Chronoboon Displacer Feedback

This isn’t a good version of guild vs guild pvp. Most guilds don’t get songflower as a full guild.

Why is this nonsense? Wouldn’t this solve an issue many people like you have with them?

If they aren’t dispellable, doesnt this become a moot point for you? But for some reason you think its nonsense? Also, what pvp server and guild did you play with that made you so oblivious to the server issues?

We aren’t wanting to change BGs as it imposes on those who love BGs; however, we are offering a solution that would cause little to no harm to ANY valid playerbase.

At least come in here and make some points that make any sense.

He doesn’t play with a guild partaking in these activities. He hit r13 on era also doesn’t have a 40 man raid guild so it’s kinda hard to reason with him at all.

It’s actually better to just ignore him

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Say it louder for the people in the back


What issue are you implying I have with them? The game has already chosen which buffs are unpurgeable and which are not. No further modification to them is necessary. Those that ask for dispel-immunity are requesting special treatment, just as you are asking for special treatment with this chronoboon change. Adapt and purge them when they are in felwood, leaving dire maul, exiting bootybay or unbooning/rebooning to refresh/gain a new buff.

I’m not the one asking for special accommodation to my playstyle. The buffs that are purgeable are already in-game, just like the chronoboon. Your petition to inconvenience its use is just short-sighted selfishness.

Then why are YOU telling us to go after BGs!!?? LOL I CANT WITH YOU.

Done for real this time with your comments. Every thread you are like this.

Welcome to Despitebeing. One of the most misinformed players to ever tread the forums.

Ranked to 13 with less than 1k hks. Everyone transfer off his server he’s mad etc. totalitarian mindset for how people play classic etc.

Ignore and move on. Is a random

I’m pointing you in the direction of where your concerns are most tied up. I’m not making any requests. You made the original false claim that it was the chronoboon that left wPvP barren. I corrected you.

Yeah I always try to give people the benefit of the doubt and try to see the merit behind their arguments. Maybe they are just pissed off for the day or something. But it is obviously a recurring thing with him. All these children and man-children trying to “win” at argument and the internet as if it isn’t for finding agreement and common ground.

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He says he corrected you just not but he couldn’t be further from the truth.

Guy thinks he knows wow after playing era.

He doesn’t.

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Truth is the common ground and something you appear to have an aversion to facing.

It takes away from the experience of “classic” in its essence, it was never a part of vanilla, and raid logging is a niche of the community.

Some people dont play to raid, so for its purpose is almost useless.

If it were a change based on an exploit or unfair advantage I could agree with an appropriate action to change a fundamental aspect of the game.

Contrarily, its being used as an advantage in pvp, which was not its intended purpose at all.

I dont remember there ever being a Chromie in vanilla; so I have to ask why was such a profound, and not really optional, change made to game mechanics to favor a niche community of players, for which its intended purpose is literally a non-existent issue.

I vote for a dedicated “classic era” server without the uneeded crutch.


If WB’s come back in SOM2, you can bet your bottom dollar the Chronoboon is coming with it… I think blizz was kinda over the constant crying from people who had their WB’s griefed.

You have no proof, evidence of statistics. You are falsely making claims without backing it up

You’ll either 1. Ignore this post because you have no evidence or statistics or

  1. Portray your opinion with no backing.

Either way you are still a 1k HK rank 13 nobody.

And you know it.

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The niche was obviously large enough to warrant its implementation.

On the contrary, it’s a very useful tool, especially for extended grinding sessions.

How does a player having their buffs stored give them an advantage in pvp?

It’s entirely optional. Don’t do the quest or waste the 10g if you don’t want to.

Raid-logging due to buff timers is only now a nonissue because of chronoboon.

i fixed that for you.

I think chronoboons should be eliminated but world buffs should all be undispellable. Keep the threat of death in the world but takes away the safe spotting priest ruining people’s effort for nothing other than to laugh at them. If people kill you to take your buffs that’s fine, it’ll force more world PvP and make you head out to buff up with friends to stay safe.


Dying with buffs before raid is griefing?


I think griefing was an issue when it came to dispelling; however, they could simply make the buffs non-dispellable and solve that issue rather than stopping the guild vs guild world pvp.


The guild vs guild battles for BRM were so good, having our different raid teams raid different nights to help each other’s raids clear out the mountain to give them a free run through was so good!