like any other player but says they’re a GM, they’re not.

its got the blue BLIZZ flag

What has the blue Blizz flag Coldpaws? The player’s text in-game? If so, there’s two possibilities. The first is that it’s a real GM.

However, based on what you’ve posted so far, my guess is that the player in question actually had a ticket with regards to an in-game issue and a GM had to access their character to test things out.

Sometimes a GM forgets to flip off the switch to make sure that it’s not showing that when they’re done. If the character is impersonating a GM with that still on, then they likely won’t be surprised if it earns them a vacation from the game.

Definitely report that in-game (especially if they’re still doing it).


I was referring to what the gm flag looks like, but the person name has its name then ream then message

Just to be totally clear, is it showing the Blizz icon like this one -> next to their chat?

If so, then my guess is a GM forgot to turn that off when they were done with the person’s character. If they’re using that to pretend to be a GM, they’re definitely in a lot of hot water :wink:


that’s the icon, but they don’t have it, in the screen shots, but yeah that’s the general blizz icon I was referring too

Place then on ignore and report you cant report a real GM if a GM realy wanted to talk to you they would do it officialy usualy.


Actually just the fact that they’re in public chat at all (if that’s where this is happening) is almost proof they’re not a GM all by itself. I’ve had a GM contact me directly about my ticket, but I’ve never seen a GM in public chat. I think I’ve heard they used to occasionally way back in vanilla, but I believe it would be extremely unusual today.


I seen a few gms since I started playing I seen one last expansion, appear say something like “is that so, lets have a talk you and I” and both the gm and player poof

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I’m not entirely certain what you are seeing, or where you are seeing it, Coldpaws, but that is not what our Game Masters do. Even if they were to appear in-game, which they almost never do, our policies do not provide for that kind of interaction.

Please feel free to submit your report at your earlier convenience.

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Huh, I didn’t know they ever did that any more. Edit: and Vrak says they don’t.

… Now that I think about it, that might be because I make regular use of the
/leave command. I’m rarely in trade chat, only sometimes in general. When it gets too offensive or just inane, /leave to the rescue! (After /report when appropriate.)