Chronoboon Displacer Feedback

Just want to gauge if the Chronoboon Displacer (World buff holder added in phase 6) was a good addition to Classic Vanilla and if so why or why not.
Do you think it should be in the next season of Classic assuming there will be?


they were a bad idea
chronoboon ruined the world pvp aspect of world buffs
if you want world buffs, get em the normal way. yeah, you could die any time and lose your precious world buff. yeah, you need to log off if you want to save the duration. yeah, trolly boys with dispels will dispel you just for the fun of it and there’s very little you can do to stop them.



Would you be against the Chronoboon if it didn’t persist through death and only paused the timers on your buffs? I guess it would also make your dispellable world buffs undispellable since Chronoboon isn’t dispellable

From the perspective of PvE they were a good addition, but it’s also maddening that each one has to be purchased/used individually. People who enjoy raiding and do so over months would rather spend a small fortune on a continuous-use Chronoboon instead of making yet another trip for raid prep every week (or take up a bunch of slots for an item that stacks to qty 5).

It’s great for what they do but adds to the chore time.


The buff-plug is an elegant change to Classic WoW. It eliminated the issue of raid-logging due to Wbuffs without negatively affecting the rest of the game. I have no interest in seasonal play; so to me, it’s irrelevant if it receives an encore in that setting.

Developing novel Classic+ content is more desirable in either regard.


One of the best changes made to classic, should have been in for phase 1


On pve servers, yes

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Lame and never should have been implemented.

I’m not a big pve andy but it’s unhealthy for the game if ur optimal parse strategy is to log off (and stay logged off) until raid. Either chronoboon, something similar, or keep world buffs disabled in raids imho


Chronoboon displacer ruined world pvp on pvp servers. It needs to be changed to allow players to lose buffs in pvp.

Players being able to lose world buffs is what brought pvp to our server EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

Simply leave the chronoboon concept but only allow players to buff themselves in main city hubs and it will solve the problem.

The chronoboon solved the concept of not having to stay logged out, which I do think is an issue, it just needs to be revised so it doesn’t kill world pvp.


I thought it was brilliant. The tears from griefers here on the forums were intoxicating.


Chrono is nice, but the game is better without it


Not at all. If you want to complain about the killer of world PvP, look no further than Battlegrounds.


So torn here. But purging/dispelling buffs isn’t griefing or those spells wouldn’t exist.
Gotta use my entire toolkit!

I would personally rather not see the chronoboon. People said this would help them not have to raid log but in my limited personal experience after the thing was put in the game those people were afk in town when not in a bg or raid - not out in the world. That wasn’t helpful if you’re interested in wpvp or even a lively game world. It seemed to me like another element to limit interactions with others save your premade/guild.

But on a PVE server it’s a different story since they don’t care about wpvp which really doesn’t exist there. So I guess my stance is on the chronoboon: ok for PVE but not for PVP.

I think classic era will always be defined by world buffs. And that’s okay. The chronoboon is a great addition to classic era. It makes buff collection more reasonable.

In SoM, the chronoboon made made world buffs actually usable. You couldn’t use world buffs in an instanced raid… but you could boon your buffs while you raid. Then unboon for a world boss or some other important moment.

Overall, a great addition to the game.

World PvP enjoyers need to remember that world PvP only exists around buffs because of raiders. If there are no raiders, then there is no world PvP around world buffs. The chronoboon is good for raiders - you need to keep the raiders happy, or else there will be no one to kill in PvP!

On Grobbulus we literally pvped every raid night in BRM, BGs didn’t causes us any issues at all.

Your opinion only.
It’s wrong but you’re entitled to it.


That’s nice, but it doesn’t change my point: players in a Battleground means less people in the Open World. It’s an inescapable fact that BGs detract from World PvP participation.

That’s not an opinion…

How much world PvP around world buffs was there on SoM, when world buffs weren’t allowed in raids?

Zero. There is no world buff PvP if there are no raiders using world buffs.

Chronoboon is a very small reminder of everything that went wrong with this game. Why Blizz caved to parsing, content nerfing, speed running raid loggers by choice is beyond me.

I guess they didnt think enough min/max had made its way into Classic or thought it was great to have, I dunno. Either way, raid logging wasn’t a game created problem that needed developer intervention.