Chronoboon Displacer Feedback

Many people have been making new characters on classic era the last few months, since SoM closed. Those would all be SoM players if the servers were open… but they’re not.

How do you know that? Did they all send you a message before hand? Maybe they prefer era over som. And the som players all prefer wrath over vanilla so they went there in your words.

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I actually raided on era before SoM released. I can see the population difference. Era has a lot more players now than it did 1.5 years ago.

Yeah and era has world buffs and a bigger current population than som does.

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…because SoM is over.

It’s not, you can’t make new characters but you can still play and raid on it. No-one was going to make a new toon in p6 of an accelerated timeline to raid on anyway.

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Lol okay then

Frustrating when someone uses stupid arguments against you isn’t it.

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yeah, being a druid in era is rough. you’re just not needed lol

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Not at all. The paladin never left and has now reduced itself to banal passive-agressive posting:

I’m well aware of the tactics the two of you have employed during this conversation. Calling you out on them has now brought the rogue to boiling point it seems.

That’s not anger you’re detecting, its frustration with clowns and their BS. Tell yourself whatever you need to sell your story. You’re not a victim here so why pretend?

“So on Grob, late in Classic - yknow, when the on topic subject we’re talking about this thing called chronoboon came out, long after the coked up RMT PvP bracket mafias were decked in their R14 purps they achieved from these things Battlegrounds that were out for months, we were engaged in large scale world pvp which was extra incentivized by the desire of people to keep their WBs and to take them away from others. The chronoboon came out and took that incentive away and from there, the world pvp landscape on my server changed and it wasnt as fun, engaging or meaningful. I would like to see some changes to chronoboon to ensure this doesnt happen again.”

That’s not what happened, let me tell you what you actually experienced since you’re not qualified to know what your experience was, it was the battlegrounds. Thats what killed wpvp.

“Did you read I wrote? That’s an entirely different discussion nor was it my experience. Its totally irrelevant to the topic at hand. Im explaining how chronoboon had an actual negative impact on my servers wpvp scene. It changed after chronoboon came out.”

You’re wrong, everybody knows that BGs, due to their totally erroneous, completely unfun and purposefully destructive design thoroughly destroyed the much better version of pvp which is out in the world. Now I know that saying BGs destroyed wpvp would logically mean that no wpvp should be happening on Grob but its still a fact that BGs make people choose not to wpvp, at all, ever, anywhere. You cant deny that at all. If you want wpvp, stop doing the wpvp thats not happening around BRM and go to Felwood where the real hot wasabi pvp action can be found thanks to chronoboon.

“Umm yeah, my IQ has just taken a huge hit here reading your wpvp eulogy, Im just gonna take my leave.”

If only I had taken the hint.

Or, in your case, write a novel.

Non fiction best seller about how lames on game forums shuck and jive and get hopelessly lost in their pet peeves.

Ill sign a copy for you if you want.

So an autobiography? Pass

You sure? Great sequel on the way. “People who cant figure out why wpvp isn’t the premiere spectacle when cluster populations are in the low 100s.”

Based on real life events.

went right over his head lol


Raiding on som was not more popular and you know it.

Like earlier examples, WAY more people raided naxx on classic and they had world buffs. 10 guilds cleared naxx on som. That’s hilariously small.

I understand you don’t like world buffs and I am a healer in raids so I don’t care about them in that way. I simply know that world buffs preserves longevity for servers.

All no world buff pservers were always super low pop and dead early.

All world buff servers were always populated and had more guilds raiding at the end. And it’s gonna be the same for the next som.

This is observable reality wether you like buffs or not. You can still recognize that they offer longevity to the game.


more people does not necessarily mean better.
most of the classic playerbase shouldn’t have even been there. they should have been playing fortnite or whatever dumb zoomer game is the fad nowadays. and they would have been if not for their dumb streamer Gods telling them to get on wow classic.
SoM was smaller but the quality? top of the damn line

Was it top of the line?

Rank 14 week 6, top of the line.

Many fun farms negated. Top of the line.

90/10 ally horde ratio. Top of the line.

What you really mean is:

I liked the raids. Som was pristine because I liked the raids.

The rest of the game? Can’t say the same. Most people who played som even to phase 4-6, even meme on som. You can have fun in a bad game because of your friends.


Chronobang really helped out the horde on my server from the problem of not being able to play their raid logged mains.

After Chronobinge, they got to play them again. And by play them I mean sit in Orgrimmar for 5 hours a night hitting the space bar every 29 and a half minutes.