Chronicles Part 6

This sort of stuff is fun because it can get you more invested in your character and it also opens up the world considerably.

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Yeah. I feel like Cari here is doing something cooler than helping turtles get to the water :stuck_out_tongue:

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Reading what she’s been up to and all the things happening to her as well as those around her, I’d have to agree. :smiley: I started playing D&D a long time ago and that really sparked my interest in this sort of stuff. Just randomly coming up with ideas for my characters and being lucky enough to have good Dungeon Masters to set the scenes.

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I would love to here some of your stories, or anybody’s for that matter :slight_smile:

I believe that this place is for sharing and talking about something similar that we all like.

Ooh you are lucky :stuck_out_tongue:

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Did I miss the chapter featuring Ohgodmyeyez?

I really wanted to see how you worked that in.

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I think it was either 4 or 5. Sorry you missed it. I’ma try and find it

Must have been 5.

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I was wrong! It was 3!!.
5 was so sad D:

Yes it was. Number 3 was excellent. Keep em coming.

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Don’t worry, I will :stuck_out_tongue:

We got one person that wants it gone but so many more wanting more.

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I’d be happy to share some of my stories. lol Just need to stay away from the forums long enough to finish my work and get home. :sweat_smile:

I definitely feel lucky. I was right out of high school and did a lot of growing under my first DM. We played on a regular basis for a good 15 years.

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My god is already 6, I didn’t saw the others, let me go back and search.

That poor druid though… :disappointed_relieved:

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Don’t worry about that :stuck_out_tongue:

Ikr ):

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No problem :smiley:

oh, no. not her. can you brez her?!

looks like i’m a bit late to the party. i was surprised to see it had so many replies but as i read on i became disappointed. some people can’t let things go

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I will try ^.^

Well, that is in the past now.

Time to make #7!

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Ok, so here’s a bit about a character I played for years and love dearly. Norim Ankliff. I got the name by combining two characters from Cheers, Norm and Cliff. :smiley: He started out as a dwarven fighter but eventually took levels in cleric.

Just like in Cheers, where everyone would call out “Norm!” when he walked in the bar, Norim experienced the same thing due to telling stories much like Cliff did. Part of the idea for him was that he liked to tell stories of his adventures, often embellishing them, to the amusement of his friends and people around him. They would just let him keep talking. He never came off as a braggart or insulting. Sure he played himself up but it was all in good fun. It was all a way to just sit back at a the bar after a grand adventure. Whether it was dealing with ettin or taking threatening travelers or bringing down a dragon with a well placed Command spell. Both of which DID happen in our campaign. :smiley:

Norim liked to collect things. He was a bit of a pack rat. You can make a lot of gold and find some pretty cool stuff adventuring. While scrolling through the D&D 3.5 Player’s Handbook I came across this Wagon . My eyes lit up as I looked at this sturdy reinforced wagon that my friends and I could take on adventures. Packed with all sorts of gear an adventurer could need or want. Well, at least Norim felt he needed it. lol

While Norim was a fighter, he was also the guy who patched everyone up after a good scrape. He liked to see that his friends were cared for. He wanted most of all to heal them. That’s how he ended up taking levels in Cleric. Upon leveling my DM and I knew Norim was going to take a level in Cleric. He asked if Norim wanted to be aware of it or not. Would he know he’s been “touched” by his god, Moradin? One failed perception roll later and we had our answer. lol The next town we arrived at happened to have a temple to Moradin. While there the head cleric begins to admonish Norim for not tending to his friends injuries. Norim, confused, said he did all he could since all he could do was first aid. A light bulb went off with the head cleric and he became very excited realizing I was a brand new freshly minted cleric. He handed off a bunch of religious books and all manner of stuff. It was a breakthrough moment for me and the character.

I’ll share one more fun story about Norim in a moment. Honestly feel a little self-conscious typing all this up and letting it out there. Felt uncomfortable writing backgrounds for characters and handing em off to close friends before we would start a campaign. lol

So using a Command spell on a dragon. Command allows you to give a subject a single command, which they obey to the best of their ability. It’s a single word and effect lasts one round if they fail their Will save. So my friends and I were fighting a dragon and some other nasty people. I don’t remember exactly why I did this, but I ended up on the dragon’s back. I think most gamers just think, “This seems like a cool idea.” and then it happens. lol The dragon was pretty smart, because I was actually beating her up pretty good despite the precarious situation I was in. She chose to dive into the ocean with me on her back. I managed to hold because letting go, while wearing plate armor, would ensure I’d sink to my death.

As I held on she kept diving deeper and deeper. That was when I came up with the Command idea. After surpassing some difficulty checks I was able to cast my spell. The command? EXHALE Wouldn’t you know it, the dragon failed. I couldn’t believe it! After much trashing and choking she managed to get back to the water’s surface and was helpless. I could have killed her, but I was miles off shore with no means of getting back. One other thing went through my characters mind, though. My opponent was defeated. Give them the chance to surrender. In Norim’s mind there was no point in going further. The point has been made and taking a life won’t add to that. There was also the idea that this was a DRAGON. A very rare and special creature. They are intelligent, can speak many languages, so clearly someone who could be reasoned with. Luckily, I was able to. So yea. A lowly 1st level Cleric spell took down a big bad dragon. :smile:


Wow. That story is awesome lol. Nothing too major like that happened with Cari here :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: also, my story was moved to official lore section by a mod :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thank you! I’ve had a lot of good times playing D&D and other tabletop RPGs. All ya need to do is think it up. Reading your stories I’d say you & Cari are off to a good start. :smiley:

lol This edit came in as I was responding.

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