Chronoboon Displacer Feedback

What’s funny is all of the best guilds NA/EU won’t play without world buffs.

Speed runs are fun. Pretending to make the raids “hard” is not fun.

They’re vanilla raids. Who cares.

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i don’t know why you’d brandish this without knowing anything about me, as you said yourself. I’ve been playing this game since og vanilla and have been lurking these forums long enough to truly appreciate the comedy of your previous quote.

Does me not posting here frequently invalidate my thoughts or something, you remind me of a grade schooler playing cliques at recess. you are as much a nobody as me, even if you’ve made yourself comfortable posting in a dead forum


So what is your point exactly? You don’t want world buffs because you don’t want to get them. That’s fine, if you seriously only have 1 possible hour you can get the buffs before your raid on the night after you raid every week then does it really matter? You would be logged off the entire time anyway. Or if you actually like to play the game, get the buffs the night before raid and play all week on the character. Servers co-ordinate to know when buffs drop. It’s not hard to log on for 1 minute at X time a few times at peak time to get all your buffs the night before raid.


He types suspiciously similarly to corpseknife lol.

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Okay. Continue with your beliefs.

Good talk

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There are quite a few trolls with multiple accounts.

He still doesn’t make any point.

I’d be willing to wager you are right

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LMAO boys a savage, don’t waste ur time with these gd freaks

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I thought SoM was fun. we’ll have to agree to disagree

It was fun for a lot of people even those that quit.

I had fun until my goals were met and the rest of the server didn’t align with me further.

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You’re not having the same conversation. He’s talking about wpvp in a very specific scenario, you’re posting about a theory you have about wpvp at large. About something that has been in the game for almost 18 years. Besides all that, if you were right, he would have nothing to talk about as wpvp wouldn’t exist on Grob because of BGs.

What? Make BGs available only during off peak hours? Take HKs and honor out of BGs? Its never gonna happen so feel to waste your time and start your own thread about it instead of soapboxing here.

Not every critique is going to be a biased, absolute, faith based narrative serving someone’s pet peeve.

Well you didn’t account for that before you now did you? How convenient. You’re still wrong but at least you’re getting closer to the truth - player motivations and behaviors changed. Its called min/max baby. That’s not the fault of BGs.

Quit blaming the joke and start blaming the joker.

Talk about a lost cause. The players need to change or in this case, change back. That’s never gonna happen. The devs cant save you.

You had something when you talked about better wpvp objectives but naturally, they would need to be heavily incentivized but that would just ironically end up being one your problems with bgs to begin with.

Im gonna go out on a limb here and say you don’t do detective work for a living. So in the same thread that Im disparaging WB metas and parsing Im also promoting them and when Im not doing that Im agreeing with DB on a matter Im arguing with on another toon.

Safe to conclude you’re not the sharpest tool in the shed - you are a tool though for dragging me into your argument for no good reason. If you got some beef with me, just take me head on.

Then you would lose. Wouldn’t be the first time. I know you get all bent when someone takes a shot at you but leave me out of your self pity party. If you think Im the kind of poster that would resort to that nonsense you’re just as smart as Yama, which isnt any kind of compliment.

I am talking about the guy who was referring to me a few posts above. If that isn’t you then it’s not directed towards you

Yama said it sounds like me and then you said Id bet your right. If that was an unclear post on your part I take back what I said.

That’s your derived interpretation. The post to which I responded doesn’t preclude mine.

BGs disincentivize wpvp participation. He agreed to it, and so did you. What’s the problem?

No, that is a theory you are just now injecting into the conversation.

The solution to the actual problem. That has been the goal of this discourse ever since it was initially misidentified.


You are the one that brought a PvE realm from the early 2000s into the discussion for comparison, not me.

Right. It’s the developers. It’s simple fact that they (unknowingly?) designed BGs and wpvp to occupy the same niche. The players of Classic WoW followed their motivations, leading us to this current state of wpvp.

You continually retreat to this off-topic guess that I am on some type of crusade against BGs. I have highlighted their (in all likelihood unintended) impact on wpvp engagement for the purpose of finding a solution.

The statement chronoboom ruined the wpvp (which shouldnt even exist according to you) we were having is not open to interpretation.

First off you’re gonna have to give me your definition of wpvp because its seems to be very narrow in scope. Secondly, you said bgs killed wpvp. If you kill something its dead which, in the case of wpvp, would mean its non existent. That’s never been the case and there is a mountain of evidence to the contrary. Lastly, you never adequately explained why BGs being more popular than wpvp is a problem that needs remedying.

If BGs killed off wpvp then there should be no wpvp at all or it would be so small in scale that the chronoboon wouldnt have any noticeable effect upon it and all the wpvp I engaged in as late as MoP would never have happened. That’s not my theory that’s you failing to back your play with anything worth considering.

