Chronoboon Displacer Feedback

This is why I made the thread. Blizzard should know the Chronoboon isn’t a perfect solution to bufflogging and should be discussed if it’s worth pushing to som2 in it’s original form.


chronoboon ruined the world pvp aspect of world buffs

Cause logging off in a city till raid totally made world pvp more “popping”


There was PvP in SoM? I guess the three horde guilds could try and do a little

Logged off for a whole 2 hours

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Needing every WB and competitive parsing (lol) was a system designed by players, not the game. Straight outta retail. “You have to or else” is as disingenuous as it gets.

Its not an attunement built into the game. Blizzard should’ve just left it alone and let people raid log, play an alt, quit or go to retail. Let actions have consequences. Let player choice matter. Got dispelled? Got ganked? Oh well, that’s a dangerous game world for you.

Now we’re stuck with this crud forever.

As far as the wpvp stuff goes, yes BGs have an impact on wpvp. There might be a little less of it but it doesn’t eliminate it. If I was in full R14 gear on a pvp server Id be in contested zones all day looking for a fight.

Dishonorable kills impact wpvp. So does time of day, server populations, discrepancies in faction balance and so on. Why focus on just the one thing?

WBs created more wpvp on pvp servers, chronobane took that away. You dont need WBs to stir up wpvp, it just worked out that way because everybody wanted to look good on some chart somewhere so they could convince themselves they were good players.

All that and more is why the whole thing was a bad joke.


No. It didn’t. You’re ignoring all the steps required for getting those buffs, unbooning/rebooning as windows of opportunity. This entire thread is the same nonsense players whined about when they got their buffs purged; except this time, its the dispellers throwing the tantrum. Don’t like your buffs being dispelled? Be more careful. Don’t like chronoboon, play better and catch 'em when they are vulnerable.

how about chronoboonies learn to fight and not be cowards :expressionless:


You can still fight them. In fact, I’m encouraging you to do just that!

Im not ignorant of them I just regard them for what they are - small scale opportunities. That doesn’t equate to every one of those opportunities being taken advantage of.

Now contrast to a place like BRM where half the server is going to show up at the same place at the same time where its all but guaranteed to happen on a larger scale - which was fundamentally altered after Chrono’s implementation.

This all just leads back to me thinking chrono was a knee jerk, stupidly placating move by Blizzard.


If BRM wPvP is what’s being missed, then that means the current guilds aren’t engaging the BRD/MC/UBRS/BWL content there. That’s not the chronoboon’s fault. Removing chronoboon isn’t going to spontaneously generate raiders in those areas, but it will bring back raid-logging and inconvenience all players that enjoy saving their wbuffs for their own dungeon/open-world purposes.

It removed the incentive to kill you and rob you of your world buffs which what was driving a good deal of the pvp to begin with thanks to everyone’s lust for WBs and what they meant to both the player (parses) and the raid/guild (speed clear).

Because of that, wpvp expanded as factions and guilds had a vested interest in making sure that didnt happen or to minimize the damage.

Raid teams weren’t showing up to Felwood to fight over a flower.

If WBs weren’t apart of the new culture wpvp would still happen at BRM but it wouldn’t be with the same fervor or purpose or with the same turnout.

For better or worse the new WB min/max culture gave rise to more meaningful wpvp - chronoboom took that away.

I could care less about raid logger self induced manias or problems because they don’t care about anything or anyone else.


except he literally just explained why it’s the chronoboon’s fault :expressionless:


Knet and others already did that.

Im just kind of baffled someone would go after BGs as the main culprit. Theyve been in the game forever and were a part of the beta - they were always going to be a thing. They came later after vanillas launch but they weren’t a last minute tacked on addition, as is the case with chronoboom.


Darn, find another motivation? If you are truly desiring wPvP for wPvP’s sake, wbuffs are irrelevant. You’ve already admitted to this, so why are you continuing to buy into a meta mindset that you find so displeasing? This sounds like someone admitting they don’t actually want to wPvP. Just like how players can’t be pickpocketed, we don’t lose items or xp on death. Chronoboon is just another item. If players are mad they can’t rob each other in this Candyland of an MMO, they can go kick rocks or, as you put it:

It’s an undeniable fact that BGs are the primary disincentive for wPvP. They render it obsolete. Everyone complaining about the boon ITT is the living proof that many players have no motivation for wPvP unless they can remove a buff and that lack of motivation is because PvP participation trophies are earnable entirely through BGs. That’s not to say I want BG gone, just telling the truth.

Because I’m not letting my personal worldview get in the way of what actually transpired. I don’t like the WB meta, I’m not going to pretend it doesn’t exist or its something other than what it is.

Chronoboon is not just another item. Its a change to the game to insulate and protect people from their choices and petty whims by letting them retain buffs that would otherwise expire or be removed upon character death.

Great, so wpvp has been dead since May of 2005 - 17+ years. Blizz hatched a plan in their beta to kill off wpvp 6 months after Vanillas launch. A little late to be whining about it now I would think. Also, that wasn’t the case on my server and that was a PvE realm.

It was another option for rewards and it was more popular than the previous one for obvious reasons.

I would be the first guy to tell you that pvp is its own reward but an honest assessment of wpvp would conclude that wpvp just isnt all that popular these days. It went out of style much like old school play itself.

The other thing you might want to take into consideration is that Classic Era as a whole has maybe a few thousand active players spread across multiple clusters so if your gripe is about the state of wpvp in the present there’s a good reason why its not happening.

I think that was intentional, yeah. Casual MMO and all that. If they never brought in the chronoboon would you still be sitting here lamenting that bgs killed off wpvp?

I dont entirely disagree with you but I think cross realm bgs killed off wpvp, not server only bgs.


maybe that’s true. so what? it’s as good a motivation as any

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Except your demand for an item that solved a growing issue be removed from the game. What’s particularly absurd about this exchange is that chronoboon also solved your alleged contempt of wPvP being centered around wbuffs. This should be considered a win-win, yet you remain odly dissatisfied and now rally to the aid of the very same school of thought that considers wPvP meaningless.

Again, BGs being more popular than wPvP isn’t chronoboon’s fault.

No, because I’m not lamenting anything. I would still point out the drop in wPvP is entirely focused around BGs being readily available, because that hasn’t changed. I only chimed in after someone mistakenly blamed the boon for players’ overwhelming preference for BGs over wPvP.

And its still there. Go plant that preist/shaman/warlock in felwood.

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that’s like causing a famine and telling people who are starving that there’s still mushrooms to eat in the forest somewhere :expressionless:

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I think a potential solution would be novel wPvP objectives.

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