Chronoboon Displacer Feedback

That’s a terrible argument and you know it is too. People don’t want to play stagnant realms. They want to play fresh vanilla. That’s why people played som, not because world buffs were eliminated. And guess which game had more staying power? Thousands and thousands more people raided naxx in classic vanilla than they did in som.

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World buffs are irrelevant to a fresh server. You can level 1 to 60 and get your pre-raid gear and world buffs have 0 impact on that aspect of the game.

The ONLY thing world buffs affect is raiding. And you can raid on classic era with world buffs… but you don’t.

So did more people raid on classic or did more people raid on som?

Not a good comparison. SoM came 5 months after classic ended. It was never, ever, ever going to be more popular than 2019 classic.

SoM had more players than classic era for its entire existence. THAT is the comparison you want to look at.

Nope, I want to look at the games when they were both in the same tier of content. You’re comparing one game that has had its last content update over 2 years ago vs a game that had fresh content being updated every 2 months. You want to make stupid arguments comparing era and som then go for it. But atleast compare the games when they were in the same period of their timeline. And if you want to do that then world buffed raiding blows som out of the water in terms of population which is what you wanted to argue even though you know full well why people aren’t playing era.


Again, world buffs have 0 impact on the experience of leveling 1 to 60 and getting your pre-raid gear. They are irrelevant to the fresh server experience. Level 30 players don’t run Dire Maul to get tribute buffs!

The ONLY difference is raiding. And raiding on SoM was more popular - and, subjectively, feels much better - than raiding on classic era.

I mean, it was kinda cool to level an alt with rallying cry of the dragonslayer and feel like a god destroying defias gang members in westfall for a few hours. But yeah other than a random little boost to leveling speed they really only impacted raiding.

You could level with the dragonslayer buff in SoM. World buffs weren’t removed from the game. They just weren’t allowed in raids.

400+ polemic posts :white_check_mark:
posts on a low level alt :white_check_mark:
complete disinterest in constructive discussions :white_check_mark:

i found the forum troll guys.

get a life :slight_smile:

I uh, didn’t mention a thing about SoM or anything regarding where they were and weren’t allowed.

Just agreeing with you that they really didn’t impact much outside of raiding.

Raiding was 1000% not more popular on som than era lol. When era was in p2 there was 10s of servers across multiple regions with full populations and thousands of raiding guilds. Som had 1 us server left and eu also had 1 in p2. Are you delusional?

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They bought a huge amount of world PvP, both trying to get the buffs and the BRM wars to get your guild safely into the raids whilst the opposing faction was trying to take you out.

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That’s not “era” - that’s 2019 classic, the first re-release of the game.

Era is the permanent 2019 servers that ran (and are still running) concurrently alongside SoM. You do not play there because you value a fresh server more than you value world buffs.

True, but the bulk of the player base really only got them to perform better in raids. Plus there were a lot of shenanigans people pulled using creative game mechanics to get into interesting places that made their world buffs immune to griefing.

We can call it world pvp, but most of those people only got the WBs to raid, so to me that means that the WBs really only affected raiding.

Yes there were wars between guilds to see who could grief the other guild’s WBs, yes WBs made you a god when fighting 1v1 or 1v5 in wPvP. But I would argue that the majority of the time WBs were acquired for the express purpose of raiding and as such all events regarding WBs and the griefing wars kinda all fall under the category of raiding also. Getting purged was part of the raid experience if you weren’t lucky.

Well, they do affect a lot of things outside of raiding… if you read this entire conversation, we’re talking about SoM.

SoM didn’t get rid of world buffs. World buffs were still there for all of the non-raid stuff. You could even use them on outdoor raid content like world bosses. They were ONLY disallowed in instanced raids.

Heal thyself

Interesting. So now you pivot both his and your stance away from ‘the boon is responsible for depreciating wpvp’ to only ‘chronboons potential impact going forward’. This backpedaling renders your critiques moot. You’ve hinged all this hullabaloo on the boon being the offender but if the boon is only potentially an issue, then that means it actually, currently, isn’t one.

I was referring to his posts:


Your sudden, desperate attempt to claim he was speaking of potential repercussions in the future rings hollow. You even abandon this claim with your next entry:

You can miss me with the nonsense about potential repercussions going forward. That’s not what he was talking about at all.

I have explained multiple times now how BGs pull players out of the wpvp participation pool and actively disincentivize participation. You have, to an absurd extreme, irrationally taken that to mean ‘if BGs exist, then wpvp ceases to exist’.

You’ve made the case for me. This entire thread, all you’ve been able to come up with as a motivating force for wpvp participation is wbuffs. That’s it. If that truly were what fully encompassed wpvp, then wpvp enthusiasts would be camping out dire maul/felwood/booty bay. They aren’t. It isn’t. Whether they knew it or not, the devs let the wpvp hobby be co-opted by BGs.

You did:

Not at all. I’ll remind you that this exchange began because the pally blamed chronoboon for killing wpvp.


Yeah I know my man, but the outdoor stuff just wasn’t super important. Don’t think anyone really cared about how great someone’s parse was on a Kazzak kill.

So again, just agreeing with you that that only really played a super major role in raiding, the outdoor stuff was kinda a side bit to them.

Yeah, it mustnt have anything to do with he fact that there isn’t a single oceanic guild playing so I would have to raid at 2am, finish raids then go to work if I decided I wanted to play era.

You’re comparing apples to oranges with era and som. One is fresh, the other is not. Compare classic vanilla and som and you have your answer in this stupid game where you want to compare games and not pick to suit your own fantasy land where som was actually successful (it wasn’t it all but died in p2).

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For the 18th time, world buffs are irrelevant to the fresh server experience. Level 30 players do not farm Dire Maul Tribute for buffs!

You have made it clear that you don’t actually care about world buffs in raid. You don’t play on era because it’s “stagnant” - you want progression. The fresh server experience is the most important thing to you.

World buffs or not, you’re going to play for fresh.

Dude we’re done here. I broke the hand puppets out for you and everything. The failure on my part is that I wasn’t as smart as Knetic and hit the eject button earlier because I stupidly thought you could be reasoned with. That’s obviously not the case and I blame myself.

Getting the basics of the discussion being had to penetrate your cortex is not my problem nor is it a reflection on me. Its clear I have a limited capability in getting through to you and at this point, limited interest.