What problem? BGs being more popular than wpvp is not a problem in dire need of dev intervention. Perhaps it is in your mind but I dont have to see it that way and youve given me no reason too. But please tell me again how you’re not biased and just telling it like it is.

Yeah because it contradicts your two bit analysis of BGs and BGs came out in the early 2000’s. Its contradicted by the weekly raids on capital cities during most of the duration of Wrath on my server and most other servers. Its contradicted by Knet’s experience. Its contradicted by 50-100 man battles I had in Hellfire Peninsula of all places during MoP. Perhaps you wanna tell me my server was some kind of exception to the rule but you would be hard pressed to even attempt to make such a case.

Your either/or approach to pvp is the only problem Im seeing. If that’s what you honestly believe your time to bring it up and set the devs straight on how they should implement pvp would have been vanilla’s beta.

Well seeing as you keep harping on them, accusing them of being a murderer and a disease and something the devs screwed up on and need to rectify, then yeah, Im guilty of thinking that.

My bad. lol@ me I guess.

We’re just going to have to conclude that we’re not seeing eye to eye on this one. All good.

I said I’d be willing to wager he was right. A bit of sarcasm.

Nevertheless if it wasn’t you then disregard. That’s it

I don’t want world buffs because they’re cheesy and they make raiding lame. Warriors become ridiculously overpowered. Warlocks/Druids/hunters become near worthless. Encounters aren’t balanced around them. Etc.

You’re running out of coherent points now and flinging anything at the wall to see if it sticks. The paladin is the one complaining about wpvp being ‘killed’/‘ruined’. For the third time now: His claim is that the boon is responsible for this. Mine is that BGs are the true culprit. How you misinterpreted this as me thinking wpvp shouldn’t exist is your business.

At this point, you’re just stalling with trifles. PvP in the open world is wpvp. Interestingly, you are fixated on wpvp solely when it is involving wbuffs as if it’s the only way players can engage in it.

Feigning ignorance doesn’t become you. The paladin is the one who claimed that wpvp was ‘ruined’/‘kill[ed]’. He was using a figure of speech. World PvP isn’t a living creature. It isn’t alive and can’t be killed. The meaning of his words isn’t to be understood as their literal definitions. He is complaining about the lackluster engagement of the playerbase in wpvp. This exercise in monotony is just more distraction.

I’m not saying it’s a problem that needs remedying. It just is. However, you and the paladin are both expressing discontent with current, Classic WoW, wpvp engagement and I’m informing you why that is the status quo.

Did not occur in Classic WoW.

Okay, you just like to complain about Classic WoW’s wpvp scene and don’t want anything done to fix it. You do you.

This shouldn’t even need to be stated:

2005 realms are not Classic WoW.

Whatever experiences you had in them is fine and good. This is the Classic WoW forum. Stay on-topic.

At no point have I professed the two as mutually exclusive. I’ve maintained that they share the same niche.

Actually, it would have been Classic’s beta. But the next best time is right now.

It’s your choice to misrepresent your opponent’s argument. Sincerity yields a better quality of dialogue.

that’s not a misinterpretation, it’s taking your viewpoint to its logical conclusion, sweetie.

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Identifying BGs in Classic WoW as the true culprit for waning wpvp engagement does not mean I think wpvp shouldn’t exist.

He said ruined, you said killed. Lets not skew who said what please. When he said ruined, he was referring to the wpvp that centered around killing/defending people with regard to WBs which were very important to people. The chronoboon, wholly designed to protect peoples WBs, ruined that wpvp. This isn’t all that hard to understand.

You came in out of left field about Bgs and he tried to steer you back to what he meant and you werent having it and Im having the same amount of success he did.

Not the true culprit in his particular situation but you still want to remain ignorant of that for reasons I dont care to know.

You said wpvp was effectively dead because of BGs so then following that logic he shouldnt even have been engaged in any wpvp because BGs were out. That means no one should have been wpvping, they all should have been in BGs fulfilling your end of world pvp scenario.

Because the thread is (or was) about chronoboon and Knet was talking about the chronoboons impact on Grobs wpvp scene which was centered around WBs. Thats why we’re talking about WBs and wpvp. We are not having a general discussion on wpvp as a whole which is the convo you desperately want to have.

His claim holds up if you view it in the context provided.

Im doing nothing of the sort, neither was he and there’s a good reason why wpvp is dead in classic wow and its got almost nothing to do with BGs. Populations are low. There’s barely any BGs or wpvp for this reason.

Well I wasnt aware this was only about Classic WoW, I was just working off the blanket statement that said BGs killed wpvp which should be universally true across the board if there was any measure of truth to it at all. If it didnt happen in retail then its hard to say that was the case with Classic WoW.

If it is about Classic WoW then Knets experience still refutes your assertion and he even alerted you to that fact.

If wpvp is simply pvping out in the world then wpvp is fine because I still engage in small scale pvp a couple of times a week on my Era cluster. Ironically, because there are no BGs and I like to goof off in game.

Thanks for the chat.