Chronoboon Displacer Feedback

It isn’t and battlegrounds have negatively affected wpvp participation more than the boon ever could. If an increase in wpvp participation is what’s being earnestly sought, then more will be gained by revaluation of BGs than the boon.

World Buffs are a must in the game and while I personally benefitted from boon (making my buff life easier) I do think it took away from the wpvp. As a warrior and a bear tank for much of classic buffs were a must for me in raids, sure it sucked getting them at times, but it also made the journey alot of fun!

Never forget these videos!

The boon was added to combat raid-logging due to worldbuff timers. It is an effective solution to that issue. You are still free to devour/dispel/purge those naked DMT/Songflower buffs to your heart’s content.

I’m trying REALLY hard to find a common ground with you on this argument bud, but its getting difficult.

Let’s say that in a world where we could potentially have BGs re-evaluated or removed, yes, this would bring more world pvp into the game by shear logic of there being no other option for ranking.

However, I think we can easily all agree, this will NEVER happen. But, the removal or even slight change of chronoboon is a VERY possible solution that Blizzard would make.

So rather than focusing on the near impossibility of Blizzard ENTIRELY changing their original game to alienate a whole playstyle, I would rather focus on the custom change they recently added that affects pvpers in a negative way. I made some recommendation frequently of easy changed to accommodate both parties. And for those that simply don’t want pvp affecting their raiding, other servers are available.

As I have stated in many posts, Chronoboon DOES solve part of the issue with world buffs, allowing us to play our main characters during the week. However, there are small tweaks that can keep that true while still allowing world pvp to exist around world buffs.

It does. Camp out in felwood, go nuts. Or create better wpvp objectives. Or have rep be the only rewards from BGs. PvP isn’t what this MMORPG is built around.

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I would argue that it is probably a larger pillar than most would admit. In fact, the faction system is nearly design around the entire idea of pvp. But regardless of whether this statement is true, this is still a large playerbase here.

Maybe we could have different “chronoboon rules” on pve and pvp servers? But if you are just going to stick to the notion that chronboon works perfectly for all groups of players, I guess we can just stop discussing entirely with you.

It really comes off as you just saying “screw pvpers, this helps some issues and doesn’t need any reiteration” which makes me ask, why even be in the DISCUSSION forums?

That’s your perogative. Mine, as a player on exclusively pvp realms, is that it doesn’t negatively affect me in the slightest. Realize that ‘pvpers’ isn’t a monolith before you arrogantly try speaking on their behalf.

:man_shrugging: I guess we just disagree, no need to go further if you can’t find any middle ground in a discussion.

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He ranked to 13 with less than 1000 hks.

no, it encourages people to not play the game. not everyone has interest in alts and even if they did that is poor justification. it’s like saying a 3-hour daily playtime limit per character is good because it incentives alts…


nobody is forcing you to play with world boofs

I think Capella is right, I personally don’t like buff logging but I do have to say I did make an alt because of it and I knew a lot of people in my guild who did the same. Not sure if I’m part of the exception

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you are required to play with world buffs if you would like to participate in competitive parsing.

Then I can say I knew a lot of people who thought it was dumb to get buffs and stay logged, myself included. Few people in my circle had the time or interest for alts

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You mean not playing the game 2 hours before raid? When everyone plays 12 hours every other day?

If you want to compete in competitive parsing, there is a give and take. Log off with your buffs or don’t compete. Pretty simple


everyone plays 12 hours every other day? ok

youre assuming you get buffs immediately prior to raiding, which is not always the case. you might have gotten your buffs earlier in the week, and now you are incentivized to not log on your character for an extended period, pretty simple.

i’m aware this is the classic era forums during an interest drought and this place is mostly populated by purists. for the majority of players chronoboon was a good addition, and led to them disabling raid world buffs altogether in the first SoM. And I don’t think it compromised the integrity/spirit of classic, so agree to disagree

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Thats why I always advocate for a modified chronoboon where it would only allow you to buff yourself with it within main cities.

This would allow players to play whenever they want as well as give the pvp community the risk and world pvp they desire. I really don’t see any flaw here outside of people not liking pvp to mix with pve, and in that case that is EXACTLY what pve servers are meant for.

Agree to disagree.

you came up with a good compromise which was allow people to store buffs at the bank. then they would still have to run to the instance with the buffs on and risk dying or getting dispelled.


I think this would be huge for both parties man.

Store your buffs, continue to play main.

PvP still optional.
ant to deal with the pvp, then roll on a pve server. Whenever I suggest pve server people somehow think Iam being condescending. I am not. That is the literal fix for it if people dont want to risk pvp encounters.

It hasn’t gone anywhere. Players can still set up camp at the Felwood songflowers and go on a ganking/dispelling rampage. In the past, players have suggested making Wbuffs unpurgeable, which is nonsense. Your suggestion is on the opposite side of this irrational spectrum. This proposed change adds a needless restriction to those who would use boons outside of a raiding environment and would ultimately only encourage more summoning teams positioned in terrain exploits. . . All of this just to accomodate wbuff dispellers who, while they are participating in valid PvP, are not the core player demographic, not even on PvP realms.

More importantly, this proposal is barking up the wrong tree. The root cause for wPvP obsolescence is battlegrounds, not the chronoboon.

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