Chronoboon Displacer Feedback

Anyone who thinks the chronoboon was not a necessary addition needs to realize that on certain realms there were individuals who spent every waking moment of every single day (maybe they collect disability?) sitting in hot spots as a ghost and dispelling every person they could. This is not PvP; there is no opportunity for an exchange since the person sitting as a ghost has nothing to loose and will happily die after dispelling you so they can sit as a ghost again for the next person.

Here is a clip of a person that ran 12 accounts simultaneously with dispellers sitting in ghost form around the world. This is what the chronoboon solves.

As an alternative to the chronoboon, if they made all Wbuffs undispellable by other players such that you had to kill someone to rid them of their buffs that would be just fine by me.

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Revaluate the below and appreciate the keyword you missed.

I corrected his (and your) misplaced blame.

You’ve shared your thoughts, but they aren’t logical. I’ve maintained the primary reason for such low wpvp participation in Classic is the lack of a motivating force. At no point have I claimed no one should be wpvping. Your intentional misrepresentation of my posts only makes yourself look worse. BGs disincentivize wpvp participation. That’s an inescapable fact that both you and the pally have already conceded. BGs are unique in siphoning wpvp engagement because they both demand the players’ presence inside an instance and provide the same (and extra) rewards.

Great. It’s good to know you two are completely satisfied with the current state of wpvp in Classic WoW.

What’s wrong with it? Servers with world buffs will have wpvp. World bosses are wpvp. Resource zones are wpvp. Battlegrounds are pvp.

What is the issue?

Did you play original 2019 Classic? or just SoM?

Good point, I remember there even being a leaderboards for world buffs dispels which made things even worse and speaks volumes how ridiculous it got.
I for one would be ok if they made worldbuffs undispellable.

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Is there a way to ignore someone on forums? I am tired of getting quoted by the same person 3-4 times a day with a spam, repeat post over and over.

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Kind of a joke to call 2019 classic “original” - it definitely wasn’t “original” to have everything nerfed AND the strongest possible versions of your character at the same time.

And yes, I had a gnome named Axelife in 2019 classic… I made it through Naxx, but I definitely wouldn’t have made it that far if not for the covid lockdowns in 2020.

I would have left around BWL if not for covid sucking me in deeper.

Found it, its under summary and preferences and you can add them. No more Despitebeing quotes. :partying_face:

I didn’t miss it I just took it in the context he provided by reading the whole post and understanding he was referring to the future and chronoboons potential impact going forward based on his more recent experience.

Were you also referring to the future? No, you weren’t.

He said it ruined the wpvp experience he was having when the chronoboon introduced and once again, you said the killer of wpvp was BGs which doesn’t fly one bit because he was involved in large scale, multiple guild wpvp after BGs were already a thing.

How can that be if BGs killed off wpvp participation according to you?

Are you getting it yet?

Yeah I get that I just don’t think you’re making a very good case. Especially in light of evidence that thoroughly refutes your assertion.

I never said you did. Im talking about the claim that BGs killed off wpvp while a whole server is turning out to wpvp late into Classic when the chronoboon was actually introduced.

I’m the one being misrepresented. I didn’t attribute it solely to BGs and if you read my earlier posts you will see I don’t consider BGs to be the biggest factor. There’s lots of reasons.

So? Do we have to judge the health or state of wpvp by the number of people who do BGs and why they do them?

You said wpvp is simply pvp that takes place in the open world. If that’s all we’re going to base it on wouldnt me attacking Crossroads guards on my ally toon until 4 horde show up to erase me be wpvp?

Its not about how satisfied or dissatisfied I am there are just things beyond my control so I dont sweat them.

I’ve seen axelife. I’m not exactly impressed

Thats probably my fault. Im sorry. Ill stop now.

Nah, I think he is trolling too effectively that its actually triggering me seeing his name at this point. Getting too old for forums LOL

You seem to be incredibly defensive for someone who isn’t DB :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


yes it is

Okay, I want world buffs because they bring more to the table than just raiding. They bring world PvP and they bring excitement to the raids. Vanilla isn’t about hard raiding. Go play wrath or retail if you want harder raids, both games are available right now.

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One of the best changes they added.
World buffs were a a fun and unique part of the classic experience, but it really sucked to have to raid log a character for a whole week if you wanted to do something else in the mean time. The changes to Black Lotus and the Chronoboon were both fantastic additions to the game.

Are you currently playing classic era, which allows world buffs in raids and has allowed them in raids for nearly 2 years now?

If world buffs were sooooooooo great and everyone loved them, then more people would be playing classic era. The ONLY thing they affect is raiding, and you can raid to your heart’s content on classic era. World buffs were still in the game in SoM - they just weren’t allowed in raids.

Which alt did you used to post on that got shamed out of existence?

Why would I play classic era, noone is playing classic era. My warrior is already naxx geared and I have no interest in running naxx over and over and over when I have no need for any loot and I would also have to raid at 2am to play with Americans as there is no oceanic raids and only about 10 oceanic players who play on era. Has nothing to do with world buffs being in or out of the game.

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None of my alts got shamed out of existence, I posted on Knaztor.

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Because you allegedly love world buffs. And the entire population of Classic Era is people raiding with world buffs.

If raiding with world buffs is soooooo great, surely you’d play on the servers that have allowed world buffs in raids for the past 2 years???