Chronoboon Displacer Feedback

The use of dishonest sophistry does that for you.

A straw man argument attacks a different subject rather than the topic being discussed — often a more extreme version of the counter argument. The purpose of this misdirection is to make one’s position look stronger than it actually is.

The straw man argument is appropriately named after a harmless, lifeless scarecrow. Instead of contending with the actual argument, they attack the equivalent of a lifeless bundle of straw — an easily defeated puppet that the opponent was never arguing for in the first place.

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Stop bringing up era. Wet noodle ammo. People want fresh, JUST like you do.

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Right. That’s my point. You want a fresh server. You don’t actually care about raiding with world buffs.

The argument isnt about whether or not I would play fresh, the argument is about chronoboons and world buffs. You kep bringing up how som had more players than era, and just completely ignored the fact that era and som were both on completely different timelines. But hey guess what? Som hasn’t technically ended yet, does era or som have more raids going currently?

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SoM ended in September for horde. That was the last time anyone logged a raid. The servers are locked and you can’t even level on SoM right now unless you already have a char there.

It’s been over. The servers remained open so that people can transfer off, not so people can actually play there.

its not like it completely negacts world pvp it just makes it so u cant grief world buffs and that ur able to log out 10/10 excellent change

It’s not over, you can still enter the world. Why are people not still raidingon their current 60s on som? I thought som raids were so much better than era raids but more people choose to raid on era with world buffs now than they do without them on som? See how ridiculously stupid your arguments are when they’re used against you?

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The servers are locked and people can transfer off. Yes, SoM is over.

If som raiding was so much better than era why didn’t people stay on the to raid until the very last minute? More people raid on era than som = era > som

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They did? There were raids far longer than I wanted to play. And exactly zero SoM guilds moved over to era!

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Where are they now? Does som or era have a higher active raiding pop rn?

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Era… because SoM is over. The SoM servers have been locked for 3 months now.

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You can still step into som raids. You can also step into era raids. Yet everyone jumped ship from som because it sucked. Your argument was that more people raid on som than era but they don’t. More people raid on era. Raids are available on both iterations.

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Lol, people jumped ship because the servers have been locked for 3 months and you can’t make characters there!

I wish the SoM raids and mechanics were preserved somewhere. I have a druid on classic era, but there’s no point raiding on a druid when you have world buffs and buff/debuff limits.

Yes, you can’t make characters but who is making new characters to raid in p6 anyway? You all left som even when you got a date and knew exactly how long you could keep raiding on som for. But you all left som raids early. Now is era more active than som raiding? Yes it is. Does era have world buffs? Yes it does. Is my argument as stupid as yours was? Yes it is. We are both comparing versions of the game that have fundamental flaws and are completely irrelevant to one another (som coming to an end and era being on a stagnant phase). And yet using your exact same argument era is dumping on som if we are using current raiding population metrics. It’s fun to make a completely bogus argument when it suits your own agenda.

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Zero SoM guilds moved to classic era… they left SoM when it ended and went elsewhere. Not classic WoW.

Som hasn’t ended. Raids are still available. You all left som early because it was bad. And if you all left for wrath then sorry to tell you but you’re not real vanilla fans then anyways, if you prefer wrath > vanilla.

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Ah, okay. You say it’s still going so I guess you’re right. Even though Blizzard locked the servers 3 months ago and no one can make new characters there.

Yeah, were you planning to roll a new character with naxx release?

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